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Leikari Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
She very clearly says that she needs the spear before entering the Shadowfell. Therefore, you can't get it later, because she needs it NOW. She will threaten you if you try to go in without it and you have to actively choose the "I'll fight you if you complain" dialogue, if I recall correctly. You could've just gone back and.. gotten her the spear. Or don't, and face the consequences.

It would be bad writing if she stayed with you after. Sure, she likes you at that point, but she just got a direct order from her goddess. You know, the one she's been talking about all game. And while she already has her doubts thanks to you, she's not willing to give up on Shar just yet. 10 minutes, one area and a little bit of trust later and you'd have gotten her full devotion.

The Shadowfell progresses the story past act 2. You're basically entering to act 3. So what you did is the equivalent of walking into act 2 before finishing act 1, which won't end well either for some quests. Be my guest, try it out. Lae'zel won't be happy and the tieflings.. well they won't even be able to complain anymore.

"if I recall correctly. You could've just gone back and.. gotten her the spear. Or don't, and face the consequences."

Correct. Like I assumed it is not a bug, but bad design.

"It would be bad writing if she stayed with you after."

No. I think bad writing/design is not do the conflict in the most dramatic place, in the Nightsong lair. If the spear issue would come there in dialogue and the only way to get past in that point would without Shadowheart attacking would be a) have the spear b) successful persuasive check, (very hard one), that would be ok in my book. How they did in this case, was not good game design or good writing.

"The Shadowfell progresses the story past act 2."

True, but do not make my points less valid. They should have designed all companion quest in similiar quality like Lae´zels. (She had her own map/area for it.) I have never been against of idea of plot going foward, but the design decision of important companion quests, making them like they are just small sidequests. Wyll had rough time in his companion quest design also in Act 2.

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Leikari Offline OP
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Originally Posted by Nicottia
Originally Posted by Moongerm
Tying a companion's/side character's quest into the main heart of the story to drive it narrative wise is not a new concept, and I find it bizarre that after playing RPGs for 20 years that this is suddenly a problem (Given your experience with Kotor, Bastila is one such example, Ciri from the Witcher 3 is another). I do not enjoy Act 3 one lick, but I do not go around telling people not to play or buy the game.

From what I can decipher of your post, it seems like Shadowheart did not in-fact have high enough influence (I might have completely misinterpreted because I found it a touch difficult to make sense of). She does not kill the Nightsong if you persuade her or let her make her own choice when you have done enough of her content and have high influence. Did she tell you about her past? Did she show you one of her memories? Did she say that your character is the only one she's ever felt that she can confide in about these matters? This was either a bug you encountered or as I mentioned, you did not know her as well as you think you did.

The nature of your post is not constructive, which is why people are reacting harshly. It reads like a rant and rambles in a manner that is a struggle to read. It sounds, at least to me, like you rushed through and did not take the time to do certain content that resulted in bad decisions and events that you otherwise wanted to avoid.

There is also a spoiler function in the full text editor here, btw, which might help with the construction of what you are attempting to convey.

(edited for readability)

+1 agree.

Also, to add to companions driving game's narrative in a certain direction: Morrigan in DAO with her Dark Ritual, Anders in DA2 with the 'Big Boom', and cough cough Solas in DAI.

I think OP's problem is that he somehow skipped over options that let Shadowheart make her own decision, or he simply didn't get to the persuasion check, on my 1st run she also ended up attacking me cause I chose the wrong dialogue option (and she had fully shared her memories with me, told me of her crisis of faith, I gave her the noblestalk too and her approval was at exceptional, but 1 wrong dialogue option chosen and boom, she goes full "die heretic"). But bless F8 power reload.

Also I don't quite understand OP's problem with Ketheric though, it is perfectly explained WHY he is one tough SOB to kill.

And I hate puzzles too but you don't see me complaining about that either, at least all the puzzles in BG3 are piss easy. Tiresome, but easy.

