Hi everyone o/

At first I did open a thread on Mods Forum thinking the issue was a mod bug. I was trying to remove the mod "bags, bags, bags" and for that I should detroy all mod's bags before remove the mod to not broke my game or crash it.

But I couldnt destroy the last bag because inside of it, there were the Shadowheart's artifact. The game simply didnt allow me move out this item.

I tried too:
- transfer to another char
- click on "get all" button on the bag
- put the bag on the ground and try to get all loot from it
- throw the bag on the ground (it was destroyed and the artefact gone)
- I did put on the ground and destroy the bag (hoping with the bag destroy would left the artefact on the ground)

Each try I had fail...and I didnt know how to transfer the artefact out of mod's bag.

On next day, I found a way to do that. I asked her to stay on camp and because of the new patch3 feature, when we dismiss a companion, all his bags and items are transfered to our main char.
And there it was, the artifact were on my main's inventory outof any bag.

My 2 current issues which I think are bugs and the reason to create this thread reporting:

1 - I cant send back to Shadowheart's bag her own artifact (i dont know if this could break something in her quest line in the future). Actually I cant move the artifact to anywhere.

2 - Trying to organize things, I decided to transfer all books I found to a bag (a default bag - not a mod's bag).
I transfered all books with shift+click I noticed I did transfered too the quest item "Necromancy of Thay" book
I would like to keep all quest items inside another bag, but I dont know why (again) the game doesnt allow me to move the Necromancy of Thay to anywhere. This item is stuck inside that bag.

I dont know if there is a solution or if I need to wait for a new patch hoping this 2 issues are fixed.

PS: Is it here the right place to report a bug??

[Linked Image from imgur.com]

Last edited by prtpj; 03/10/23 06:23 PM.