After finishing the game with romanced Astarion I have to say this is my favourite character and romance in any game I've played, so thank you Larian for giving us such a delicious treat! Despite the romance being generally fulfilling there are still things that could use improvements and some extra dialogues and scenes are sorely missing. Here are my observations and suggestions after finishing my Tav's story and watching vids of alternative routes, organised according to the acts of the game.
Act 1 1. The mirror scene - after it or during the scene as an alternative approach Tav should be able to suggest to Astarion to use the tadpole so he can physically see himself through their eyes, just as he sees
his scars during the ascension scene.
Another possibility is teaching him to conjure up a mirror image if Tav is magically inclined or asking Gale to help out. Let Astarion finally see his own face!
2. At the end of the first romance scene triggered before the grove celebration Astarion asks Tav to leave before more people thank him for saving their tails, which is clearly a thing from early access where it was impossible to be with him before the grove battle. He should have a different line there.
3. When propositioning Tav the second time during the grove celebration Astarion says he'd find them after everyone was asleep. When they eventually meet up they are actually standing right where they saw each other last (in my game I still saw people walking around in the background). I think they should reunite either while exiting the camp or somewhere outside of it altogether. What would really elevate this scene is some extra playfulness, for example Astarion grabbing Tav's hand and sneakily running off together (they should be more comfortable with each other at this point after all) or, if they do meet up in a different location, Astarion could pull Tav in for a kiss.
4. My Tav was a drow and I honestly cannot remember him ever making a comment about it. I was expecting him to be a bit mistrustful due to drow race's backstabbing reputation and asking her at some point if she intended to treat him like a glorified pet as is customary in the majority of their matriarchal society. There should have been extra RP options for Lolth-sworn characters to be more intimidating and dominant and maybe him showing some discomfort about it as a prelude to his trauma reveal and for Seldarines to say they reject the rules of that society and see him as an individual and not a plaything.
Act 2 1. During early access I remember seeing a video from mmogurl where Gale propositioned Tav knowing they had already been involved with Astarion and it was possible to refuse him on the account of not wanting to hurt Astarion and Gale even commented that Astarion was lucky and that loyalty like that was a rare thing. In the release version I saw no such dialogue, in fact Gale invited my Tav to see the starry sky, professed his love and there was zero mention of our lovely vampire. The only way to refuse Gale was saying we didn't love him back. It would be nice to have that option restored. For science, I tested what would happen if we kissed Gale but not gone all the way. He then talks about being excited that Tav is in love with him (Tav never said it) and how wonderful their honks was, which never even happened lol. Afterwards, Astarion wants Tav to choose between them, and when he is picked, he is happy telling her she can consider herself well and truly taken. It looks like Wyll is not informed about that because right afterwards he tries to seduce her with the dance scene. After kissing Wyll there is yet another dialogue with Astarion asking to choose him or Wyll, finished on the same note about Tav being properly taken. It looks like the romance flags here are completely wonky. And if it's actually supposed to be this way somehow, Astarion should be upset with Tav for getting involved with someone else when they're supposed to be a thing already. Interestingly enough, Gale only propositions Tav before talking to Araj Oblodra, afterwards there is no projection of his during the evening and Astarion can safely confess to Tav. The dance scene with Wyll never triggers then as well.
2. When killing the
rat figure before encountering the orthon Tav has no way to honour the deal with Raphael once they start talking to Yurgir. Astarion gets very angry and has the same reaction as he does when agreeing to help the orthon fulfill his contract before finding the rat person. He should definitely have different lines because at that point Tav has literally no clue they are sabotaging Astarion. Perhaps Astarion could realise his deal is about to become void when Yurgir explains what is happening to him and urges Tav to kill him quickly before Raphael shows up to collect the devil.
3. The confession scene after talking to Araj Oblodra should be expanded and reworked. The only way for him to express his feelings is to ask him why he slept with Tav. It would be nice if he said how he felt no matter what. In this scene he also never tells Tav that intimacy with them still feels tainted to him, which is a crucial part of his romance so the option to tell him to abstain from sleeping together seems to come out of nowhere. We can easily headcanon here they never take a break, which is not what actually happens.
4. Apparently, after the 'I want us to be something real' confession scene we can still force Astarion to bite Araj and he won't have anything to say about it afterwards. That's an oversight.
5. Astarion needs a heartfelt, infinite hug option after his confession or at least during more painful parts of his storyline.
6. I'd like to hear other companions make comments about Tav and Astarion's relationship after they decide to be something real. Some extra camp gossip is always fun!
Act 3 1. It would be nice to have a small conversation with Astarion after the love test with the dryad to hear what he has to say about her verdict.
2. When Halsin propositions Tav and we ask Astarion what he thinks about the idea, there needs to be an option to tell him we only wanted to hear his opinion about it but had no intention of going through with it because he's the only one for us and then be able to reject Halsin despite Astarion's theatrical approval. He does say he'd wondered when Tav would mention it and had seen Halsin's yearning since the grove itself, he deserves some extra reassurance of love here after all the anguish and uncertainty he'd quietly gone through.
3. If engaging in polyamory with Halsin, Astarion has zero dialogue afterwards, which is rather strange. It's only logical they'd both want to check up on each other how they're doing. Astarion also wouldn't fail to make fun of Halsin some more and ask Tav about his performance. Tav could say that a) it was everything they wished for b) it was wilder than they expected and they may need some time to recover from it (the bear form exclusive option) c) it was good and they're curious to see what happens next d) it was fun but nowhere near as fun as with Astarion, but for now they'd see how it goes e) it was fine, but they kept thinking about Astarion throughout the night and are still unsure if they want to keep it as a one time thing or keep going f) they regret it, it doesn't compare to the bond with Astarion and they would break up with Halsin the next time they talk g) they didn't do it after all (if Tav changes their mind during the scene)
4. Astarion should have a conversation post- drow twins scene - he is clearly not ok during the act and Tav should be able to comfort him afterwards.
5. The Haarlep scene - Astarion should honestly be shouting at Tav and asking them what the hell they are doing.
He was abused for centuries and seeing Tav getting coerced and selling themselves like that should make his blood boil and evoke a very emotional response. There needs to be a persausion check to tell Astarion to calm down. Even then, if he gets persuaded to not interfere, after Haarlep gives away certain secrets and prepares to leave, gloating about misusing Tav's body, he should sneak up on the incubus and murder him in cold blood before he gets away. Spawn Astarion should do it very angrily and ascended with cold precision saying something very mean to him while shanking him.