Nothing much to say to your response. Expect yes, reload, reload and reaload again. (I was just tired in that point to reaload again and again.) And about Keheric, in simples way to put it.. his boss fights reminded me about bad action hero villian or superhero villian, than never die until the last battle. Maybe a creative decision like, he escapes before you can do battle and then he become Super Sayan 2.0 would be better, like skip 2 fights and then only give player one good, long, intresting epic fight with him would be better. Example Act 1 Baddies, you do not have kill 13 times them to die, and yes, I get what he is in the story line, like a chosen. Also the logic of "you can not go back from certain magic" would be better, like the demonwoman said to Wyll. I would design the fight like this; you fight against Keheric one time, after monologue/dialogue and different roads to get there. So the One Fight happens in his Chosen Form/Super Sayan form and after you give him a killing blow, when he is down, in his Chosen, Disgusting Form, you can see how the charismatic man is gone, and he is now only a monster... That would be more dramatic and effective storytelling, than a baddie comes back from the Chosen From kind of death and become a man again just to say couple more words of monologue. You get my point now? Actions should have consequences, that is good story telling.

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Leikari Offline OP
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Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Leikari
"I don't have to make you look bad - you do the heavy lifting yourself. The mod was pointing out, that your wall of text was hard to read - it is politeness no structure longer texts."

And the other person in this forum also said about it and I did fix the text after, so it is not anymore so bulky. So that dialogue was succesful to all parties, expect you, who attack me with some kind of stick in your butt. There are people like you who would die in the hill of BG3 and there are people like me, who would not, and would have played the game more happines later, after buing it from sale or year from now. So my story was personal experiance warning, my opinion, to people who some reviews do not tell all the bad parts of BG3.

As I said - personal experience, nothing more. You don't like something, you can give constructive critisism, like veryone else here too - in case you haven't noticed, there are critical posts, I myself wrote critical posts, but in a polite and constructive manner and with arguments, that go above 'I don't like that'. Opening a thread with 'Don't buy the game full price' is not constructive, saying the storyparts should be changed, because you didn't like them is not constructive.

Originally Posted by Leikari
Yes. I read about that. Did not meet him, but seems that there should be a dialogue then, that was missing in PS5 version and PC too it seems, where Volo says, like "Lets see you in Baldurs gate." I know the Baldurs Gate 3 endings becouse I watched videos, so it is very possible that there is much better content in Act 3 than in Act 2, before the ending I saw in videos. The part I played and stopped, I was not impressed... I stopped my playtrough in after you meet the Politician Bad Guy. I have not said, that in Act 2 and Act 3 does not have good parts, I just have stated that they do not seem to same level as Act 1. Why is this so hard to understant to you?

It's not the understanding, it's the way you make your points. You say here 'I don't like those parts as much' - totally understandable, I can 100 % get behind that, I have parts I don't like , in every game - here it is Grymforge, I do not like the area. But others do - and others like the confrontation with Ketheric, the Gauntlet of Shar and Shadowhearts development (which normally does not end in her getting killed, so ... strange). The problem is not with you having opinions that are different from mine or others, the problem is starting with suchan provokative title and then saying, that the stuff you don't like should be changed. By now, a lot of people have finished the game and judging from threads here and in otehr social media, few have problems with the scenes, you had problems, so it comes back to personal taste - you don't like the Gauntlet, I don't like Grymforge. None of it needs changing.

"then our arguments stand: the game just isn't for you."

Originally Posted by Leikari
Who is our? There is no team behind you. There is you. I had much better dialogue with many others in this site, the moderator too, you seem to be the angry cat lady of this site. Relax. I am not taking you BG3 away. I am just telling my experiance with the story and now I am pointing the problems even more clearly in the responses, if some one wants to read them, those parts of Act 2 that I hope they fix. (And Act 3 ending that I saw in YouTube videos.)
Our/we = the people in this thread, who told you, the game might just not be for you - that one can't be so hard to understand, I was referring to the other posts.
And if you had titled your post with 'A critizism and review of act 2' for example and would have been more precise from the beginning, this whole discussion would have been a lot more fruitful. Instead you are condescending 'I'm not taking your game away' or ' those parts of Act 2 that I hope they fix' - that is just toxic 'I know better than you'.
And another insult: you seem to be the angry cat lady of this site - what do you think to achieve here? If you want a normal discussion, don't be that guy. You come in guns blazing and react with insults when people point out, that your behavior is lacking. Toi quote you: You know nothing about me. I could as well say, you are the unlikeable know-it-all, that always has the last word and is always condescending. I don't do that , because you are right, I don't know you.
I was defending the mod, because you were less than friendly in the other post.

