Yesterday I was able to equip the steelwatchers greatsword (found in the foundry or dropped when disarmed). It isn't a particulary good weapon considering the amazing spells and legendary weapons you have at that point, but I looked like an absolute (haha, get it?) BALLER. . Today a new patch came out that made it impossible to equip (like intended) and I am DEVESTATED. Now I know, I know, it looks kinda janky and we aren't meant to be able to use it but my question is; Why?. If I have 23 in strength I should be able wield the sword. So I BEG of any potential larian devs/support reading this to change it. I DESPERETALY want to weild the big badass berserker sword despite knowing that it is pretty unpractical and underpowered. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Please PLease PLEsae aaaaaaaaa:
with kind regards