The game needs INTERESTING random encounters, because most people think of RE and go NO NO NO!!! It always badly implemented.
I would not call them random encounters, but more like MWIE : Minor World Immersion Encounters. And make these not turn base but more like the old games!
I think this would be amazing to flesh out more that Larian style zone theme park like Faerun world more. Combat is dreadfully slow pace. I would argue the older games are WAY more strategic due to the constant positioning and re-positioning. Move in / out , and mixed with that slight chaotic element of not knowing exactly how things will turn so much more fun, imho.
If that first ship area were a dungeon in BG2, it would be over in a couple minutes just due to the faster combat...which actually fits the urgency and the world! (why I still love that system...).
In BG3 I would make the imp and test subjects encounters real time, and that last part turn based. For example as a way to balance urgency/fast gameplay/ and strategic turn gameplay during bigger fights.
Having that fast pace combat mixed in with the regular turn base zones I think could work out great. Anyways, I've been arguing that and interesting random encounters for 3 years. Larian pretty much made up their minds on what they want the sequel to BG2 be.
And according to that latest patch, what people want it seems is a magic mirror to be able to change your look. So there are your priorities right there. Oh and bug fixes + restored content. I doubt we will get any kind of game changing content for a while. And 99% of MODS right now are either CHEATS or CHEESE. So wouhou to that and people saying, "ill be fineeeee, youll have a MOD for that....".
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 23/09/23 07:48 AM.