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Joined: Sep 2023
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Joined: Sep 2023
As the game progresses one of the big pain points for me was Inventory management.

1) You are often acquiring health potions but want to evenly distribute them across all party members. Could we have a right click menu option, "Spit/share with party members?"

2) It's a pain that I can't access the inventory of party members who are in camp, I wish this was easier. Maybe we could trade with them? Or better yet, when in camp, their inventory is displayed with the camp inventory as separate tabs?

I'd often have the problem of Laz'el has a bunch of extra weapons/armor that I'd want to give to other characters but if I was swapping her out, this created a problem of having to move items to another character before swapping, and that's a pain point that I don't think players should have to deal with. In camp I would have loved the ability to off load items/gear that's for other characters without having to add/remove them from the party.

3) I wish the camp inventory had better means of sorting, like a tab/bag specifically for camp supplies, another for books, etc.

4) I wish we had a container for books -- "Book binder? Book shelf?", something we could stash all our reading material into.

5) Would have loved a container for spell scrolls -- Scroll case?

6) I wish if a character has a container (key ring, bag of ingredients) there was an option to have new things picked up to automatically go into said bag.

All the suggestions here are very rough and were quickly thought out, macro problem inventory can get very tedious and I'd love to see improvements to make it less so.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I really like those suggestions. Other things I would add on are:
Sort inventory automatically putting things into relevant containers
A send all to camp function, especially for send all within containers (so only supplies, alchemy things, etc) (useful for sending all supplies to camp, would work well with also having the long rest supplies counter acknowledging supplies in camp chest)
Containers built into the camp chest as well as player inventory

Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
I agree with all of this. When I find backpacks in the game world, I will add them to my inventory to gain a "container" of sorts. Then I can put all my scrolls in there. Or potions, or whatever. However, this process is manual. Item 6 would be especially handy as a result. It would be cool to be able to right click on a backpack and tell it to now automatically hold all the scrolls I pick up. Basically an extension of the alchemy ingredients bag and key chain, which was pure genius.

Last edited by DeceptiveMind; 08/10/23 01:45 AM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Joined: Jul 2023
Dedicated camp furniture for books, scrolls, armor, weapons, clothing, alchemy, camp supply and valuables sounds nice, especially if send-to-camp does the sorting.

Now we have a single container for everything that takes 3 clicks to sort by type and has no search option.

- You are one of us now. - Yes, I suppose I am.
Joined: Jan 2023
Joined: Jan 2023
Definitely like a lot of these. Here are my suggestions

1. Upon entering camp, all inventories should be available to the player. Adding/removing party members is just clunky. This should also be used to allow party members to be leveled up as well. Also, add in a screen upon leaving camp wherein you select your party members for the outing. While I get the whole 'talk to your party' thing, there is already functionality in game to promote that. This additional layer is unnecessary and emersion breaking.

2. Items "Sent to wares" should be sent to a different inventory accessible at camp and at vendors, but not otherwise. setting to "Sent to wares" but still having them in my players' inventory makes no sense.

3. Scroll cases, and possibly potion cases. And maybe even a bag of holding?

4. Sorting (or otherwise better inventory management) of the Camp travel chest. I can't tell how many hours I have spent rummaging through the chest to find something I wanted. In deference to the suggestions above, maybe even make multiple cases, one for each purpose. Make a potion cabinet, a book case a weapons rack and a wardrobe, and a barrel for camp supplies. All of these items exist in game and if we could simply send to camp and have them already pre-sorted into these receptacles, that would be awesome.

5. Stop putting Camp supplies cases, key rings and backpacks in the Main's inventory when removing someone from the party. In fact, I see absolutely no reason to have more than one of each in the group. Allow them to be communally available. Same goes for key items such as the artifact. Basically if it is a plot item, it should go in a separate inventory entirely which is 100% accessible by anyone.

6. Allow for sorting/filtering items in the vendor screens as well. Or at least improve the functionality that is already there.

7. Fix the bug wherein crafting items, keys and camp supplies are not automatically placed in the appropriate containers.

8. Allow the quick items menu to be sorted/sortable. Or at the very least prioritize things like healing potions at the "top" of the list. My main tends to be my mule. But when I want to find healing potions, I almost always have to go into his inventory because the healing potions are scattered far below the items listed.

9. Allow the player to manage/group and organize the hot bar abilities.

10. Something has to be done regarding camp supplies. While I get the whole alcohol thing for the "Drunk" items, the rest of it needs to be managed better. I got in the habit of 'sending to camp' any supplies I found. Only, I can't always find it. Nor can I reliably determine how many supplies I have. Sometimes the inventory screen shows just what is in the individual party members' personal possession. Sometimes it lists 40 regardless of if they have any at all. And sometimes it shows the entire lot. And the supplies themselves are not reliably in the camp travel chest either. I honestly don't know where they are sometimes.

On the topic of keys, and given the huge number of them in the game, the following would be appreciated.

Once a key is used/rendered useless, mark it as such. Ideally, remove it from inventory entirely. But at minimum, mark it as used. Also, in instances where you can have multiples of the same key, don't retain the duplicates. Or at minimum, mark them as duplicates.

Last edited by The Spyder; 09/10/23 10:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
I totally agree with all that's been said here = particularly different storage for different types of items, having full access to everyone's inventory without having to add/remove party members.

I also am fully on board with the whole used/duplicate key suggestion.

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