Larian Banner: Baldur's Gate Patch 9
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Joined: Sep 2023
prtpj Offline OP
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This game is so amazing, so rich in details and with a so beautiful scenarios. I cant understand why BG3 havent any Photo Mode with characters poses.

I love take pics ingames and I can do something with camera mods and reshade, but I only can take pics from scenarios. And I cant include my party because there isnt any poses ou even make them face the camera during a combat stance. Its so frustrating....

Please Larian, make this happens...

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Joined: Sep 2023
Unfortunately, they're working on it. I get your generation needed to show off and get approval from strangers on social networks. But in my generation of gaming we didn't care about stuff like this. At least when it comes to Starfield it serves a purpose.

But nowadays it's about showing off! Let's post the same picture of the same thing 1,000 times lol! I feel the game needs a photo mode. Back then it was about skill and not some random picture LOL! On a personal note if they prioritize "photo mode" over allowing us to change our character's looks. I'm going to lose it;

I get where you're from :P

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
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I agree, the BG3 environments are quite beautiful and it would be cool if I could if we could have our avatars face the camera from time to time. If you like to try mods I would suggestion checking out the Native Camera tweaks mod and hide UI mod which would allow you to stage scenes when the party is ungrouped and change your POV to include the characters until stuff like that makes it into the base game. Whether that's to share with your friends or just to admire for yourself, or to discuss the art direction with reference to particular scenes/characters or environments with visuals. There are lots of benefits to having a nice photo mode for a game of this sort.


Feedback here is not about prioritizing one suggestion over another, or gatekeeping what sort of feedback users can reasonably make on the home boards.

There are many threads here asking for a way to customize character appearance mid game. Here's one I started 2 years ago

here's another one from 2 weeks ago

There are many more, as the issue has been brought up a bunch of times. Probably enough for a mega-thread.

The OP has given no indication of their age or their generation, and it wouldn't be relevant to the topic at hand even if they did. Moreover it's entirely possible that the tools used in creating a photo mode may have applications in also editing the character's appearance mid-game to make that experience more rewarding as well.

As a rule it's best to avoid writing in the second person on a forum like this, at least for gripes. That said, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you and I'd also like a photo mode for this game, as well as a native way to hide the UI for purposes of immersion. Also for camera control generally, which may be related. It doesn't have to be an either/or thing, or an expression of generational tastes.

Larian and our moderators have allowed for a pretty wide range of opinions and criticisms here, provided people don't just lay into each other and start kicking up dust that way. We can rail against Larian as a company and voice our frustrations with the game's development all day long, and that's generally fine here, as long as we don't tear down other forum members to make our points in the process.

Anyhow, for the both of you, welcome to the forums!
Good luck and have fun!

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Joined: Sep 2023
For the record on 52 years old and I've been gaining longer than you have. And in the scheme of things it does matter.

First, let me address the moderating thing you're not a moderator you're a backseat moderator so therefore I don't have to listen to you.

Second for the most never have to do with anything how your overall character looks in a game.

Third thank you for the welcome even though it was a backhanded attempt.

Or don't personalize something that I said to someone else I did not address that question to you. It is not your job to defend them they can speak for themselves.

Lastly, until this issue is addressed and I can change the way my character looks I'm going to keep bringing it up and up until it's fixed.

Have a nice day lol!

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
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Joined: Oct 2020
So I am older you then you then! lol

Actually I'm not, I'm just a little bit younger. It's beside the point though. I'm not a moderator and you definitely don't have to listen to me, or anyone for that matter.

I can tell you right now though, that inserting the same topic (and in some cases the same text) across multiple threads in rapid succession in an effort to be heard will just have the opposite result from what you're after. Usually when people come banging in here like that they tend to get shown the door pretty quickly. Honestly I was doing you a solid by giving that heads up. You seem to dig the game, and that's right on, but also seem to be pretty frustrated. I'm not really sure at who... The young blood? Larian? I mean I guess it can be me if that's what you need right now. I also struggle with dyslexia and typing, so you got my sympathy there, but I think you'll find that if you engage with people a bit more before opening with broadsides and invectives against the 'kids these days,' that you'll get more traction that way.

