Why did you remove (Rogue) immersion by scrapping (Thieves' cant) cutscenes / Questdialogues??? Pls bring it back!!!
Tiefling Hideout - EA: Thieves' cant around 6:21 min.
The Find Your Belongings sidequest doesn't trigger anymore? Why not? It was immersive even for non Rogues bcs every class could do this particular dialogues / side quest.
The screenshot shows that the dialogue option is no longer available...
Zhentarim Hideout - EA- last Patch before release: around 5:20 min.
Unfortunately I didn't find an older video, but I'm pretty sure that in much earlier versions there was also a cutscene with the hand signal / Thieves' cant...
Concerning the last screenshot: Anyone any idea for what the dialogue option with giving money to Mol is good for??? This is not clear to me, especially since the corresponding inspiration goal is apparently no longer available? At least I never get an inspiration point for "A Sound Investment (Give Mol money to found a guild in Baldur's Gate)"...