Joined: Oct 2023
Hello, In the Act I in Grimforge location we can save drow Nere , after the event with rescuing him from the trap we have the chance to save him from Absolute influence by the right choices in the dialogue , then he just leave the Grimforge and his story ends there. For now this character looks like cutted content from the game: Nere have his own appearance (not NPC's standart) , his own voice actor , interesting manner of behavior. This would be a great idea to add Nere as a companion in the future updates/dlcs , especially for players who choose Minthara's side in the Act I. Other three lore companions (Gale , Karlach & Wyll) will run away in tears with this choice  . Nere will be good companion to replace those 3 fugutives. Anyway Nere is a colorful character! Hope to see him as a companion in the future updates!
Joined: Oct 2023
For you old school anime folks, Nere reminds me a lot of Desslock.
Joined: Oct 2023
I'd sooner, and rather Xeph as a Companion. In fact please do. She deserved far better than what she got. Although I'd turn her into a Zariel Teifling instead. I'm no fan of Nere, considering what he does when you do save him.
Joined: Sep 2023
In general going down the evil route should add more companions, and camp followers. Not really ones that are super fleshed out the "main" path companions, as I think Lae'zel, Shadowheart and Astarion have enough there to justify losing Wyll, Karlach and Halsin.
But it would be fun if the evil route gave you the vibe of building your own evil army to oppose the absolute for your own nefarious goals.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'd just be content for now if me sending him back to the Order of the Soul Spider to warn my fellow drow actually NOT made him end up as one of Balthazar's ghouls. But alas...
Hearing him and Minthara bicker could be fun though. Maybe add Dhourn to the mix.
Joined: Oct 2023
Yeah, at the moment we can't compare the amount of content in these two playstyles - Good and Evil. Good playstyle - we have 6 companions in Act I + Halsin in Act II Evil playstyle with raiding the Grove - only 3 companions in Act I + Minthara at the start of Act II. So , we lose 4 companions with their lore , quests and storylines in Evil playstyle for only one - Minthara. The Evil playstyle requires more content , maybe 1-2 additional companions , and Nere one of the best for this. Especially Minthara and Nere have the dialogues about each other , if you met one of them before. Would be fun to see them both in your camp  . Nere really looks like cutted content from the game. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847037233619/A35FF36D0619C7AEE9AA7A730AFFFE4BC00AC1A3/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img]
Joined: Jul 2014
agree 100%. that there even IS an "evil" path you can follow in the game is good, but it does need some fleshing out. I'm hoping that is going to happen over a series of future patches, culminating in the "definitive" edition release, probably about a year from now.
I could easily see Sazza as a goblin companion, for example, and also the Goblin "witch doctor" (the one who offers the absolute branding).
Last edited by Ichthyic; 03/10/23 12:58 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I hope for more neutral companions, the follow you in good and evil run. Like Astarion do.
Joined: Oct 2020
Could be better to add Myrkul and Bane Cultists companions, to better compliment Durge, I mean if we're going to take the Netherstones, we might as well also form our own Absolute Chosen
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm a villain enjoyer but Nere managed to be pathetic in a way that didn't endear him to me which... was kind of impressive. That's hard to pull off. Who knows what he was like before the Absolute got him though, we got to see Minthara and she's interesting - I don't see why Nere couldn't be as well. I do think the roster would feel better for having more evil-leaning character options. Another elf, though... I could easily see Sazza as a goblin companion, for example This would be amazing.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm a villain enjoyer but Nere managed to be pathetic in a way that didn't endear him to me which... was kind of impressive. That's hard to pull off. I agree, the guy literally refused to man up and own to his own mistakes, instead he started killing people for his own incompetence, I rather he'd killed them because of their mistakes rather than his own. I could easily see Sazza as a goblin companion, for example I second or third this, personally I'd rather have Sazza as a romancable companion than Halsin, would be great to have a fellow green skin for my Half-Orc playthrough.