You just got under my skin, cause you eye rolled the thread for the visually impaired and in every other post you've made since then, so I put you on blast. I'd have done it in your open letter post, but it didn't exist yet and this one did, so there ya go. Kick rocks.

I'm disengaging now.

ps. I still think a Photo mode would be cool. And no that has nothing to do with sharing pictures on social networks, except maybe this one right here, where it would actually be pretty useful.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 21/09/23 06:08 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Black_Elk
So I am older you then you then! lol

Actually I'm not, I'm just a little bit younger. It's beside the point though. I'm not a moderator and you definitely don't have to listen to me, or anyone for that matter.

I can tell you right now though, that inserting the same topic (and in some cases the same text) across multiple threads in rapid succession in an effort to be heard will just have the opposite result from what you're after. Usually when people come banging in here like that they tend to get shown the door pretty quickly. Honestly I was doing you a solid by giving that heads up. You seem to dig the game, and that's right on, but also seem to be pretty frustrated. I'm not really sure at who... The young blood? Larian? I mean I guess it can be me if that's what you need right now. I also struggle with dyslexia and typing, so you got my sympathy there, but I think you'll find that if you engage with people a bit more before opening with broadsides and invectives against the 'kids these days,' that you'll get more traction that way.

You just got under my skin, cause you eye rolled the thread for the visually impaired and in every other post you've made since then, so I put you on blast. I'd have done it in your open letter post, but it didn't exist yet and this one did, so there ya go. Kick rocks.

I'm disengaging now.

ps. I still think a Photo mode would be cool. And no that has nothing to do with sharing pictures on social networks, except maybe this one right here, where it would actually be pretty useful.

Fair Enough and thanks for the advice:P

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Honestly, this is the only game that I have wanted a camera option in which doesnt have it. I rarely take screenshots but the level of detail in the environments is amazing.

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prtpj Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Brutality
Unfortunately, they're working on it. I get your generation needed to show off and get approval from strangers on social networks. But in my generation of gaming we didn't care about stuff like this. At least when it comes to Starfield it serves a purpose.

But nowadays it's about showing off! Let's post the same picture of the same thing 1,000 times lol! I feel the game needs a photo mode. Back then it was about skill and not some random picture LOL! On a personal note if they prioritize "photo mode" over allowing us to change our character's looks. I'm going to lose it;

I get where you're from :P

"your generation"???? I did born in 1982 dude... Its not "needed to show off and get approval from strangers on social networks". Its not a generation thing, people for a longe time, likes to take pictures of everything and show to friends and others. I love to take pics from beautiful games to share.

I would like to see to another features ingame, like possibility to change char's looks and a more complex thing as a tool to create players adventures and maps as NeverWinter Nights game had.

PS: From another game which I played for so long, I had more than 7.000 pics and I did share only a few. Its not about post the same pic 1000 times. Sometimes there are funny situation to share and laugh together with friends or a cool thing which happens ingame which worth take a pic

Last edited by prtpj; 21/09/23 01:08 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
prtpj Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Black_Elk
I agree, the BG3 environments are quite beautiful and it would be cool if I could if we could have our avatars face the camera from time to time. If you like to try mods I would suggestion checking out the Native Camera tweaks mod and hide UI mod which would allow you to stage scenes when the party is ungrouped and change your POV to include the characters until stuff like that makes it into the base game. Whether that's to share with your friends or just to admire for yourself, or to discuss the art direction with reference to particular scenes/characters or environments with visuals. There are lots of benefits to having a nice photo mode for a game of this sort.

Good luck and have fun!

Hey Black, thx for the tip, but I'm already using Native Camera mods laugh
I can take good pics with this mods, but with a photo mode would be an improvement

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Location: Cormyr
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
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Location: Cormyr
As likely one of the older gamers here (60+) I can tell you even I would like a photo mode. Would be nice to get some of the more interesting shots. However I am not all that worried about it. Right now their focus is and should be on fixing glitches, performance and stability. I am sure we will eventually see a proper photo mode or barring that someone will make a great Photo Mode mod.

Joined: Oct 2021
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Black_Elk is (mostly) on the money with the advice.

