Joined: Oct 2023
But neither Ecc2ca or JandK claimed that nobody else is experiencing bugs. All they said was that the game is working fine for them on their PCs. But can we agree that it doesn't help my problem that it works well for them?! A few minutes ago I discovered a bug in my own game that was reported by users on Reddit three months ago, I don't know if it was submitted to the bugreport, but it was. So sure, Larian is working, but there are still bugs that were known three months ago! By the way, the problem is not that there are bugs, but that Larian does not communicate about them. Take the example of Shadowheart not following the team error. That would be enough for me. But there is silence about the other bugs. Maybe it's company policy, it's certainly unpleasant when banal bugs are revealed about the best game in the world. But let's not forget that I am the customer! I paid for the game, even though I could have downloaded it from a torrent, in my country there is no law against it, because the copyright fee is built into the price of the media (HDD, SSD, etc.). So I am not expecting a miracle, just proper communication. Sorry, man but my game on PC is running perfectly too. You gotta give Larian more time... they just fixed over 1000 bugs with a 60 Gig update (!!). And they communicate Very well regarding what they are working on. Any more posts from them about every single fix they work on daily, and there would be zero space left on this forum. They'll eventually get to the bugs that are hampering your experience and fix them.... unfortunately for you, those bugs are not as high on the priority list (there are more critical bugs they need to fix first). Every single patch introduces new bugs... it's the nature of the beast. No choice, you just have to be patient. Or: quit the game until Christmas or so, and come back then to see if things have improved for your specific situation. No, people don't "gotta give Larian more time". They paid for their product already!....... Larian should not have released the game partly baked; regardless of how hard they are working NOW, they should have worked hard and released the game later once it was fully baked (perhaps around christmas time this year). The game seems to be working fine for me, except Shart not following in group (however i worked out if i create a new save game and load from that, she goes back to following). For other people the game is still broken, I feel bad for them considering the lack of fully baked games being released too early these last however many years; I'm pretty damn sick of not getting what I paid for initially too. "(there are more critical bugs they need to fix first)"; I dunno, there is a lot of CRAP they changed in this patch; for example moving a tree for a better camera angle lol..... They clearly are putting their effort into the wrong place when there are sooooo many people complaining about things like item grouping, yet they move a tree for a better camera angle.... "And they communicate Very well regarding what they are working on" NO, they really DO NOT communicate well at all. FSR2 is a pretty damn good example of that, it was told to us that it would be released around sep6 ps5 bg3 release and there was forums/disc channels/steam threads etc asking for nearly 2 months what is going on without a single mention of it from anyone at Larian. Larians communication is so extremely poor, I am not sure what position regarding BG3 you are making this claim from?
Last edited by Motojunkie86; 04/11/23 01:54 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
But neither Ecc2ca or JandK claimed that nobody else is experiencing bugs. All they said was that the game is working fine for them on their PCs. But can we agree that it doesn't help my problem that it works well for them?! A few minutes ago I discovered a bug in my own game that was reported by users on Reddit three months ago, I don't know if it was submitted to the bugreport, but it was. So sure, Larian is working, but there are still bugs that were known three months ago! By the way, the problem is not that there are bugs, but that Larian does not communicate about them. Take the example of Shadowheart not following the team error. That would be enough for me. But there is silence about the other bugs. Maybe it's company policy, it's certainly unpleasant when banal bugs are revealed about the best game in the world. But let's not forget that I am the customer! I paid for the game, even though I could have downloaded it from a torrent, in my country there is no law against it, because the copyright fee is built into the price of the media (HDD, SSD, etc.). So I am not expecting a miracle, just proper communication. Sorry, man but my game on PC is running perfectly too. You gotta give Larian more time... they just fixed over 1000 bugs with a 60 Gig update (!!). And they communicate Very well regarding what they are working on. Any more posts from them about every single fix they work on daily, and there would be zero space left on this forum. They'll eventually get to the bugs that are hampering your experience and fix them.... unfortunately for you, those bugs are not as high on the priority list (there are more critical bugs they need to fix first). Every single patch introduces new bugs... it's the nature of the beast. No choice, you just have to be patient. Or: quit the game until Christmas or so, and come back then to see if things have improved