Hi everyone - I am curious if anyone is having similar issues after this latest patch and have any tips.
I have a pretty high end lenovo gaming laptop and until today I haven't had many game breaking issues until this latest patch. I have plenty of space on my C drive, have zero UI mods, verified files on steam, have disabled cloud save for a few months now, have updated drivers, and have only 2 save files.
Since this patch after I trade with a vendor, I get a 516 save error. I tested and the error ONLY pops up when I trade with a vendor. Is anyone else having issues?
Also, on this playthrough I am playing a good dark urge and currently towards the end of Act 2. I've done everything except the nightsong and go to moonrise yet. On this playthrough I decided to spare the ox but today I found Dammon dead and the strange ox missing. This feels random. Is sparing the ox in Act 2 at last night inn and Dammon dying a consequence or is this a glitch?
Thank you for any insight/help in advance.
Last edited by AlexB; 22/09/23 08:21 PM.