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Ametris Offline OP
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It's especially grating when we have 5 opportunities to stake him during the scene but 0 options that would make it clear Tav is into him or at least curious about the bite.

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Ametris Offline OP
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I've just run into this interesting video.

Apparently this scene happens if we kill the Gur before entering the city, so they don't end up slaughtering the servants.

Since it's a legit outcome in the game, there need to be extra dialogues, because the whole thing is clearly unfinished. Astarion IS the new master after all. Spawn Tav should have something to say as well. They could actually decide together how to deal with them:
a) keep them for the lulz until they're no longer useful
b) instruct them to do hilarious things to show their devotion to their new lord
c) dispose of them to remove traces of Cazador and have a clean slate
d) decide to wait with the decision until the worm issue is taken care of

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
I've just run into this interesting video.

Apparently this scene happens if we kill the Gur before entering the city, so they don't end up slaughtering the servants.

Since it's a legit outcome in the game, there need to be extra dialogues, because the whole thing is clearly unfinished. Astarion IS the new master after all. Spawn Tav should have something to say as well. They could actually decide together how to deal with them:
a) keep them for the lulz until they're no longer useful
b) instruct them to do hilarious things to show their devotion to their new lord
c) dispose of them to remove traces of Cazador and have a clean slate
d) decide to wait with the decision until the worm issue is taken care of

I love that their new lord and master is *right there* and they don’t react lolz.

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Originally Posted by Ametris
It's especially grating when we have 5 opportunities to stake him during the scene but 0 options that would make it clear Tav is into him or at least curious about the bite.

Yeah and then you suddenly can agree with him when he says you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know that was an option, game. I guess.

Those 5 opportunities are bullshit because in the same game there are occasions when you get zero opportunities to do some obvious nice normal thing.

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Originally Posted by Nyloth
Apparently, this must be an artistic trick in which Astarion deserves redemption by sacrificing the sun for the sake of the people he ruined. Redemption must be bitter. Another thing is that I hate all our actions at the end. We can't run after him. We can't comfort him or anything like this. I also hate how he reacts to our suicide. All final reactions are performed very poorly. Also, do not forget that Astarion is 200 years old, many options for curing vampirism do not work for him. If they add some cure to the game, then his lesson will not be learned.

I think he's been a vampire for less than 200 years, he says Sebastian was 'one of my first' and that Seb had been there for 170 years. That leaves 30 years unaccounted for. I doubt Cazador let him sit in his room doing nothing all that time, so my personal feeling is that at most by the time Sebastian became the target Astarion had been a vampire for probably less than 10 years. (I did work out the maths at one point - to get 7k spawn between 7 siblings - some of whom came after Astarion, they would have had to be out in the city gathering up people an awful lot in the course of a year, a bit unrealistic ). It's telling that he remembers Sebastian whereas he didn't remember the children, he obviously didn't start dissociating himself until later. From what I remember of DnD lore 200 years as a vampire is the cut off for some cures, not how old he is and he's a high elf so a long life span anyway (up to 750 I think).
If he refused to do anything his body would carry out the order without his volition as he says himself - or if it was something that needed him to participate and he refused he was severely punished. So how can he be held responsible for what he was made to do? I really doubt given the option anyone would choose to be buried alive for a year no matter how noble they purport to be, at least not more than once anyway.

In any case being treated as an abused slave for 170 to 180 ish years is more than enough punishment for whatever sins (the released game never mentions any such) he may or may not have committed prior to being turned.

He does voice unhappiness with his vampire status several times in the game, nothing as a major dialogue but little remarks here and there, like not being able to use a mirror as 'Just another thing I've had taken away from me' in tones of utter discontent followed by slamming the mirror onto the ground. And we all know he wants to be able to walk in the sun. It's not just the sunlight thing either, its easy to forget that line from the narrator early in Act 1 'Slave to Sanguine Hunger'.
Unascended Astarion at game end will have to deal with no sunlight ever again on top of needing blood, instead of coffee and a sandwich. He won't be able to travel easily (running water) and campsites are out. I doubt a tent will cut the sun out completely, unless Baldurs Gate tentmakers are used to working with blackout fabric. And now that Cazador is dead that life is all he has left - for eternity. Without Tav if romanced, they will die their natural death and leave him alone. I don't think I'd wish that fate on my worst enemy let alone my lover.

Nothing about a cure is ever raised in BG3 so he can't voice an opinion on it. We don't know if he would consider it or not, as its never offered as an option we could work towards.
My personal feeling is he might jump at the idea as it would completely free him from the hunger, a spawn has nothing special in the way of power to lose, allow us to travel as easily as we have been doing all game, and allow him to walk in daylight for the rest of his naturally long life.