6. After meeting
Araj again in act 3 and being asked to drink the disgusting potion, Astarion tells Tav to dispose of the bottle but I think he should also protest and pressure Tav into refusing to take the bottle in the first place. The potion would mess with their blood and since Tav is his little treat he would not want their 'bouquet' to be contaminated with filth. In my game I accepted the bottle, destroyed it and told her about it. Astarion swiftly killed Araj when she turned hostile but to my disappointment he had no comment about what happened. As an ascendant he says he wants to see her dead before entering her house and as spawn that he pities her. He should either be gloating over her corpse, or feel somewhat remorseful but also relieved depending on his identity.
7. Considering
Raphael's involvement in Astarion's storyline, him being a devil and Mephistopheles's son, there really needs to be a conversation where Raphael is in awe if we went through with ascension. Per his own words - the ritual was diabolical and so vile, no one'd ever done it before. It should be a big deal to him that it actually took place and he should also have some extra comments towards vampire lord Astarion if he's in the party. I imagine he might make some snide remarks about spawn Tav as well, after all he trashes them for romancing the Emperor. Maybe even give Tav a sick burn in response when stealing the hammer from him?
8. After ascending Astarion
and meeting the Gur, when Ulma asks us to side with her and kill Astarion, we should have a romance specific line saying something like 'I will not let you lay a finger on my lover; back away or die.'
9. Post ascension conversation when Astarion asks Tav how he can reward them should be a bit longer with Astarion using more persuasion techniques. Secondly, this scene could use some extra options.
In act 1 he mentions feeling Tav's shakes of excitement, right after ascension he can hear their heartbeat and them holding their breath - clearly he can read Tav's body language easily (plus the worm connects them) and he should say something similar here too, like he can tell they want it but they're too scared to follow their desires, sneer that they still choose to be naive (reference to early act 2 dialogue) when they can become more powerful and never have to worry about losing him and dying of old age. What's more, why can't we tell him we would like to go on a date with him? Spend some quality time together away from the rest of the group? We can only be thirsty for his body or his power, lecture him or be upset with him. Some more romantic and playful options would have been neat too. Of course, he would still spin the conversation so he can offer vampirism. An option to tease him if that is his idea of a marriage proposal would be funny. A serious one to be able to call him out on him manipulating Tav and pushing them to make a decision and demanding his sincerity is also welcome, where he'd reply similarly as he does post rejection where he mentions he was really trying with Tav and doing things the only way he knew how.
10. It's possible to finish the game
without turning into a spawn and still staying with ascended Astarion as a romance partner by jumping through hoops, but for the sake of extra options it would also be nice if we could tell him we wanted some time to decide when he offers to turn Tav the evening after ascension. He could at least give them one day to make up their mind, that's not too much to ask for. It would be nice as well to be able to discuss it with other companions to hear what they think about Astarion's proposal.
11. When Tav joins Astarion in immortality their look doesn't change whatsoever. We can use the magic mirror as a workaround to change Tav's eyes to red and make their skin lighter but they will still miss vampiric fangs.
12. Everyone should have something to say to Tav about them becoming a spawn, it's a drastic and permanent change for the character, same as DU choice. There is this one dialogue with Karlach about Astarion if we talk to her after the ritual. However, if we trigger it before becoming a spawn we miss out on her input about Tav.
13. It would have been cool if there was a new option for mortal Tav who rejected ascended Astarion's offer to have a change of heart before the end of the game, for example after dealing with the Chosen. It could be a scene during a long rest where Tav wakes up at night reminiscing and regretting how things turned out (Astarion does tell Tav they'd regret leaving him, let's see that actually happen!). The narrator could then ask distressed Tav if they wanted to approach Astarion about it or not. After selecting 'yes' a dialogue option would open up where Tav would be able to tell Astarion how they missed him and realised their mistake, how they didn't want to have a future without him, etc. I reckon he'd need some persuasion checks to forgive Tav but eventually he'd cave in. It would lead to the same romance scene but he would be a bit more pushy and even aggressive if Tav hesitated. For some extra angst, perhaps, similar to the outcome where he refuses to break up with Tav, and only if he was provoked sufficiently enough, he would actually attempt to turn Tav no matter what (he admits in a threatening manner he should have done it after the break up - I imagine in this scenario he would lose his restraint). Tav would then decide to give in or fight him. There could be a constitution or strength check where Astarion succeeds or fails and in case of failure he'd leave the party permanently. After succeeding, the morning afterwards there would be several options to initiate a dialogue, including a throwback to the time he kills Tav while drinking from them the first time with angry Tav wanting to punch him and complaining he killed them yet again.
14. It is not entirely clear who Tav is as a vampire. Astarion says they're his spawn, yet Tav can actually use the bite on him, which would turn them into a true vampire, according to Astarion's own testimony. Unless that only works when he consents to it with an actual intention of making Tav a true vampire? Moreover, I heard of theories that suggest that he actually turns Tav into a vampire bride by offering his blood during the transition. Although it is only a drop of blood, but maybe it's enough for the ascendant spawn? If Tav is a bride, he actually shouldn't be able to compel them, because even without the tadpole they would keep their free will, but of course he could still manipulate them into thinking he can and use physical force and magic to keep them nearby. Or maybe as ascendant he can still compel even a bride and a true vampire? Too many questions.
15. Spawn Tav never has the option to tell ascended Astarion they love him if they stay with him till the end. He still deserves love and kindness, right?
16. The last kiss that should count for something is ridiculous. It's the same chaste peck on the lips like all the other kisses Tav can share with him! It should be unique and memorable.
17. There is a scene where we can have a discussion about becoming
an illithid after accepting the worm from the Emperor.
However, Astarion has nothing to say to Tav after
freeing Orpheus and taking a moment to decide if they will sacrifice themselves. It's unbelievable if we blatantly refuse the Emperor right away but also quite bad if we did indeed have the previous debate. It is his last chance to convince them to remain his beautiful lover and he's silent? No way! He's never particularly fond of Tav playing a hero and he should be desperate to keep them away from tentacles at that point; with ascended being all 'Don't you even think about it! You are NOT doing this and turning into a slimy freak. I've given you immortality, just think of our glorious future together! Surely you wouldn't discard my love and my gift just like that? I don't care how many people have to die there or if I personally have to shove a worm inside someone's skull, you will NOT throw away everything we have and CAN have for some dumb heroics. I will NOT lose you to this.'; and spawn 'You MUST reconsider this. Think about what will happen to you, to us. We've come so far together, I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to lose yourself! You will no longer be YOU. Leave heroics out to someone else this time, alright? There has to be some desperate hero out there without a beautiful vampire lover by their side who can have this dubious honour in your stead'.