Larian has actively requested suggestions and feedback on here for a large part of its company history. DOS1+2 had immense community feedback during and after development. There’s plenty of fan threads, but the suggestions and feedback subforum is generally for just that: suggestions and feedback.

Of course, when Larian asks for feedback, they also understand that everyone is going to have different tastes, preferences, likes, dislikes, wants, and needs. This subforum is therefore less a “To-Do List” and more of a brainstorming platform of things to consider adding. Some things that one group demands will be vehemently opposed by another group. Voicing your opinion is great, but after you’ve voiced it once on a particular issue, it makes no difference if you voice it again on the same issue.

The final judgment is Larian’s. It doesn’t matter (usually, not always) if something is posted one time or a million times (see the mega thread subforum for frequently demanded features). It’s not just a company; it is a group of creative people (artists) with a creative vision (art), and they’re allowing fans into the fold. Larian accepts a great diversity of feedback, but the determinants of the final decision lie in the creative process (and financial and technical constraints).

When dealing with diverse opinions, what the moderation team mostly requests is that people at least try to be civil, respectful, and empathetic. You don’t have to be a paragon of virtue by any stretch of the imagination, but we do ask that people at least make a good faith attempt at being decent to each other, even when vehement disagreements abound. To reiterate: you don’t have to be perfect; you just have to do your personal best to be decent to each other.

Moderator hat off:
I’m now realizing I’m one of the younger people on the forum as someone born in the mid-90s…

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Sep 2023
prtpj Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Brutality
On a personal note if they prioritize "photo mode" over allowing us to change our character's looks.

With patch 3 you can remove it from your list. laugh

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I would love a photo mode... for me its not a social media thing. Its a I want to remember an event/place/whatever thing.

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Joined: Oct 2020
So stoked right now! Finally, our magic mirror is coming!!!

This is cause for great joy! Yes!!!

They do for sure listen. It sometimes takes longer than we might want for the things we care about most to make it in, and everyone has got one of those that's especially near and dear to them, but when stuff like this is included can't help but do a little fist pump!

I actually broke 2 ribs in a fall last weekend walking my dog, so dancing for joy is a little tricky, that could explain some of the saltiness on my part the other day hehe. I generally try harder but I was kinda tapping out. Had me feeling extra old probably lol. Also we've all been getting hammered by those spambots with the call girls of dubai who have been trying to make the Larian boards miserable this past week. That could also explain if anyone had trouble with the search function or new posts while that was happening. Or maybe some of the support ticket type stuff? Could explain it.

Another thing that you see when kicking it for a while is that there are these strange waves of both positivity and negativity that tend to go in cycles on the home boards. Towards the end of the patch cycle seems to veer negative historically and we get a lot people come over from steam boards (cause that place can be pretty frustrating) and sometimes you get a knock on effect here, but that too subsides after a little while as spirits recoup. There will also be times were everyone seems happy and very high spirits. Morale just kinda goes up and down, but endurance can pay off, when you see stuff like the magic mirror!

I think also we just never really know how one thing may intersect with another on the dev side, so it may seem like one thing is being delayed cause they're working on something else totally unrelated to that, but where actually both need to work correctly before they can properly patch in. Like for example, in patch 1 the status portraits bug starting happening, which could mean that they were trying to get that dialed for the magic mirror, since changing appearance on the avatar needs that through line to get the appearance respec out, so the portrait would match.

Anyhow just to note that much changed during the 3 years of EA and a lot in response to direct feedback here. So we just find a thread for the things that grab us, post what we can to keep the conversation going and try to enjoy ourselves.

Sometimes we get a huge win that makes everything feel so worth it!

On friday the boards here will see a big flurry of activity cause that always goes down, then it gets quiet cause eveyone is playing again, then noisy again. It all goes in patterns hehe.

Photo mode will make it in eventually I have confidence. They got the mirror done!!! Proof positive that they get stuff done! So happy right now, I can wait till Friday for sure!

Last edited by Black_Elk; 22/09/23 01:18 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Honestly, I don't even need any pose or filter.

Just give us the ability to hide UI, character and zoom in/out.

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