My point is that the possibility should have been mentioned as previous games dealt with it and that is a plot hole. They have the one person who would intimately know how to cure it in the game, actually possible to have her in your camp with her tent only a few feet away from his at Rivington, and it never gets mentioned.

So yeah for Unascended Astarion I want one of our chats with him to mention the possibility of going to talk to Jaheira at the very least. Is that so hard? I want to be able to help him at the docks (or not have that scene at all) and have Jaheira come and chat to us, mention the possibility and leave us to talk about it. I want to be able to hug him and say I'll support whatever decision he feels is right for him. Not decide for him - I've pretty much done enough of that. I don't even need to know what that decision is if Larion doesn't want to go down that rabbit hole, but to know the possibility exists for him would be enough. Other than that more hugs. more proper kisses not one second wonders, more responses that make sense for new lovers and where we treat each other as equals not me deciding everything and him going along with it.

For Ascended Astarion I don't think as much is missing, but more chat responses would be nice and more hugs.

Less of this standing 5 feet apart and folding our arms please, this is our lover, not the damn window cleaner we're talking to.

# Justice for Astarion
Joined: Nov 2023
Ametris Offline OP
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Now that I've played through the new epilogue with AA and watched alternative options, here are my observations:

1. I'm conflicted about the new animations for post final battle private chat. They look more fluid and Astarion doesn't look as stiff with hand gestures but I think the frequent close-ups on his face are a bit distracting, especially since in some of them his skin looks extremely pale compared to other shots. I also miss the little head bow after selecting 'I wouldn't want it any other way', his cute smile when he says 'that makes US the most powerful people in the world' and I preferred it when he closed his mouth after the laugh - now he looks a bit derpy as the screen blackens. I like extra smugness on his face when he talks about the power and his newly added smile during the line 'true... freedom'. Tav looks happier too and doesn't cross their arms like before, which is a big plus.

2. The intro made sense for my choice (staying in Baldur's Gate) but it doesn't after selecting the option to travel together - the narrator should say they received the letter while staying somewhere and you simply changed your travelling schedule to attend the party.

3. I LOVE his outfit during the celebration, though I wish female Tav would arrive wearing a robe or generally something more feminine.

4. Astarion turning into a bat and flying around spying on people is adorable and hilarious!

5. He can see himself in the mirror! Finally! So happy this was included!

6. 'I may have power, but it would be nothing without you. You complete me. And together, we are unstoppable. So Heavens help the fool that tries to get in our way.' - amazing lines!

7. 'I will be watching. I am always... watching.' - Yandere Astarion, haha, he is delightful laugh The way AA pronounces that last 'watching' does things to me. Neil Newbon knocked it out of the park once more. <3

8. I like how he's thoughtful with the 'We have en eternity for chit-chat, my love. The others only get you for tonight. I can't keep you all to myself', as well as other lines and yet still making it clear the power dynamic thing is not gonna go away if Tav can express doubts about the relationship flourishing. It shows that he doesn't see Tav as a slave, but that he's obssessed and very protective of them.

9. Please give us an option to kiss AA, only him and ascended Gale don't have have any intimate options. It would also reflect the lustful tone of the relationship, while spawn has a hug to higlight the romantic tone. Taking into account how he enjoys that others see them being happy together, I'm sure he wouldn't mind an extra show of affection.

10. In the OP I was suggesting a possible scenario for mortal and spawn Tav who rejected him, but I'm happy with what's in the game now. Although some extra angst might have been interesting, I think I actually prefer it that he calms down even more and is civil with Tav. He doesn't even get triggered anymore if he's compared to Cazador. It shows character growth. Though, seeing how much he misses Tav, his talk about seeing them again in the future, etc. I think Tav should have an option to suggest getting back together. I think there should have been some differences if they stayed as partners in crime as well. Then they could indicate that it's not the first time they see each other since the original ending.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the party scenes. He is still the arrogant, magnificent bastard I love. Just please add that kiss option and a line asking Astarion if he'd like to get back together if he was broken up with, and then I'll be completely satisfied with the epilogue party.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Now that I've played through the new epilogue with AA and watched alternative options, here are my observations:

1. I'm conflicted about the new animations for post final battle private chat. They look more fluid and Astarion doesn't look as stiff with hand gestures but I think the frequent close-ups on his face are a bit distracting, especially since in some of them his skin looks extremely pale compared to other shots. I also miss the little head bow after selecting 'I wouldn't want it any other way', his cute smile when he says 'that makes US the most powerful people in the world' and I preferred it when he closed his mouth after the laugh - now he looks a bit derpy as the screen blackens. I like extra smugness on his face when he talks about the power and his newly added smile during the line 'true... freedom'. Tav looks happier too and doesn't cross their arms like before, which is a big plus.