18. Romanced ascended Astarion as one of the allies in the final battle should have a unique response to Tav when offering his support, for example: 'My dark forces are at your disposal in the battles ahead, my love. Our foes don't stand a chance against our might.'
19. Ascended Astarion tries to persuade Tav to
control the brain so they can rule together
but it's actually not possible in the game and he will become
Tavzador's thrall for eternity. If the Chosen could rule together, why can't Tav/DU and him?
20. The 'good' spawn ending is depressing and disrespectful to Astarion.
He sacrificed himself for the dubious greater good, acting completely against his own nature and he's rewarded with lame comments from other companions and indifference from his lover, while he runs for his life and, as depicted in his origin ending, ends up completely alone, sulking behind some cargo in a fetal position. #JusticeforAstarion!
21. The ending conversation
with ascended Astarion is well written and his excited laugh at the end is a chef's kiss. One thing however that I found questionable is Astarion saying their enemies had fallen but then Tav has the option to say 'let's put our enemies to the sword'. Which enemies? Aren't they already dead? Meanwhile, spawn Astarion's interaction is just... sad. He is still very insecure about their relationship despite him and Tav already having decided they want to be committed to each other during the graveyard scene - the dialogue should reflect their previous declaration. After abandoning the ritual it's understandable he seems lost and unsure what to do next, but at the end of the game he should at least have some kind of idea of what he'd like their future to look like, yet he still has no plans and even suggestions and basically leaves everything up to Tav to decide if they stay together and what their next steps are. Despite him saying they are equals, it really doesn't look that way.
22. The 'good' ending conversation should generally be more intimate and engaging. It doesn't even look like they're truly celebrating their victory. They stand away from each other like strangers and are quite business like. Why won't ascendant hold Tav in his lap and spawn cuddle up with them on the bed with his arm around them, why don't they hold hands for a bit while they talk, touch each other's arms and faces? Actually act like people in love who are relieved they finally have a moment to themselves after all the hard work?
23. Spawn Tav/DU
who broke up with Astarion before the end of the game and is alive, not a squid, not involved with anyone else and not gone to other planes,I think should have an ending scene with him where he decides to reeducate them and remind them they made an eternal commitment and are still bound to him. He should offer them one last chance to get back with him, and if initially refused he should threaten them with confinement until they change their mind or simply say they'd have to stay with him regardless as his thrall and right hand and they can only choose to make their life more or less pleasant.
24. Mortal Tav/DU
who refused to be his spawn but accepted to be his partner in crime should also have a unique ending with him where they scheme together and Astarion would cheekily ask if they are still sure they don't want to mix business with pleasure and Tav can admit willingness to get back with him and even becoming his spawn immediately or eventually. This scene should also occur for illithid Tav, but play out similarly to the romanced spawn Tav who became an illithid with Astarion refusing to have any romantic connection with them.
25. Some epilogue cutscenes or slides would be great. For example,
ascendant redecorating the Szarr mansion with his consort (he hates the distasteful art and ugly carpets after all), throwing a party, sitting on a throne together, spawn burning the mansion down, Astarion and Tav leaving Baldur's Gate to travel the world, buried in books investigating how to make Astarion walk in the sun, settling in somewhere, etc.
26. When evil DU
prepares for the confrontation with Bhaal in the 'good ending' and Astarion can indeed compel them, he should notice something is off about them and use his powers in that moment to fight with Bhaal for control over DU's murderous instincts. DU should have a saving throw where they either submit to Bhaal or Astarion or stab themselves.
The Araj convo should be two different conversations. Talk about what happened with her first and then move on to the confession. Now it's even possible to make him bite her and still keep the romance through very questionable dialogue choices.
The dryad's love test in Act 3: even if you take the test after freeing Astarion from Cazador, the answers are still the same. His greatest desire is vengeance on Cazador. This breaks immersion a lot for me. Would be nice to see some change in his responses. Ascended version might crave to rule the whole world with his consort, the non-ascended version might be more sincere, just 'want to live'.
But I imagine this is problem for all the companions, although I am not sure, never tried it in the game. For example I doubt there is any difference between Selunite and Sharan version of Shadowheart or with Lae'zel if she is still loyal to Vlakith or not.
I absolutely agree! Thank you for writing it all down.
I would just add one thing regarding the Halsin romance:
After we refused Halsin`s proposition (for players that don�t want a "polyromance" ) we could still talk about it with Astarion where he gives his consent at first, which Tav sees through via an insight check or reading his mind. If they succeed and they realise that Astarion is indeed lying about beeing ok with the whole Halsin thing, they could tell Astarion that he can talk about everything with them and he confesses that he agreed only because he was afraid to loose Tav. After their talk Astarion could hug Tav (we have far too few romantic interactions in my oppinion :)) and Tav could reasure him of their love and devotion to him and that he is the only one for them.
It would fit with his story much better but if someone wants to pursue a relationship with both, they still can.
(There should be consequences after submitting to Mizora�s advances...just saying)
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
I love this and agree or somewhat agree with most of these, although they are pretty ambitious suggestions. Here's what I'm thinking:
Act 1
Ad 1. I would accept any way of of showing Astarion how he looks like, some of them are already in the game! For example, artisan Tav could just draw him. He could have additional dialogue after Act 3
where you can buy a statue of him
. In act 3 you could also ask specifically
for the painter to paint him
Ad 2&4. Definitely agreed there.
Act 2
Ad 1. In general, if you are already involved with any companion, any other romance scene triggering after that should have a gentle let-down option (just like Halsin) of "I am with X, I will not do anything to compromise that."
Ad 3. In this particular scene, hugging him should not end the conversation. Iirc there are 2 options to act
(tadpole or a hug
and some options to say something. These should be split.
I am specifically upset I cannot hug him first, then tell him I will wait for as long as he takes for him to be ready
Ad 5. All companions do. At the very least all romanceable companions, like the kiss option.
Ad 6. Again I think applicable to any romanced companion. Have them all say something after Tav commits to someone.
Act 3.