Last edited by Sai the Elf; 04/10/23 06:16 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Who knows what he was like before the Absolute got him though, we got to see Minthara and she's interesting - I don't see why Nere couldn't be as well. That's right , Nere is under Absolute's control similar to Minthara. Would be good to have him as companion with his own story and vengeance to the Absolute on "evil" playthrough , especially considering that half of the companions are dead/ran away in tears in the first act.  I'm a villain enjoyer but Nere managed to be pathetic in a way that didn't endear him to me which... was kind of impressive. That's hard to pull off. I agree, the guy literally refused to man up and own to his own mistakes, instead he started killing people for his own incompetence, I rather he'd killed them because of their mistakes rather than his own. This scene after Nere's rescue hits the mark with dark elf's image perfectly : Nere arrogantly rushed forward , got trapped , and then , when rescued , he killed his slaves just because he could. For players , who also wants to save gnomes too , there is an opportunity to choose right dialogues with Nere : gnomes will be free , duergars will return to Moonrise Towers and Nere will escape the Grimforge no longer as a slave to the Absolute. At this point his storyline ends just like that without anything , Nere just escape the Grimforge without a trace. He would be the perfect companion for "Raiding the Grove" choice with Minthara + his story has not yet been written , open space for a good storyline as a companion. Im sure , Nere is cutted content from the release version. It feels like Act III was compressed on the release , there were no space in game for some storylines , good example - shadow druids line , you can not help them and interact with them , they just attack you without a bit of logic , refuse your help and then attack you, three against the grove... "smart decision" , especially when you know about their plan and choose the dialogues about helping them. Hope to see Nere as a companion in future updates/dlcs ! [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847038457218/5131978002A2399B092067820B25A88EE8890DD2/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847038533716/1957ACA87175F3C9E3E868DCDBAEE8C5FB9C373B/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] I could easily see Sazza as a goblin companion, for example Why not , gobbos are fun lads in BG3. I chose Minthara and them in most of my playthroughs. This will be nice to have a few goblins as summonable creatures with some interactions/dialogues/funny phrases like "Shovel" , when we rescue them - Sazza & Fezzerk - in the Moonrise Towers in Act II.
Joined: Oct 2023
Counterpoint: Nere had no redeeming features. Agree I would like to see a gobbo companion for an evil party. I'm a villain enjoyer but Nere managed to be pathetic in a way that didn't endear him to me which... was kind of impressive. That's hard to pull off. Yes. Though I really like the fact that the Drow are, for the most part, really horrible people. They should make you want to punch them in the face. That is their primary cultural feature.
Joined: Oct 2023
I don't understand what the point of Nere was. He's got such a time-sacred quest just for keeping him alive, and the only purpose of saving him seems to be immediately killing him after you rescue him. He doesn't end up doing anything for the player. What's the point in building him up like that?
ayyyyy im baldurs gatin over eeeere
Joined: Apr 2021
I do not play evil characters but even I am honestly surprised that Nere is not a companion for the evil PTs. He would fit perfectly.
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't understand what the point of Nere was. He's got such a time-sacred quest just for keeping him alive, and the only purpose of saving him seems to be immediately killing him after you rescue him. He doesn't end up doing anything for the player. What's the point in building him up like that? To give you the illusion of free will, it's just like how voting works IRL, no matter what, you're screwed with the same option, while making you think that you had a choice between the 2 options given to you.