2. The intro made sense for my choice (staying in Baldur's Gate) but it doesn't after selecting the option to travel together - the narrator should say they received the letter while staying somewhere and you simply changed your travelling schedule to attend the party.

3. I LOVE his outfit during the celebration, though I wish female Tav would arrive wearing a robe or generally something more feminine.

4. Astarion turning into a bat and flying around spying on people is adorable and hilarious!

5. He can see himself in the mirror! Finally! So happy this was included!

6. 'I may have power, but it would be nothing without you. You complete me. And together, we are unstoppable. So Heavens help the fool that tries to get in our way.' - amazing lines!

7. 'I will be watching. I am always... watching.' - Yandere Astarion, haha, he is delightful laugh The way AA pronounces that last 'watching' does things to me. Neil Newbon knocked it out of the park once more. <3

8. I like how he's thoughtful with the 'We have en eternity for chit-chat, my love. The others only get you for tonight. I can't keep you all to myself', as well as other lines and yet still making it clear the power dynamic thing is not gonna go away if Tav can express doubts about the relationship flourishing. It shows that he doesn't see Tav as a slave, but that he's obssessed and very protective of them.

9. Please give us an option to kiss AA, only him and ascended Gale don't have have any intimate options. It would also reflect the lustful tone of the relationship, while spawn has a hug to higlight the romantic tone. Taking into account how he enjoys that others see them being happy together, I'm sure he wouldn't mind an extra show of affection.

10. In the OP I was suggesting a possible scenario for mortal and spawn Tav who rejected him, but I'm happy with what's in the game now. Although some extra angst might have been interesting, I think I actually prefer it that he calms down even more and is civil with Tav. He doesn't even get triggered anymore if he's compared to Cazador. It shows character growth. Though, seeing how much he misses Tav, his talk about seeing them again in the future, etc. I think Tav should have an option to suggest getting back together. I think there should have been some differences if they stayed as partners in crime as well. Then they could indicate that it's not the first time they see each other since the original ending.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the party scenes. He is still the arrogant, magnificent bastard I love. Just please add that kiss option and a line asking Astarion if he'd like to get back together if he was broken up with, and then I'll be completely satisfied with the epilogue party.

200%! Nothing further to add on my end, I’d love a kiss scene with him; any chance to give that man a smooch, honestly *blush*

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Originally Posted by Ametris
Now that I've played through the new epilogue with AA and watched alternative options, here are my observations:

1. I'm conflicted about the new animations for post final battle private chat. They look more fluid and Astarion doesn't look as stiff with hand gestures but I think the frequent close-ups on his face are a bit distracting, especially since in some of them his skin looks extremely pale compared to other shots. I also miss the little head bow after selecting 'I wouldn't want it any other way', his cute smile when he says 'that makes US the most powerful people in the world' and I preferred it when he closed his mouth after the laugh - now he looks a bit derpy as the screen blackens. I like extra smugness on his face when he talks about the power and his newly added smile during the line 'true... freedom'. Tav looks happier too and doesn't cross their arms like before, which is a big plus.

2. The intro made sense for my choice (staying in Baldur's Gate) but it doesn't after selecting the option to travel together - the narrator should say they received the letter while staying somewhere and you simply changed your travelling schedule to attend the party.

3. I LOVE his outfit during the celebration, though I wish female Tav would arrive wearing a robe or generally something more feminine.

4. Astarion turning into a bat and flying around spying on people is adorable and hilarious!

5. He can see himself in the mirror! Finally! So happy this was included!

6. 'I may have power, but it would be nothing without you. You complete me. And together, we are unstoppable. So Heavens help the fool that tries to get in our way.' - amazing lines!

7. 'I will be watching. I am always... watching.' - Yandere Astarion, haha, he is delightful laugh The way AA pronounces that last 'watching' does things to me. Neil Newbon knocked it out of the park once more. <3

8. I like how he's thoughtful with the 'We have en eternity for chit-chat, my love. The others only get you for tonight. I can't keep you all to myself', as well as other lines and yet still making it clear the power dynamic thing is not gonna go away if Tav can express doubts about the relationship flourishing. It shows that he doesn't see Tav as a slave, but that he's obssessed and very protective of them.