Ad 2. YES! I have specifically followed through to hear the
EnJoyInG tHe FrEedOM oF nAtUrEs gIFtS
line, but then was locked into the Halsin scene. Moreover
I backed out and still got Halsin thinking we are a thing.
Ad 4. I would like instead an insight check option with an additional dialogue option along the lines of "I don't think this was a good idea after all, you are not okay, should we stop?". Checking in during the act and stopping it is a great option to allow Astarion the space to explore while being conscious of his trauma responses.
Ad 5. Any romanced companion should have something to say, after all
ThEy Are RIgT tHeRe!!
when you do it. Meanwhile, Astarion should
100% enter stabby rage mode afterwards, ensuring Tav does not end up bound to Harleep. I am not sure if there is a scene or dialogue if you go through with the Harleep deal and THEN kill him, but if he does not he definitely should express happiness that Tav is not enslaved. Although perhaps if you do this before Cazador, perhaps him just standing there is accurate - after all his self-esteem is trash at that point
Ad 12. Agreed, they all have stuff to say if you
eat tadpoles
Ad 16. Yup, latest patch added some new and cute, unique animations for companion kisses in general I think - but not for all of them. They should all get a unique one to add variety.
Ad 17. Yes and the lines you wrote out are ridiculously in character for him
Ad 20. And then there is also Gale
snarkily commenting they will never see him again. Who is we sir? I am going with my husband to the Underdark. And you are lucky I do not fireball you on the spot for even suggesting that. And if Tav romanced Astarion, they should run after him and either stay with him behind the crates, or at least reassure him they will meet later.
Additionally, spawn Astarion storyline could again be tidied up by fleshing out something ALREADY in the game
the creepy necromancy book combined with the creepier necromancy book you find in act 3. Together, if read, they should provide at least a recipe to craft a sun immunity ring/cape/diadem - whatever. Or a spell to bring him back from the undeath.
Ad 25. Ending slides or scenes would be great. Like the one
they patched in for Karlach
. Alternatively a DLC
like the Citadel for Mass Effect.
Bottom line: Larian let me hug my husband at will! He needs it.
After finishing the game with romanced Astarion I have to say this is my favourite character and romance in any game I've played, so thank you Larian for giving us such a delicious treat! Despite the romance being generally fulfilling there are still things that could use improvements and some extra dialogues and scenes are sorely missing. Here are my observations and suggestions after finishing my Tav's story and watching vids of alternative routes, organised according to the acts of the game.
Act 1 1. The mirror scene - after it or during the scene as an alternative approach Tav should be able to suggest to Astarion to use the tadpole so he can physically see himself through their eyes, just as he sees
his scars during the ascension scene.
Another possibility is teaching him to conjure up a mirror image if Tav is magically inclined or asking Gale to help out. Let Astarion finally see his own face!
2. At the end of the first romance scene triggered before the grove celebration Astarion asks Tav to leave before more people thank him for saving their tails, which is clearly a thing from early access where it was impossible to be with him before the grove battle. He should have a different line there.
3. When propositioning Tav the second time during the grove celebration Astarion says he'd find them after everyone was asleep. When they eventually meet up they are actually standing right where they saw each other last (in my game I still saw people walking around in the background). I think they should reunite either while exiting the camp or somewhere outside of it altogether. What would really elevate this scene is some extra playfulness, for example Astarion grabbing Tav's hand and sneakily running off together (they should be more comfortable with each other at this point after all) or, if they do meet up in a different location, Astarion could pull Tav in for a kiss.
4. My Tav was a drow and I honestly cannot remember him ever making a comment about it. I was expecting him to be a bit mistrustful due to drow race's backstabbing reputation and asking her at some point if she intended to treat him like a glorified pet as is customary in the majority of their matriarchal society. There should have been extra RP options for Lolth-sworn characters to be more intimidating and dominant and maybe him showing some discomfort about it as a prelude to his trauma reveal and for Seldarines to say they reject the rules of that society and see him as an individual and not a plaything.
Act 2 1. During early access I remember seeing a video from mmogurl where Gale propositioned Tav knowing they had already been involved with Astarion and it was possible to refuse him on the account of not wanting to hurt Astarion and Gale even commented that Astarion was lucky and that loyalty like that was a rare thing. In the release version I saw no such dialogue, in fact Gale invited my Tav to see the starry sky, professed his love and there was zero mention of our lovely vampire. The only way to refuse Gale was saying we didn't love him back. It would be nice to have that option restored. For science, I tested what would happen if we kissed Gale but not gone all the way. He then talks about being excited that Tav is in love with him (Tav never said it) and how wonderful their honks was, which never even happened lol. Afterwards, Astarion wants Tav to choose between them, and when he is picked, he is happy telling her she can consider herself well and truly taken. It looks like Wyll is not informed about that because right afterwards he tries to seduce her with the dance scene. After kissing Wyll there is yet another dialogue with Astarion asking to choose him or Wyll, finished on the same note about Tav being properly taken. It looks like the romance flags here are completely wonky. And if it's actually supposed to be this way somehow, Astarion should be upset with Tav for getting involved with someone else when they're supposed to be a thing already. Interestingly enough, Gale only propositions Tav before talking to Araj Oblodra, afterwards there is no projection of his during the evening and Astarion can safely confess to Tav. The dance scene with Wyll never triggers then as well.
2. When killing the
rat figure before encountering the orthon Tav has no way to honour the deal with Raphael once they start talking to Yurgir. Astarion gets very angry and has the same reaction as he does when agreeing to help the orthon fulfill his contract before finding the rat person. He should definitely have different lines because at that point Tav has literally no clue they are sabotaging Astarion. Perhaps Astarion could realise his deal is about to become void when Yurgir explains what is happening to him and urges Tav to kill him quickly before Raphael shows up to collect the devil.
3. The confession scene after talking to Araj Oblodra should be expanded and reworked. The only way for him to express his feelings is to ask him why he slept with Tav. It would be nice if he said how he felt no matter what. In this scene he also never tells Tav that intimacy with them still feels tainted to him, which is a crucial part of his romance so the option to tell him to abstain from sleeping together seems to come out of nowhere. We can easily headcanon here they never take a break, which is not what actually happens.
4. Apparently, after the 'I want us to be something real' confession scene we can still force Astarion to bite Araj and he won't have anything to say about it afterwards. That's an oversight.
5. Astarion needs a heartfelt, infinite hug option after his confession or at least during more painful parts of his storyline.