Joined: Oct 2023
I don't understand what the point of Nere was. He's got such a time-sacred quest just for keeping him alive, and the only purpose of saving him seems to be immediately killing him after you rescue him. He doesn't end up doing anything for the player. What's the point in building him up like that? To give you the illusion of free will, it's just like how voting works IRL, no matter what, you're screwed with the same option, while making you think that you had a choice between the 2 options given to you. And for roleplay too. For example , i like dark elves in fantasy settings like Warhammer Fantasy , in DnD they are interesting too. Playing as drow , of course i will help Nere to kill duergars , save him from the Absolute and send him to Menzoberranzan to allert about illithids danger(there is such option if you play as a drow). Quest of overgrown mushroom is absolutely not important in the game.  Roleplay at the 1st place. Especially with only 12 lvls in game , we have tons of unused exp in Act III , so it's ok to skip unnecessary quests like this one. I do not play evil characters but even I am honestly surprised that Nere is not a companion for the evil PTs. He would fit perfectly. Yeah , Nere will be perfect companion for an evil playthrough with Minthara. They already knows each other , we can see this in the dialogues with them. He is one of the best options for a new companion for evil playstyle. Not standart NPC's appearance & the manner of behavior as dark elf should be , one of the most colorful characters in the Act I. Open space for his own story and some content for the Act III with him , maybe for the Act II would be better. This quest with Nere is one of the most memorable events in Act I , cause of good voice acting , phrases and the scene. Same with Grove raid with Minthara and gobbos , when you open the gates. Btw , Nere also has good voice acting and voice lines too: "As you say. Ghil lu'nin !" "Nere pities you , Thrinn. Your errors and excuses... And your sorry end." "You're in my thrall" [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847037231251/CC4DCF6170F0F37E7947167F6525F98D175E25E1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847037232939/F3666313C8588C3E01FA712370EB532628B453D5/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2071149847037219942/C8AEF3DEEDDC2C524F156437F0B30276A3C807F9/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img]
Joined: Oct 2023
Really yu guys let him leave ? jesus his boots are the Best one in the Game till act 3.. did yu guys Know that ? thats for me is reason enough to always wipe the floor with him without even thinking Twice.. (theres no universe in the know dimension where i would lose a Misty Step Boots.. Sorry Nere Just Die.RS)
There are Better Options for a Dark companion or they just Make Durge a Custom Companion for us to Went Nuts. lol
Joined: Sep 2023
Giving his content during early access, I fully expected there to be more of him… but alas, part of that dialogue with him in the forge was completely cut.
I really don’t understand why we couldn’t have a similar situation with Nere as we did with Minthara when he reports back to Moonrise or realises he’s been screwed at the forge itself, instead he just dies off screen. It feels like a waste for a character that had seemingly quite a bit of effort put into him originally (the whole underdark just kinda feels like it has no payoff the more I think about it actually, given that his moonlantern was basically the main reason for being down there).
I also like his voice actor very much too.
Despite being another drow, I wouldn’t have minded him as a companion. The banter between Minthara and him would have likely been interesting and he basically already had the perfect set up for him joining you in EA, especially given you lose so many companions by siding with Minthara in the first place.
Even in the full release it would have been nice for him to join you as support at the end of the game. Hell, he doesn’t even need to be a companion, just have the option to hang around like Dame Aylin and Isobel.
Last edited by Moongerm; 24/10/23 02:00 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Really yu guys let him leave ? jesus his boots are the Best one in the Game till act 3.. did yu guys Know that ? thats for me is reason enough to always wipe the floor with him without even thinking Twice.. (theres no universe in the know dimension where i would lose a Misty Step Boots.. Sorry Nere Just Die.RS) I know about boots , there is much better way. i helped Nere with duergars & saved him from the Absolute , but after that i just stole his boots from the inventory and damaged lantern without killing him before i went out of Grimforge , cause he escapes the Grimforge as soon as you leave the location.  Despite being another drow, I wouldn’t have minded him as a companion. The banter between Minthara and him would have likely been interesting and he basically already had the perfect set up for him joining you in EA, especially given you lose so many companions by siding with Minthara in the first place.
Even in the full release it would have been nice for him to join you as support at the end of the game. Hell, he doesn’t even need to be a companion, just have the option to hang around like Dame Aylin and Isobel. Yeah , there are few ways to add Nere: as a full playble companion like Minthara to take a place of some fugitives from Act I (companions) or as non-playble character in the camp with some dialogues , comments , interactions with heroes and his own story , like you said above.