for your specific situation. No, people don't "gotta give Larian more time". They paid for their product already!....... Larian should not have released the game partly baked; regardless of how hard they are working NOW, they should have worked hard and released the game later once it was fully baked (perhaps around christmas time this year). The game seems to be working fine for me, except Shart not following in group (however i worked out if i create a new save game and load from that, she goes back to following). For other people the game is still broken, I feel bad for them considering the lack of fully baked games being released too early these last however many years; I'm pretty damn sick of not getting what I paid for initially too. "(there are more critical bugs they need to fix first)"; I dunno, there is a lot of CRAP they changed in this patch; for example moving a tree for a better camera angle lol..... They clearly are putting their effort into the wrong place when there are sooooo many people complaining about things like item grouping, yet they move a tree for a better camera angle.... "And they communicate Very well regarding what they are working on" NO, they really DO NOT communicate well at all. FSR2 is a pretty damn good example of that, it was told to us that it would be released around sep6 ps5 bg3 release and there was forums/disc channels/steam threads etc asking for nearly 2 months what is going on without a single mention of it from anyone at Larian. Larians communication is so extremely poor, I am not sure what position regarding BG3 you are making this claim from? Of course we can agree that some of this stuff doesn't help the issues you are experiencing. Of course I understand what you're trying to express. But it's also HOW you're saying things. This game was not half baked at all. For it to be perfect at launch, it would've taken a decade to complete and Larian Studios would've gone bankrupt in the meantime. Sometimes, I don't think you understand the unhelpful effect of your statements' tone and words. Especially about how a game this insanely massive is even made. There are MILLIONS of bugs. Millions. Some old, some new every Day! Such is the nature of a game this iterative, adaptable and responsive. But there are only 24 hours in a day and a Finite amount of people working on this during those 24 hours (not to mention a finite amount of money). Sometimes I admire the Moderators' patience. It's so rude to address the devs this way, man... and unnecessary. There's no need for that. Look, the overwhelming majority in the entire WORLD has already judged this game to be a masterpiece achievement in Gaming History. And here you are: sounding entitled, angry, sanctimonious, impatient, cruel and rude. Do you have any idea how many hours, passion, pain, sweat and tears Larian devs have poured into this game? Are you really this unable to recognize how awesome and Rare this game already is? Perhaps I misunderstood you.... but that's what you actually sound like when you address the devs (and people in general) in this way. How about this, here's an exercise of change in perspective: Pretend you're a Larian developer and you're almost done patching BG3. You stopped thinking about the game, and you're going on holiday... after the entire world told you what a wonderful game you made (though not perfect, sure), and you turn your devices off, disconnect from the internet, go outside and look at sky and the the sun - and the Real World - on your deserved vacation, and then: some person comes at you speaking IRL the way you address people/Larian's Team here.... How would that make you feel? Really look into the mirror, and tell me you think that this is okay, and that you would have the willingness and insensitivity to address someone - in real life - the way you've addressed people here online. (By the way, this is rhetorical, as we all know the true answer already to this hypothetical question).
Joined: Oct 2023
I'm curious, what Mod was causing the problem? Well, I can't comment on what was causing the problem, but the two overrides I forgot to remove when initially de-modding my game were Highlight Everything (which has never actually seemed to work for me, incidentally), and Mod Fixer.
Joined: Aug 2023
MarcoNeves, It's not the first time I've seen your post, there's something wrong with you, you're sick
Last edited by Shipa; 04/11/23 03:06 AM.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
Okay gang lets keep it calm and not personal
Joined: Aug 2023
The version number for patch 4 is; however, I noticed that there was another smaller update applied onto my game (GOG version) after patch 4 so my version number is now What is covered in the smaller update?
Joined: Oct 2020
MarcoNeves, It's not the first time I've seen your post, there's something wrong with you, you're sick Ummm... rude. And of course you have. I've been here much longer than you, stranger. But okay, a great day to you as well. 
Last edited by MarcoNeves; 04/11/23 05:58 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
It always amazes me how ready people are to defend a crap product. Would you use an airplane, a car, an x-ray or even your microwave at home with software developed according to Larians standards? Would you be like, ohh we just need to give them more time? Probably not, because by then a lot of people would have died due to a crappy development process and non-existant quality assurance.