Originally Posted by Leikari
Ok? You did not answer any of my questions. Becouse it seem that you just get angry about it, if someone says something critical about something you love. I was the one also with Game of Thrones after Season 4 who saw the quality drop before many others and it took awhile from masses/popular opinion people, to notice what was happening. (And later that show became horrible in its ending.) Maybe after you have played some other games after BG3, you can watch the BG3 game with more critical eye like I and you can see my very clear point/argument that Act 1 was ready, Act 2 was not ready and Act 3 was not ready. (Even some parst were ready in Act 2 and Act 3.)

I play rpgs for more than 20 years and don't need this condescending tone, ok? We have already established, that you have a subjective problem with those quests. If they were a problem for other people, you would find threads about them here, but neither Ketheric nor the Gauntlet / Shar puzzle has so far earned any kind of critizism.
And everyone and their aunt could see the downfall of Game of Thrones coming, especially if you have read the books. So you are not 'the one' here. There was a lot of critic back in the day.

Originally Posted by Leikari
Ok. That is first intresting thing you have written. You have written to me like hitting with baseball pat everywhere and hope it hit somehow. I kind found the Mass Effect 2 better than 3, becouse in 3 ending was very disapointing, I agree with that opinion of many of the lacking of Mass Effect 3 ending. Mass Effect 2 was good for me, for many reasons, but one reason was that it was less the "save the world story", and more personal story, and smaller scale enemy, kind of. The main plot of whole Mass Effect is not great, but companions and world building is well made. It is very good that you just stop playing game if you seem to be bored etc. I should have also done that right away in the Temple or before Act 2. I forced myself to play it in the Temple, when I was not feeling it anymore. That was my mistake, not Larian Studios or yours. But I do not admit I am wrong in my points/arguments, I think they are very solid and also it is possible they are fixed year for now. So why not, I would not say, do no buy this game in full price? What I mean is, that wait sale or wait for months or a year, then BG3 can be the game that some think it is now. 9/10. Right now, it is not, in my opinion.

Well, maybe take the clue and just stop playing, if you don't have fun. That was all I and some others had said. I stopped Mass Efeect because of the boring characters and repetetive gameplay.

And that is all from me - critisize the game all you want, but maybe be a bit more polite about it.

"The problem is not with you having opinions that are different from mine or others, the problem is starting with suchan provokative title and then saying, that the stuff you don't like should be changed."

There you have it. That is why I am so high level bard you know... Provokative title get at least some views, and we had this heartwarming conversations.

" I could as well say, you are the unlikeable know-it-all, that always has the last word and is always condescending."

I love you too.

"I was defending the mod, because you were less than friendly in the other post."

That mod did not need your defence/shield. In that response I did, had humor in it, even it was writen guns out, similiar humor that you can not see even in the first text I wrote. Do you really believe that I think I am level 15 bard? It was just friendly vicious mockery that went over your head. Clearly the mod can write much better than I was mocking and also, it was a good test. He was civilizaed about it, what makes he good eanugh mod. Also, like I already said, becouse I listened the mod and the other persons points and did I change the text be less bulgy... The communication was succesful of all parties, expect with you it seems, becouse you decided this was the opportinity for you to go full shining knight in armor. Do you have some kind personal problem that you are taking on me, or what? And also. I do not believe you are cat lady, and also, some cat ladys are cool, maybe not the Simpson one, but some are.

'A critizism and review of act 2"

Hey. We end up almost in the same page, becouse I did earlier today kind of review of the game and just published it here, before I even read your response.

"I stopped Mass Efeect because of the boring characters and repetetive gameplay."

Ok. That is valid opinion. I can see that, if you did not enjoy the change of Mass Effect 2, where some more rpg elements of battle become more action/shooter style. (I also think that the original Mass Effect 1 had better "cooling system".) And sometimes that can happen, that you just do not get the connection to the games characters.

