Hah! My ending was pretty similar.
1. I broke into the House of Hope to steal the Hammer
2. I chose to free Orpheus with it
3. Knowing how important Opheus was to the cause, I chose to undertake ceremorphosis. And I hated it! HATED it!
4. At the end, knowing what her fight for her people's freedom meant to her, and how I just couldn't bear trying to force her to love a mind flayer, I let her go.
5. And in the end, when it was all said and done, I chose to kill myself, before I, too, became a monster
A video game has never done this to me before, but I literally got all verklempt and teary eyed at the end; It was just gut wrenching. It was tragic. I LOVED these characters, and those sacrifices cut so deep...
And that's what made it such a good story!