People paid for their product, they paid 100%, they deserve a 100% working product in return. That is called work ethic. If you buy a car you won't wait for a year and 6 patches to get the air condition working and to use gears above 4, you return the car and get your money back. And don't start with "it is complex, it is not their fault". Yes, it is. 100%.
Joined: Jul 2013
Yeah, I'm glad it's finally fixed, but after almost 4 months, I finally got tired of waiting and moved on to something else. I figured it was such a small thing that it would have been fixed pretty quick, so I put my game on hold and waited for the fix. If I knew it would take almost 4 months for it to get fixed, I might have played on without it, although the one I wanted to take was a non-combat cantrip so that would have ruined a bit of my out of combat experience. If I were going to take a combat cantrip, I could have managed without it.
When each hotfix and patch came and didn't fix it, I began to wonder if I was the only one playing an Archfey Warlock. I found very few mentions of it here or other forums. Out of curiosity I looked up some play throughs on YouTube and found a few playing Archfey Warlocks. I skipped through until they hit level 4, and not a single one noticed the missing cantrip. The Archfey is my favourite class lore-wise, and I was very annoyed when I couldn't get my Minor Illusion. However, the only reason I noticed was because I levelled Wyll right after my own character. Most people only have a vague idea of what they're supposed to get each level. I decided to play Warlock because I've never played one before. Since the game doesn't show character progression, I consulted bg3.wiki to have an idea of what I would do at each level up rather than wrack my brain for two hours trying to decide every level up. I might have missed it for a bit if I too didn't have Wyll. I had just swapped him into the party to go do his quest and we leveled up after the first fight we encountered. That's pretty much where I left off. I couldn't resist and decided to hop back in the game. Before continuing from where I left off, I decided to go back a few saves and refresh my memory. I have it set to 5 auto saves and 5 quick saves. I use 10 hard saves, overwriting the oldest as I go. Every save I load, except the oldest, the party gets 120XP and levels up. I compared screen shots of the journal from that oldest save to the one right after it and the only thing different is we completed the quest to save the gnome from the windmill. I see in the patch notes that it says: Persuading Fezzerk and the gang to flee from the windmill area now grants XP. I used intimidation to make them leave, so if it's retroactively granting that XP that would only be part of it. I loaded the oldest save and complete the quest using intimidation like before, and it only grants 70XP after the goblins leave plus another 45 after completing it. We're still 300+ XP from leveling up at that point, and there is about 1.5 hours difference between the two saves, so there's no telling what I did.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm curious, what Mod was causing the problem? Well, I can't comment on what was causing the problem, but the two overrides I forgot to remove when initially de-modding my game were Highlight Everything (which has never actually seemed to work for me, incidentally), and Mod Fixer. It has to do with ModFixer according to the discussions in that mods comment section. If ModFixer is just sitting in the modfolder, there is no problem, but as soon as it has to get work, because a mod is added, that requires ModFixer, then the trouble begins.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Nov 2023
I don't want to be demagogic, because I'm really grateful to Larian for this and the two other games (DOS), but let's not forget that this is a service that customers pay for! Especially you should understand that, living in a country with a long history of market thinking. I live in a former socialist country, if a company does this in my country, we just snicker that their work ethic is socialist indoctrination. But Larian is a western company. I would like to say about the development workload at Larian that I am not without empathy, but let us not forget that they do not do this as a hobby, but in all likelihood they are paid a market wage.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
Okay, let's not bring politics into it. We're not going to lock a news thread announcing a patch, so be aware that failing to engage civilly, constructively and in line with expected community standards here is most likely going to result in a suspension. Let's also keep it calm and non-personal.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Feb 2022
As of patch-4 I can no longer change the resolution. Switched the game to running in windowed mode, 16:9, 1920x1080 Everything runs fine.
When I revert back to fullscreen the fullscreen option works. The game is then running in 1920x1080 in fullscreen After that, if I change to 43:18, 3440x1440 the game simply stops running (unloads)
Joined: Nov 2023
The change to the controller UI for multiselect is terrible. You have to hold a button for a full second, then use a different button to select a couple of items, only to have the game exit you out of multiselect the moment you send those items to a party member. Then you have to hold the multiselect button for another full second and select a couple of items to send to a different character. This makes inventory sorting painful - not just in the sense that inventory control now takes a lot of time when it didn't used to, but in my case it makes inventory sorting now *literally* painful because I use a controller to reduce pressure on my joints.
