The druid class is fine, in all three forms, just not as flashy and/or gear supported as, say, sorcerers or several of the cleric domains. The druid subclasses also tend to offer less MC'ing-wise than other classes. The shapeshifts want levels for the better forms and higher hp totals. Spore also needs enough druid levels to have a decent temp hp pool. And the early benefits aren't up there with what you can get from the likes of fighter, rogue, or a couple of the cleric domains.
As far as clerics go, they fill different roles. Cleric party support relates more to hp and modifying some rolls, while druids are more about shaping the battlefield, adding pets to the mix, and increasing party mobility (though also some healing). Cleric domains are also so varied that you can run multiple clerics without feeling this issue, even without MC'ing them. The life cleric as the healer, the War Cleric wading into melee, while Tempest and Light Clerics are nuking with damage dealing spells... Yeah, that bit about clerics being flashier

But a cleric can also easily support the druid. For example, starting right at level 1, you can have the cleric summon water to give enemies the wet status, and then have your druid hit them with an ice knife for double damage.
Circle of the Land gets you a variety of spells, at the ready, but the ones you use most will probably be the standard druid spells, and with a bunch being concentration spells, including ones you have to spend an action to use/move (like Moonbeam or Call Lightning), you'll often find yourself limited in actual quantity/variety of spells cast. Shapeshifting being a full action also means that using it in combat is pretty much giving up a turn, so this greatly limits its usefulness. Though using kitty for various reasons is handy. Overall, this is the subclass I think will actually feel the most lackluster, due the nature of BG3. Being able to rest easily makes resource management less of an issue, and that in turn leads to more of a focus on going nuclear over playing a more limited resource efficient way. Which in turn means that classes/subclasses like sorcs, warlocks, paladins, Battle Masters, and Bards come out ahead.
Circle of the Moon is nice because shapeshifting becoming a minor action. That means you'll be able to cast, then shift, or shift and right away use your form. Plus more forms to play with. However, it does not play well with MC"ing. You want lots and lots of druid levels, so you get access to the later forms as well as bigger temp hp pools. But that shapeshifting will see you wander more into melee and such, over using your spells, because you can't cast while shifted. So while I feel that it is overall the superior classic (not zombie pet) druid, well, it is the shapeshifting subclass, and shapeshift you likely will. So if you do want the spell focus, go with Land, not Moon, regardless.
And spore has its minions, and works well when combined with various weapon based classes. You'll often see it used this way, combined with ranged weapon attacks or wading in melee. However, it does want enough druid levels to bolster the temp hp it needs for its thing. Definitely not a "splash of X" type MC option.