6. I'd like to hear other companions make comments about Tav and Astarion's relationship after they decide to be something real. Some extra camp gossip is always fun!
Act 3 1. It would be nice to have a small conversation with Astarion after the love test with the dryad to hear what he has to say about her verdict.
2. When Halsin propositions Tav and we ask Astarion what he thinks about the idea, there needs to be an option to tell him we only wanted to hear his opinion about it but had no intention of going through with it because he's the only one for us and then be able to reject Halsin despite Astarion's theatrical approval. He does say he'd wondered when Tav would mention it and had seen Halsin's yearning since the grove itself, he deserves some extra reassurance of love here after all the anguish and uncertainty he'd quietly gone through.
3. If engaging in polyamory with Halsin, Astarion has zero dialogue afterwards, which is rather strange. It's only logical they'd both want to check up on each other how they're doing. Astarion also wouldn't fail to make fun of Halsin some more and ask Tav about his performance. Tav could say that a) it was everything they wished for b) it was wilder than they expected and they may need some time to recover from it (the bear form exclusive option) c) it was good and they're curious to see what happens next d) it was fun but nowhere near as fun as with Astarion, but for now they'd see how it goes e) it was fine, but they kept thinking about Astarion throughout the night and are still unsure if they want to keep it as a one time thing or keep going f) they regret it, it doesn't compare to the bond with Astarion and they would break up with Halsin the next time they talk g) they didn't do it after all (if Tav changes their mind during the scene)
4. Astarion should have a conversation post- drow twins scene - he is clearly not ok during the act and Tav should be able to comfort him afterwards.
5. The Haarlep scene - Astarion should honestly be shouting at Tav and asking them what the hell they are doing.
He was abused for centuries and seeing Tav getting coerced and selling themselves like that should make his blood boil and evoke a very emotional response. There needs to be a persausion check to tell Astarion to calm down. Even then, if he gets persuaded to not interfere, after Haarlep gives away certain secrets and prepares to leave, gloating about misusing Tav's body, he should sneak up on the incubus and murder him in cold blood before he gets away. Spawn Astarion should do it very angrily and ascended with cold precision saying something very mean to him while shanking him.
6. After meeting
Araj again in act 3 and being asked to drink the disgusting potion, Astarion tells Tav to dispose of the bottle but I think he should also protest and pressure Tav into refusing to take the bottle in the first place. The potion would mess with their blood and since Tav is his little treat he would not want their 'bouquet' to be contaminated with filth. In my game I accepted the bottle, destroyed it and told her about it. Astarion swiftly killed Araj when she turned hostile but to my disappointment he had no comment about what happened. As an ascendant he says he wants to see her dead before entering her house and as spawn that he pities her. He should either be gloating over her corpse, or feel somewhat remorseful but also relieved depending on his identity.
7. Considering
Raphael's involvement in Astarion's storyline, him being a devil and Mephistopheles's son, there really needs to be a conversation where Raphael is in awe if we went through with ascension. Per his own words - the ritual was diabolical and so vile, no one'd ever done it before. It should be a big deal to him that it actually took place and he should also have some extra comments towards vampire lord Astarion if he's in the party. I imagine he might make some snide remarks about spawn Tav as well, after all he trashes them for romancing the Emperor. Maybe even give Tav a sick burn in response when stealing the hammer from him?
8. After ascending Astarion
and meeting the Gur, when Ulma asks us to side with her and kill Astarion, we should have a romance specific line saying something like 'I will not let you lay a finger on my lover; back away or die.'
9. Post ascension conversation when Astarion asks Tav how he can reward them should be a bit longer with Astarion using more persuasion techniques. Secondly, this scene could use some extra options.
In act 1 he mentions feeling Tav's shakes of excitement, right after ascension he can hear their heartbeat and them holding their breath - clearly he can read Tav's body language easily (plus the worm connects them) and he should say something similar here too, like he can tell they want it but they're too scared to follow their desires, sneer that they still choose to be naive (reference to early act 2 dialogue) when they can become more powerful and never have to worry about losing him and dying of old age. What's more, why can't we tell him we would like to go on a date with him? Spend some quality time together away from the rest of the group? We can only be thirsty for his body or his power, lecture him or be upset with him. Some more romantic and playful options would have been neat too. Of course, he would still spin the conversation so he can offer vampirism. An option to tease him if that is his idea of a marriage proposal would be funny. A serious one to be able to call him out on him manipulating Tav and pushing them to make a decision and demanding his sincerity is also welcome, where he'd reply similarly as he does post rejection where he mentions he was really trying with Tav and doing things the only way he knew how.
10. It's possible to finish the game
without turning into a spawn and still staying with ascended Astarion as a romance partner by jumping through hoops, but for the sake of extra options it would also be nice if we could tell him we wanted some time to decide when he offers to turn Tav the evening after ascension. He could at least give them one day to make up their mind, that's not too much to ask for. It would be nice as well to be able to discuss it with other companions to hear what they think about Astarion's proposal.
11. When Tav joins Astarion in immortality their look doesn't change whatsoever. We can use the magic mirror as a workaround to change Tav's eyes to red and make their skin lighter but they will still miss vampiric fangs.
12. Everyone should have something to say to Tav about them becoming a spawn, it's a drastic and permanent change for the character, same as DU choice. There is this one dialogue with Karlach about Astarion if we talk to her after the ritual. However, if we trigger it before becoming a spawn we miss out on her input about Tav.
13. It would have been cool if there was a new option for mortal Tav who rejected ascended Astarion's offer to have a change of heart before the end of the game, for example after dealing with the Chosen. It could be a scene during a long rest where Tav wakes up at night reminiscing and regretting how things turned out (Astarion does tell Tav they'd regret leaving him, let's see that actually happen!). The narrator could then ask distressed Tav if they wanted to approach Astarion about it or not. After selecting 'yes' a dialogue option would open up where Tav would be able to tell Astarion how they missed him and realised their mistake, how they didn't want to have a future without him, etc. I reckon he'd need some persuasion checks to forgive Tav but eventually he'd cave in. It would lead to the same romance scene but he would be a bit more pushy and even aggressive if Tav hesitated. For some extra angst, perhaps, similar to the outcome where he refuses to break up with Tav, and only if he was provoked sufficiently enough, he would actually attempt to turn Tav no matter what (he admits in a threatening manner he should have done it after the break up - I imagine in this scenario he would lose his restraint). Tav would then decide to give in or fight him. There could be a constitution or strength check where Astarion succeeds or fails and in case of failure he'd leave the party permanently. After succeeding, the morning afterwards there would be several options to initiate a dialogue, including a throwback to the time he kills Tav while drinking from them the first time with angry Tav wanting to punch him and complaining he killed them yet again.