9. Please give us an option to kiss AA, only him and ascended Gale don't have have any intimate options. It would also reflect the lustful tone of the relationship, while spawn has a hug to higlight the romantic tone. Taking into account how he enjoys that others see them being happy together, I'm sure he wouldn't mind an extra show of affection.

10. In the OP I was suggesting a possible scenario for mortal and spawn Tav who rejected him, but I'm happy with what's in the game now. Although some extra angst might have been interesting, I think I actually prefer it that he calms down even more and is civil with Tav. He doesn't even get triggered anymore if he's compared to Cazador. It shows character growth. Though, seeing how much he misses Tav, his talk about seeing them again in the future, etc. I think Tav should have an option to suggest getting back together. I think there should have been some differences if they stayed as partners in crime as well. Then they could indicate that it's not the first time they see each other since the original ending.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the party scenes. He is still the arrogant, magnificent bastard I love. Just please add that kiss option and a line asking Astarion if he'd like to get back together if he was broken up with, and then I'll be completely satisfied with the epilogue party.

I support you, especially about the kiss. I'm sure he'd like to do something revealing. Although I'm not sure about the clothes. There is a wardrobe in the camp where you can change clothes. I think they made a beautiful gender-neutral costume. But if you don't like it, then you can go to the chest and choose any other one. Although I would certainly like a unique costume, but in this case it is the same for everyone, even if you appear alone.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
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Ametris Offline OP
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I know about the chest, I switched to the drow outfit, but it still felt kinda meh that I had to choose from old outfits and didn't get a shiny new feminine one from the start. It is especially jarring when Astarion is wearing basicly the same thing just with different textures. They arrived looking like two bros and I noped out of that. It's fitting for male Tav but not for female Tav imo.

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Lord Astarion in party: We share a palace, share power, live lives eternal in each other's arms. What more could anyone want?

Arms over here. Right now. Cuddle.

The weirdo-kiddo who loves yandere and edgy dark romance novels got candy. Thank you, Larian. But I'm too greedy to stop at one.

We have some good answer choices to play a couple of villains. But I really want to play an even more romantic Tav. Apparently, Lord Astarion thinks "sentimentality" is too much, as he said in a friend-dialog. His romance is more wild than sweet. It's just: my Tav is decadent, but still playfully-gentle. I'd like to try play like this. It would improve my experience. I don't know for sure how he'll react (I think he'll give himself a hug, though, only with some spicy thing maybe), either way I surely want to see it.

I'm still hoping for epilogues for the epilogue (?)
Just I saw the epilogues as something cinematic for each companion and each endings.
Specifically, for Astarion. We have these pearls from the game files:

- He and his love scour tomes and ancient texts, seeking a way to return him to the light. Their search hath bourne no fruit yet, but they hunt on.

- Though one guest is notably missing. A former lover. From time to time, Astarion doth ponder inviting her, but deemeth it beneath a lord.
- Rumours of their debauchery abound, but all agree a night revelling with them will be the greatest or most horrifying night of your life.
- His former master destroyed, thousands of souls sacrificed, and his place as the Vampire Ascendant secured. His parties alone are worthy of ballads and legends.
Though no ballads are ever writ, such is the fear that doth swirl about Astarion and his bloody consort
- The Vampire Ascendant. He chose to leave Baldur's Gate with his consort and travel the world, indulging in every delight it offered.

The party looks like good conversation, it was needed too, really. But here are clips like the epic first one I think will please everyone. True, It takes a lot of time for those.
I also want to see the lavish halls and the huge lush late-medieval fantasy ship with dragon ornaments, aw.

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Ametris Offline OP
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I'd certainly love to see both a kiss and a hug but I have doubts we'd get both. But who knows?
Maybe one day they will add extra slides, though I'm already quite happy with what we received this patch. smile
Withers' 'It is over. For NOW' does make me wonder if they will reconsider and give us a DLC.

Yandere Astarion is even better seen talking to the MC from 1st person perspective: delight
I love that people are posting these shorts nowadays.
Also, a while ago we were trying to guess the logistics of Astarion's newest kiss, namely where he keeps his hands. Now that they fixed the kiss, it looks like they also... enhanced it a little bit as Nirraart posted on her channel showing interesting pics. shadowheartgiggle

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Don’t you dare touch the suit we arrive in. That shit was fire. ;…;

If you haaaave to have a dress, at least make it a choice.