But anyway. Good luck for you, I probably will not response much more in this thred or forum, so you can take last words if you want. laugh

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Leikari Offline OP
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Thanks for all responses, have nice day or night, whatever you are having. Peace out.

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Originally Posted by Leikari
But anyway. Good luck for you, I probably will not response much more in this thred or forum, so you can take last words if you want. laugh

Don't worry, I'm through with you, I don't need that kind of toxicity in my life. Learn to communicate without being condescending and gaslighting and we can talk again, but judging by your new thread title, that will probably not happen.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Originally Posted by Leikari
And about Keheric, in simples way to put it.. his boss fights reminded me about bad action hero villian or superhero villian, than never die until the last battle. Maybe a creative decision like, he escapes before you can do battle and then he become Super Sayan 2.0 would be better, like skip 2 fights and then only give player one good, long, intresting epic fight with him would be better.

Didn't you write earlier that you enjoyed Mass Effect series? Cause Ketheric battle is basically mirrored Saren fight if you think about it.

You meet Saren at Virmire and he monologues at you how doomed you are, but you have a chance to try to persuade/bully him into rethinking his stance on Reapers. You fight, you kind of lose and both of you escape the planet.
You meet Ketheric at the top of Moonrise Towers and he monologues at you about his family and how doomed you are, but you have a chance to "try to spare him". You fight, you almost defeat him but he escapes.

You meet Saren again at the Citadel Tower's Control Center and he again monologues at how doomed you are and how he's gotten upgraded, here you can persuade/bully him again into offing himself. Which skips the fight to the "Super Saiyan Stage".
You meet Ketheric again at the Illithid Colony's "control center"and he again monologues at how doomed you are, how his God (Myrkul) will save him and you can persuade him into offing himself (only if you attempted to spare him before) what leads to a very touching redemption scene, before he offs himself and skips the fight to the Apostle of Myrkul fight (kind of Super Saiyan?).

Sure, if you aren't interested in all the monologues and just skip them, then others have said - that's on you.

When it comes to Ketheric I wouldn't change a thing, I actually would love even more of him in the game. If you were like me and snooped around where you shouldn't, you would've discovered pretty early into act 2 who Isobel really was to Ketheric. Of course, eventually the truth comes out over the course of the game, but Ketheric is imho such a fascinating character. While in Saren there wasn't a shred of goodness, he was just a goal oriented turian running roughshod over anyone that dared to get in his way, Ketheric on the other hand was a family man who one day lost everything. So he turned from worshiping Selune to the worship of Shar (because of the massive loss he suffered) and then he turned to Myrkul after 'lord of bones' returned his daughter to him.

Originally Posted by Leikari
Example Act 1 Baddies, you do not have kill 13 times them to die, and yes, I get what he is in the story line, like a chosen. Also the logic of "you can not go back from certain magic" would be better, like the demonwoman said to Wyll.

You are exaggerating, at best you have to kill Ketheric twice, at worst 3 times. Larian really likes the poetry of number 3 in BG3 I noticed, you have three acts, plot is orchestrated by the Dead Three, you've got three Netherstones and so on.

Also, Ketheric isn't just a chosen, he literally siphons immortality from Dame Ailyn (aka Nightsong) as long as she's imprisoned by the Soulcage in the Shadowfell Ketheric will remain immortal. That's the entire point of going through Shar's temple into the Shadowfell. To free her one way or another.
Originally Posted by Leikari
I would design the fight like this; you fight against Keheric one time, after monologue/dialogue and different roads to get there. So the One Fight happens in his Chosen Form/Super Sayan form and after you give him a killing blow, when he is down, in his Chosen, Disgusting Form, you can see how the charismatic man is gone, and he is now only a monster... That would be more dramatic and effective storytelling, than a baddie comes back from the Chosen From kind of death and become a man again just to say couple more words of monologue. You get my point now? Actions should have consequences, that is good story telling.