14. It is not entirely clear who Tav is as a vampire. Astarion says they're his spawn, yet Tav can actually use the bite on him, which would turn them into a true vampire, according to Astarion's own testimony. Unless that only works when he consents to it with an actual intention of making Tav a true vampire? Moreover, I heard of theories that suggest that he actually turns Tav into a vampire bride by offering his blood during the transition. Although it is only a drop of blood, but maybe it's enough for the ascendant spawn? If Tav is a bride, he actually shouldn't be able to compel them, because even without the tadpole they would keep their free will, but of course he could still manipulate them into thinking he can and use physical force and magic to keep them nearby. Or maybe as ascendant he can still compel even a bride and a true vampire? Too many questions.
15. Spawn Tav never has the option to tell ascended Astarion they love him if they stay with him till the end. He still deserves love and kindness, right?
16. The last kiss that should count for something is ridiculous. It's the same chaste peck on the lips like all the other kisses Tav can share with him! It should be unique and memorable.
17. There is a scene where we can have a discussion about becoming
an illithid after accepting the worm from the Emperor.
However, Astarion has nothing to say to Tav after
freeing Orpheus and taking a moment to decide if they will sacrifice themselves. It's unbelievable if we blatantly refuse the Emperor right away but also quite bad if we did indeed have the previous debate. It is his last chance to convince them to remain his beautiful lover and he's silent? No way! He's never particularly fond of Tav playing a hero and he should be desperate to keep them away from tentacles at that point; with ascended being all 'Don't you even think about it! You are NOT doing this and turning into a slimy freak. I've given you immortality, just think of our glorious future together! Surely you wouldn't discard my love and my gift just like that? I don't care how many people have to die there or if I personally have to shove a worm inside someone's skull, you will NOT throw away everything we have and CAN have for some dumb heroics. I will NOT lose you to this.'; and spawn 'You MUST reconsider this. Think about what will happen to you, to us. We've come so far together, I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to lose yourself! You will no longer be YOU. Leave heroics out to someone else this time, alright? There has to be some desperate hero out there without a beautiful vampire lover by their side who can have this dubious honour in your stead'.
18. Romanced ascended Astarion as one of the allies in the final battle should have a unique response to Tav when offering his support, for example: 'My dark forces are at your disposal in the battles ahead, my love. Our foes don't stand a chance against our might.'
19. Ascended Astarion tries to persuade Tav to
control the brain so they can rule together
but it's actually not possible in the game and he will become
Tavzador's thrall for eternity. If the Chosen could rule together, why can't Tav/DU and him?
20. The 'good' spawn ending is depressing and disrespectful to Astarion.
He sacrificed himself for the dubious greater good, acting completely against his own nature and he's rewarded with lame comments from other companions and indifference from his lover, while he runs for his life and, as depicted in his origin ending, ends up completely alone, sulking behind some cargo in a fetal position. #JusticeforAstarion!
21. The ending conversation
with ascended Astarion is well written and his excited laugh at the end is a chef's kiss. One thing however that I found questionable is Astarion saying their enemies had fallen but then Tav has the option to say 'let's put our enemies to the sword'. Which enemies? Aren't they already dead? Meanwhile, spawn Astarion's interaction is just... sad. He is still very insecure about their relationship despite him and Tav already having decided they want to be committed to each other during the graveyard scene - the dialogue should reflect their previous declaration. After abandoning the ritual it's understandable he seems lost and unsure what to do next, but at the end of the game he should at least have some kind of idea of what he'd like their future to look like, yet he still has no plans and even suggestions and basically leaves everything up to Tav to decide if they stay together and what their next steps are. Despite him saying they are equals, it really doesn't look that way.
22. The 'good' ending conversation should generally be more intimate and engaging. It doesn't even look like they're truly celebrating their victory. They stand away from each other like strangers and are quite business like. Why won't ascendant hold Tav in his lap and spawn cuddle up with them on the bed with his arm around them, why don't they hold hands for a bit while they talk, touch each other's arms and faces? Actually act like people in love who are relieved they finally have a moment to themselves after all the hard work?
23. Spawn Tav/DU
who broke up with Astarion before the end of the game and is alive, not a squid, not involved with anyone else and not gone to other planes,I think should have an ending scene with him where he decides to reeducate them and remind them they made an eternal commitment and are still bound to him. He should offer them one last chance to get back with him, and if initially refused he should threaten them with confinement until they change their mind or simply say they'd have to stay with him regardless as his thrall and right hand and they can only choose to make their life more or less pleasant.
24. Mortal Tav/DU
who refused to be his spawn but accepted to be his partner in crime should also have a unique ending with him where they scheme together and Astarion would cheekily ask if they are still sure they don't want to mix business with pleasure and Tav can admit willingness to get back with him and even becoming his spawn immediately or eventually. This scene should also occur for illithid Tav, but play out similarly to the romanced spawn Tav who became an illithid with Astarion refusing to have any romantic connection with them.
25. Some epilogue cutscenes or slides would be great. For example,
ascendant redecorating the Szarr mansion with his consort (he hates the distasteful art and ugly carpets after all), throwing a party, sitting on a throne together, spawn burning the mansion down, Astarion and Tav leaving Baldur's Gate to travel the world, buried in books investigating how to make Astarion walk in the sun, settling in somewhere, etc.
26. When evil DU
prepares for the confrontation with Bhaal in the 'good ending' and Astarion can indeed compel them, he should notice something is off about them and use his powers in that moment to fight with Bhaal for control over DU's murderous instincts. DU should have a saving throw where they either submit to Bhaal or Astarion or stab themselves.
Originally Posted by onebadEVEning
I absolutely agree! Thank you for writing it all down.
I would just add one thing regarding the Halsin romance:
After we refused Halsin`s proposition (for players that don�t want a "polyromance" ) we could still talk about it with Astarion where he gives his consent at first, which Tav sees through via an insight check or reading his mind. If they succeed and they realise that Astarion is indeed lying about beeing ok with the whole Halsin thing, they could tell Astarion that he can talk about everything with them and he confesses that he agreed only because he was afraid to loose Tav. After their talk Astarion could hug Tav (we have far too few romantic interactions in my oppinion :)) and Tav could reasure him of their love and devotion to him.