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Ametris Offline OP
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Nyloth posted a short with Astarion seeing himself for the first time in the mirror after ascending! It's so beautiful and touching! Awww, I'm so glad Larian listened! <3 delight

Does anyone know if romanced Wyll can be kissed or hugged in the epilogue? Because after seeing that ascended Gale actually got a new cutscene where he kisses the MC, so far it seems only ascended Astarion cannot have an intimate moment with his consort. It's not nice.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Nyloth posted a short with Astarion seeing himself for the first time in the mirror after ascending! It's so beautiful and touching! Awww, I'm so glad Larian listened! <3 delight

Hah, this is adorable. Now only if Larian let us give him that portrait if he doesn't ascend.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Also, a while ago we were trying to guess the logistics of Astarion's newest kiss, namely where he keeps his hands. Now that they fixed the kiss, it looks like they also... enhanced it a little bit as Nirraart posted on her channel showing interesting pics. shadowheartgiggle

Oh my! I wish the camera would be zoomed out more. grin Now if they could just spice up the Endgame kiss - I thought I read in the patch notes that they did implemented new ones, but I guess that was just wishful thinking as it's still the same old peck.

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Ametris Offline OP
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Yes, we deserve better angles for this kiss to see all the good stuff!
I posted about the endgame kiss in the patch notes thread earlier, hopefully it is on their radar.
Actually the first kiss during act 1 sex scene is not aligned for me. My Tav kisses his chin while he kisses the side of her nose.
And ascended Astarion needs a kiss during the epilogue party too.
So many kisses that need work!

Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
Now only if Larian let us give him that portrait if he doesn't ascend.

We need this too, for sure.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Apologies, I haven't (yet) read the while thread but I still wanted to share my suggestion for the romance epilogue scene with unascended Astarion. I put the actual quotes from the game in italics.

The Epilogue for Astarion and his romantic partner is severely lacking emotional depth and intimacy. Astarion and the PC are in love, yet it's not shown at all. It looks more like they barely want to be in the same room with him.

Astarion: 'Hello darling. I was just thinking about freedom. How I'm free of the parasite - free of Cazador. How I'll never be in someone's power again. And all it cost was my life in the sun. Now I belong to the shadows. So. What happens next?' I like that part aside from 'What happens next?'. I'd prefer 'What are we going to do next?'.

(I'm going to only talk about one of the possible answers here since that's the one I prefer and therefore I don't have an opinion on the others.)

PC: 'I'll help you find a way to walk in the sun again.' That line sounds incredibly condescending to me. They are in a relashionship as equals after all. Better were something along the lines of 'We could search for a way for you to walk in the sun again, love. Would you like that?'

Astarion: 'You - do you think it's possible? I suppose there is a chance. And if there's a chance, no matter how small, I'm going to take it. And it would mean setting off on another adventure together. Is that what you want? Is this what you want?' I actually really like that part as is.

Astarion: 'I would understand if you wanted to go your own way.' I think, it makes not much sense but don't really mind it being there.

PC: 'No, this is what I want.' This sentence shows no emotions whatsoever, it's completely hollow and disappointing. Please, let me tell him 'I love you, Astarion. To be with you is what I want.'

Astarion: 'Good, because selfless as I am, I really did not want to let you go.' Minor change with huge impact would be: 'Good, because I love you too and selfless as I am, I really did not want to let you go.' Astarion should take PC's hands during that sentence, drawing them closer together.

Astarion: 'We are rather excellent together, you know. And united, there is nothing we can't do. I can't say what the future holds for us, but I know we'll be facing it together.' Why don't they kiss?

Astarion: 'And we're going to have a lot of fun.' Here they should embrace each other in a tight hug, both happily smiling, before it fades to black.

- the happier end (imho)

Last edited by Alithea; 03/12/23 11:23 PM.
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Ametris Offline OP
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Very nice suggestions how to improve that scene! Have you checked it again after the patch? Because they did tamper with animation in the ascended outcome. Have they changed anything in the unascended scene?
I hope they will eventually add proper intimacy so the characters behave like an actual couple.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Thank you smile

Unfortunately not. I haven't updated yet because my current playthrough is modded and I want to finish it first. Haven't heard of changes in that scene yet.

To have them act like a proper couple is all I want really (well, in that scene. I also want the docks scene fixes, transmog, etc. lol)

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Originally Posted by Ametris
Have they changed anything in the unascended scene? I hope they will eventually add proper intimacy so the characters behave like an actual couple.

madforhoran on tumblr said: "the only thing I noticed different is cam angle is now facing Astarion instead of Tav when he asks "is that what you want?" after picking what's next"

So they did tamper with the scene. I hope the'll continue to work on it.

Edit: Found a video on youtube - they also got rid of the crossed arms and weird forward stance of Tav.

Last edited by Alithea; 03/12/23 06:37 PM.
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