So basically you want ME1's final Saren fight and ME2's Human Reaper fight, while Ketheric already shares so many damn similarities with Saren and even with the Human Reaper battles, avatar of Myrkul has similar move set to the Human Reaper with the hand swipes and whatnot. The fight imho is already dramatic and unbelievable as it is. You are facing an avatar of a god at lvl 8-10. Normally such a feat would be nearly impossible to accomplish. Also, like I explained, there are other ways around "killing" Ketheric like convincing him to off himself.

Ketheric is the only big boss in BG3 where your choices and attitude towards him DO MATTER. And your actions have consequences.

Edit: Added spoilers where applicable and fixed typos.

Last edited by Nicottia; 07/10/23 02:32 PM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Leikari
So. She tried to kill me before meeting Nightsong.

Oh ok, I missed this. If this is the case then I assume you didnt get her spear before attempting to enter the pool to do the Nightsong section? Which explains why she turns hostile.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Jeez, for someone who is complaining that Ketheric spoke too much, he really enjoys rambling on for a thousand non-paragraphs...

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Leikari
No. I think bad writing/design is not do the conflict in the most dramatic place, in the Nightsong lair. If the spear issue would come there in dialogue and the only way to get past in that point would without Shadowheart attacking would be a) have the spear b) successful persuasive check, (very hard one), that would be ok in my book. How they did in this case, was not good game design or good writing.
You're asking her to spite her goddess for no other reason than being too lazy to get her the spear. What's next, do you want to persuade the mind flayer parasite to just leave your head after you jump out of the pod in the nautiloid and the game ends straight after character creation?

Originally Posted by Leikari
True, but do not make my points less valid. They should have designed all companion quest in similiar quality like Lae´zels. (She had her own map/area for it.) I have never been against of idea of plot going foward, but the design decision of important companion quests, making them like they are just small sidequests. Wyll had rough time in his companion quest design also in Act 2.
They will for the most part in act 3, which in my opinion is much worse. I prefer it if they're relevant to the overall story, not just their own little side stories. It makes the world feel more alive.

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old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by vx_phoenix_vx
. BG3 kicks ass.

Such an eloquent and in-depth synopsis of the game. FFS.

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Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by vx_phoenix_vx
. BG3 kicks ass.

Such an eloquent and in-depth synopsis of the game. FFS.

Let's not have posts that just take a dig at someone else. Totally unnecessary.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Joined: Aug 2023
Lol this thread.

Go outside...experience something real.

Gain perspective.

Humble thyself.

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* Ahem *

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Let's not have posts that just take a dig at someone else. Totally unnecessary.

Originally Posted by Myhthreindeer
Lol this thread.

Go outside...experience something real.

Gain perspective.

Humble thyself.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Not every game is for everyone

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wow, what a character.

no, I will not be reading your scrawl of insane text. nor will I be following your demands as stated in the title.

now run along and go touch grass on your way.

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* Ahem again *

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
* Ahem *

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Let's not have posts that just take a dig at someone else. Totally unnecessary.

Originally Posted by Myhthreindeer
Lol this thread.

Go outside...experience something real.

Gain perspective.

Humble thyself.

Originally Posted by Ichthyic
wow, what a character.

no, I will not be reading your scrawl of insane text. nor will I be following your demands as stated in the title.

now run along and go touch grass on your way.

Getting a bit frustrated now! At this rate I’m going to either have to lock this thread or give people posting contrary to my requests a timeout so they can catch up with moderator guidance. Or both.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Joined: Oct 2020
Too late.

Already bought it soon as it hit EA, put 450 hours into it the full release and haven't regretted a dime.

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Also, it's generous of you to consider yourself a level 15 bard

Okay, Volo shadowheartgiggle

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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Getting a bit frustrated now! At this rate I’m going to either have to lock this thread or give people posting contrary to my requests a timeout so they can catch up with moderator guidance. Or both.

You might want to edit the OP and leave a moderator comment there to warn people. Nobody jumps to the last post until they already posted, assuming if they check the thread after posting.

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Right, locking this thread after repeated ignoring of my requests. And given that the OP has said they're not sticking around, and has confessed they were being deliberately provocative and controversial with the title. As they were, it's not wholly surprising that folk rose to the bait, though they really should know better.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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