It would fit with his story much better but if someone wants to pursue a relationship with both, they still can.
(There should be consequences after submitting to Mizora�s advances...just saying)
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
I love love LOVE these suggestions. If these were added, I would have absolutely 0 complaints about the Astarion romance or story. I've found so many moment so lacking and disappointing and so many moments giving me things I didn't even know I wanted that it's just an up and down relationship with this game's romances! Astarion is so unique and likely my favorite fictional character at this point. My mind would explode if these were added.
The dryad's love test in Act 3: even if you take the test after freeing Astarion from Cazador, the answers are still the same. His greatest desire is vengeance on Cazador. This breaks immersion a lot for me. Would be nice to see some change in his responses. Ascended version might crave to rule the whole world with his consort, the non-ascended version might be more sincere, just 'want to live'.
Yes, the answers should definitely be different post-Cazador.
Originally Posted by onebadEVEning
I would just add one thing regarding the Halsin romance:
After we refused Halsin`s proposition (for players that don�t want a "polyromance" ) we could still talk about it with Astarion where he gives his consent at first, which Tav sees through via an insight check or reading his mind. If they succeed and they realise that Astarion is indeed lying about beeing ok with the whole Halsin thing, they could tell Astarion that he can talk about everything with them and he confesses that he agreed only because he was afraid to loose Tav. After their talk Astarion could hug Tav (we have far too few romantic interactions in my oppinion :)) and Tav could reasure him of their love and devotion to him.
It would fit with his story much better but if someone wants to pursue a relationship with both, they still can.
The insight check and a followup would be really nice, pre-Cazador it's clear he's only agreeing to it out of fear of losing Tav and not being confident to say no. Even romanced Shadowheart can step away from Tav at some point to let Astarion have them, saying he's fragile deep down and she can see he's not into sharing. He's not even fond of Halsin! He calls him annoying if he's obducted by certain someone, mocks him for being obsessed with nature, doesn't appreciate his comments about Tav and Astarion's relationship in party banter. His approval post-Cazador still feels forced, he speaks in a somewhat passive aggressive manner and it seems like he treats it as a reluctant reward for Tav for helping him out.
Originally Posted by onebadEVEning
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
Which scene? What was changed? I saw that they removed the last full body shot with Astarion's hips gyration (how could they?!) during the ascended romance scene.
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
Here's what I'm thinking:
I would accept any way of of showing Astarion how he looks like, some of them are already in the game! For example, artisan Tav could just draw him. He could have additional dialogue after Act 3
where you can buy a statue of him
. In act 3 you could also ask specifically
for the painter to paint him
These are good suggestions too!
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
I am specifically upset I cannot hug him first, then tell him I will wait for as long as he takes for him to be ready.
I wish I could use the tadpole first so he eases up and gets all warm and fuzzy and then be able to give him a hug.
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
I would like instead an insight check option with an additional dialogue option along the lines of "I don't think this was a good idea after all, you are not okay, should we stop?". Checking in during the act and stopping it is a great option to allow Astarion the space to explore while being conscious of his trauma responses.
Yes! You could then decide to stop, continue without Astarion or say nothing and keep going but want to have a chat afterwards. The next conversation would be about the outcome of that encounter.
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
Yup, latest patch added some new and cute, unique animations for companion kisses in general I think - but not for all of them. They should all get a unique one to add variety.
I love that Astarion approaches Tav now, makes it look like he's more into it (although it makes the end of the world kiss less unique). Sadly, it's still that lame peck. And when you compare it to that new Karlach and Halsin kiss... oofffff it feels bad. The kiss is also a bit broken now, the spoken dialogue doesn't always match up with ingame text, Astarion sometimes makes weird faces and says nothing. His lines still cut off mid sentence. I also saw two new written lines when asked for a kiss where he supposedly says something like 'you don't need to ask but it's nice that you do' and a super "romantic" 'if you must' lol.
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
Ad 17. Yes and the lines you wrote out are ridiculously in character for him
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
Additionally, spawn Astarion storyline could again be tidied up by fleshing out something ALREADY in the game
the creepy necromancy book combined with the creepier necromancy book you find in act 3. Together, if read, they should provide at least a recipe to craft a sun immunity ring/cape/diadem - whatever. Or a spell to bring him back from the undeath.
It really feels like there was some cut content related to the necromancy book. I wish there was also an option to allow him to read the book after Tav does it to not miss out on extra dialogues with him. If Tav reads it themselves, they should be able to share more information about the rite of profane ascension as well.
Originally Posted by Juicebox1696
Ad 25. Ending slides or scenes would be great. (...) Alternatively a DLC
like the Citadel for Mass Effect.
I would love a small celebration before going to the point of no return and a reunion party DLC.
I was also wishing for romance specific lines during combat and apparently they DO exist but they never triggered in my game! He only kept shouting 'get up gods damn you' when my Tav was downed I feel so salty after watching this:
And now I wonder how to trigger the start conversation because it's impossible to target Tav when selecting to interact with them as Astarion. I performed a test after patch 4 and he also has generic shouts when casting heals as a cleric and bard, no romantic tones. Does it only work during Astarion origin playthrough? Also, that 'maybe they like being restrained?' and 'you look good helpless' coupled with Loviatar's priest scene (especially the 'I had my hopes' line when talking to Shadowheart) and DU tying up remark. He obviously wants to get kinky with Tav but somehow only gets confident enough to do it as ascendant. Could we get an extra scene related to that in act 2 or 3 perhaps? :3
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
Which scene? What was changed? I saw that they removed the last full body shot with Astarion's hips gyration (how could they?!) during the ascended romance scene.
So... we can have Minthara doing everything she does in her "romance" scene, but we can't have Astarion move his hips a little?