According to the patch notes, this change was made to make things 'more intuitive,' but it isn't more intuitive, it's just more time consuming. And even if it was more intuitive, that's a problem the first two or three times you try to figure it out. The so-called fix for that adds a more time-consuming system that lasts for the player's entire experience. I don't know who wanted this change, or decided it was a good idea, but I really doubt that they play with a controller.
tldr; The controller multiselect change is a QOL downgrade, particularly for people using a controller for accessibility reasons. Please either change it back or give us the option to change it back in settings.
Joined: Oct 2020
It always amazes me how ready people are to defend a crap product. Would you use an airplane, a car, an x-ray or even your microwave at home with software developed according to Larians standards? Would you be like, ohh we just need to give them more time? Probably not, because by then a lot of people would have died due to a crappy development process and non-existant quality assurance.
People paid for their product, they paid 100%, they deserve a 100% working product in return. That is called work ethic. If you buy a car you won't wait for a year and 6 patches to get the air condition working and to use gears above 4, you return the car and get your money back. And don't start with "it is complex, it is not their fault". Yes, it is. 100%. LMAO!!!!! Your comparisons.... I mean.... lmao!!!!!!!
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
As I said: We're not going to lock a news thread announcing a patch, so be aware that failing to engage civilly, constructively and in line with expected community standards here is most likely going to result in a suspension. That's one. Please let's not have any more.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Nov 2023
Where is politics here? You know that when I write "former socialist country", it's not political!? It is a historical fact. Do you know that? If I write that I, or John Doe, or whoever is a socialist/liberal/conservative/stb, that's politics. Do you understand the difference between the two?
I suppose you're going to suspend me for confronting you for writing nonsense.
Joined: Oct 2021
It always amazes me how ready people are to defend a crap product. Would you use an airplane, a car, an x-ray or even your microwave at home with software developed according to Larians standards? Would you be like, ohh we just need to give them more time? Probably not, because by then a lot of people would have died due to a crappy development process and non-existant quality assurance.
People paid for their product, they paid 100%, they deserve a 100% working product in return. That is called work ethic. If you buy a car you won't wait for a year and 6 patches to get the air condition working and to use gears above 4, you return the car and get your money back. And don't start with "it is complex, it is not their fault". Yes, it is. 100%. Personally, I feel that I've gotten more than my fair share of entertainment for the price I paid. Although, it's worth noting that I purchased the game way back during early access, meaning that I understood I was purchasing a game that was under development. That said, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't think your examples are entirely without merit. The spirit of what you're saying is very clear. There's much to be said about the importance of getting what you paid for. Still. While I understand your position, I don't ultimately agree with you. Some responsibility must fall on the buyer in this case, surely. No one hid that patches and hotfixes would be forthcoming. Any amount of research into the matter would have indicated that bugs were likely to be a part of the purchase. So, this is a "buyer beware" situation, wherein a certain due diligence is to be expected of the buyer. Caveat emptor, right?
Joined: Jul 2019
I didn't notice others mentioning it, but since this latest patch I'm having massive FPS drops after starting Act 2. Was not experiencing this with Patch 3 on Act 2. It's playable but kills the experience to slide show cutscenes at times.
I'm on a 7900 XTX, 1440p and capped at 60 fps. I got rid of the overlay and everything since I was having CTDs on patch 3 with it on. I'm also using Vulkan because using the DX11 causes my game to CTD every 5 minutes on both of my AMD cards.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
I didn't notice others mentioning it, but since this latest patch I'm having massive FPS drops after starting Act 2. Was not experiencing this with Patch 3 on Act 2. It's playable but kills the experience to slide show cutscenes at times.
I'm on a 7900 XTX, 1440p and capped at 60 fps. I got rid of the overlay and everything since I was having CTDs on patch 3 with it on. I'm also using Vulkan because using the DX11 causes my game to CTD every 5 minutes on both of my AMD cards. It's not nearly as bad as that for me, but Vulkan graphics have been noticeably jerkier since the last patch. I had just arrived in Act 2 before it was released. I've not tried playing around with settings yet or with DX11.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"