Yeah, same as Karlach explicitly enjoying her 'hot date' from multiple angles. And honestly, I always wondered, why is he suddenly half-dressed shortly after leaving the bed, while Tav remains naked? I think it would be more in character for him to stand there fully exposed enjoying the effect he has on Tav and to make them more willing to submit to him. Plus, it's not like the game doesn't allow you to remove his underwear and see what's underneath. You can even have his naked statue in your camp now! Unless the scene is meant to hammer in that he's the one wearing pants in the relationship from now on. xD
Yeah, same as Karlach explicitly enjoying her 'hot date' from multiple angles. And honestly, I always wondered, why is he suddenly half-dressed shortly after leaving the bed, while Tav remains naked? I think it would be more in character for him to stand there fully exposed enjoying the effect he has on Tav and to make them more willing to submit to him. Plus, it's not like the game doesn't allow you to remove his underwear and see what's underneath. You can even have his naked statue in your camp now! Unless the scene is meant to hammer in that he's the one wearing pants in the relationship from now on. xD
Yes, sometimes they treat his character as if they don�t like him at all. Mintahara gets new romance lines apparently, since the actress was called and I�m not even talking about her "romance scene" from every angle. And now they take even the last hot scene with him away from us. I don�t understand it. His charater could be so much better with just a few adjusments, but I doubt they will do it. It makes me so sad.
Originally Posted by Ametris
The insight check and a followup would be really nice, pre-Cazador it's clear he's only agreeing to it out of fear of losing Tav and not being confident to say no. Even romanced Shadowheart can step away from Tav at some point to let Astarion have them, saying he's fragile deep down and she can see he's not into sharing. He's not even fond of Halsin! He calls him annoying if he's obducted by certain someone, mocks him for being obsessed with nature, doesn't appreciate his comments about Tav and Astarion's relationship in party banter. His approval post-Cazador still feels forced, he speaks in a somewhat passive aggressive manner and it seems like he treats it as a reluctant reward for Tav for helping him out.
That�s what bothers me the most if I�m honest. He agrees oviously only because he doesn�t want to lose Tav but we as players can�t do or say anyting to help him or reassure him that he is the only one for us. We definitely should get an opportunity to react to it and help him if we want to.
I was also wishing for romance specific lines during combat and apparently they DO exist but they never triggered in my game! He only kept shouting 'get up gods damn you' when my Tav was downed I feel so salty after watching this:
And now I wonder how to trigger the start conversation because it's impossible to target Tav when selecting to interact with them as Astarion. I performed a test after patch 4 and he also has generic shouts when casting heals as a cleric and bard, no romantic tones. Does it only work during Astarion origin playthrough? Also, that 'maybe they like being restrained?' and 'you look good helpless' coupled with Loviatar's priest scene (especially the 'I had my hopes' line when talking to Shadowheart) and DU tying up remark. He obviously wants to get kinky with Tav but somehow only gets confident enough to do it as ascendant. Could we get an extra scene related to that in act 2 or 3 perhaps? :3
They are such cute lines, but I believe it�s only for the origin playtrough as Astarion, sadly, or they didn�t trigger correctly in my playthrougs.
And there should be a proper kiss available not just a peck. I cannot shake the feeling that they don�t like his character very much, as I mentioned before, since every other companion gets improved, get�s better romance scenes or better lines or just better kisses...maybe I�m just overthinking this lol, but I cannot shake the impression, since after every patch it only get�s worse for him.
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
Which scene? What was changed? I saw that they removed the last full body shot with Astarion's hips gyration (how could they?!) during the ascended romance scene.
So... we can have Minthara doing everything she does in her "romance" scene, but we can't have Astarion move his hips a little?
It�s so frustrating! Now not even the peck works correctly anymore. I love this character so much and it pains me to see it somehow.
And the old romance scene from before the patch should be reinstated, the new one lacks somehow the hotness from the old one!
Which scene? What was changed? I saw that they removed the last full body shot with Astarion's hips gyration (how could they?!) during the ascended romance scene.
So... we can have Minthara doing everything she does in her "romance" scene, but we can't have Astarion move his hips a little?
Wait, they really censored Astarion's Ascended romance scene? All of this romance scenes are so vanilla to start with, why would they do that? Ascended romance was always so much more steamy; it felt so appropriate given who he is now.
This upsets, it's a literal millisecond so it shouldn't matter that much but, I already thought we could use more explicit detail for Astarion anyway, at least his first scene and Ascended (don't touch the graveyard scene, the sweetness makes complete sense) but now they've made it even more PG?
*sigh* I hope it's just a bug. That's disappointing.
Yes, sometimes they treat his character as if they don�t like him at all. Mintahara gets new romance lines apparently, since the actress was called and I�m not even talking about her "romance scene" from every angle. And now they take even the last hot scene with him away from us. I don�t understand it. His charater could be so much better with just a few adjusments, but I doubt they will do it. It makes me so sad.
Astarion was the most hyped companion during early access, heck they even made a special video with him (Only Fangs) for April Fool's Day. He's also the most prominent character in the launch party animatic. They showed the statistic with 100K people getting rejected by him during their gameplay as well. Right after the game's release he got pushed to the side and major patches break his romance. Sad times.
Well...he turned out to be a power crazed morally reprehensible piece of work - it's almost like light switch was flipped, and then he was an absolutely evil degenerate. All that was missing wa sthe crazed laughter *aha!hahahahahah!* (he did a bit of that too)
In my1st playthrough I convinced him to not ascend - but otherwise treated him much the same, did the Thayan codex stuff etc -> fine, decent chap (for a vampire) I thought....
In my second (just concluded) playhrough, I essentially did the same, but encouraged him to Ascend...yes, I know he had to sacrifice all these turned vampires, but it was for the 'greater good'; i.e. him being more powerful could help saving *all* Faerun (and possibly this plane of existence) possible morally defensible. But wow. Any qualms he had about treating people decently from that point went out the window *despite* his history of monstrous abuse. He seemed quite willing to perpetrate the same on thousands of others...That doesn't gel. All that careful digging through his past - and sympathy etc - but he shows that ultimately he's like his much maligned masters. In that case, I should have had the option to end his existence at the end (realizing what I had unleashed)...Also, the powers he acquired were...*massively* underwhelming for all the talk about this near omnipotent ascended vampire.
That's what happens to someone who becomes a true vampire in dnd. The game tells you that in Act 1. There is a reason why ascending is the "bad" ending for Astarion's personal quest. Doesn't matter what kind of person he was before.
And I would also love him to be as OP as expected, but that would break the gameplay.
That's what happens to someone who becomes a true vampire in dnd. The game tells you that in Act 1. There is a reason why ascending is the "bad" ending for Astarion's personal quest. Doesn't matter what kind of person he was before.
And I would also love him to be as OP as expected, but that would break the gameplay.
Is it morally questionable to choose his ascended quest line? Yes, without a doubt.
Am I going to choose it every damn time? You had better believe it! ??