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Originally Posted by Nyloth
I was more confused by the fact that Tav has expensive clothes, but Astarion does not. xD

This. Especially since my "Tav" in question was Gale, who apparently taken to knitting now - and I'd assume him to be the type of knitter who makes highly elaborate lace knits that he the showers on the family. ^^

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They spent all their money on Tav's suit because Astarion looks good in anything. His EA outfit doesn't fit him tho and it's ugly as hell.

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Ametris Offline OP
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I guess they were going for nostalgia with his EA outfit?

Rather funny that he looks fancier and more elegant after being abducted by aliens and having crash landed on a beach, than at a reunion party where everyone's trying to look good.

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I think they just couldn't be bothered to make a new one because they already had that one. I wish they had given him something more interesting at least for the ending where he goes to the Underdark. Drow armors look so good on him.

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Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
I think they just couldn't be bothered to make a new one because they already had that one. I wish they had given him something more interesting at least for the ending where he goes to the Underdark. Drow armors look so good on him.

I think all of them wear outfits that are supposed to reflect their standard friendly paths of life - though why Cazador-alive-Spawnstarion and Adventurer-Spawnstarion wear the same stuff, I don't know. The description makes most sense for someone on the road with the repaired shoes and all.

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Ametris Offline OP
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Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
I wish they had given him something more interesting at least for the ending where he goes to the Underdark. Drow armors look so good on him.

Originally Posted by Anska
I think all of them wear outfits that are supposed to reflect their standard friendly paths of life - though why Cazador-alive-Spawnstarion and Adventurer-Spawnstarion wear the same stuff, I don't know. The description makes most sense for someone on the road with the repaired shoes and all.

It would be cool if they gave him different outfits for these outcomes. Wyll for example has a different look when he's a ranger, comes back from Avernus and is a Grand Duke.

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Joined: Nov 2023
I thought about making the post more detailed, but that will probably be in the spring.
Poor English, I tried my best with DeepL translator.

15. More love for the Ascended Astarion - indeed!

Such a dark, deep character and love line just can't be found nowadays. Well, not unless it's Japanese. Big-big Monopolist in this niche.
A charming medieval Dark Fantasy set in the world of Faerun.
Lord Astarion It's still Astarion, the culmination of his dark desires that have been with him always.

I hope if there is any content, it keeps the complexity of the dark romance, like possessiveness, but real caring, love-obsession.
The art and charm of Dark Romance is very subtle, it needs balance.

Everyone plays Tav\Durage differently.
If toxicity realism should work, Astarion on the beach at the beginning too - huge, red as a tomato� But we have a whole love plot with him.

I'm glad that it is possible play the dynamic of two villains\just two darkly in love, who are on the same page and\or who are mutually obsessed with each other, who have incredibly strong feelings for each other. Such a concept is already in DnD for vampires. I wish there was more of that.
A lot of guys and girls adore Minthara so much too.

Not sequels I think, but within the story, improvements.
The epilogue was a good, after adding the hug\kiss it will be a great.

The Magistrate's past

Revealing Astarion's evil past as a Magistrate, which will make his story deeper and give a better understanding of the character. This will be especially interesting for the path of evil. Honestly, for me, his story doesn't work very well without it. I wish his quest had been deeper anyway, with complex morally gray issues.
I'm only hoping for the dusty pages. In Cazador's safe\in a castle\somewhere that he kept as a keepsake because he was obsessed with Astarion, that little detail about his past made him laugh. Or any other way.

It also has romantic potential. If you add dialog that the player found out about it and decided to tell Astarion. I think there should be several versions here - before the ritual, Lord and Spawn.
I'd like to answer in all cases:
"I see and it doesn't change things. I love you".
There should also be an option to reject the relationship, even the option to read Astarion's mind, his thoughts.

Early Access

And I'm just going to ask for scenes back from EA that literally change nothing about the character's understanding, only expand on it, and do it perfectly. I haven't played EA, but I understood Astarion like I did. Then I found the EA scenes.
A completely harmless (well, when we're talking about Astarion ThInG) scene-talking after the barn, or after Mayrina. Maybe the scene in the mushroom colony, but um-m even it didn't surprise me.
So to see these great tiny scenes in the definitive edition, for example, would be wonderful.

4. Reactions to races and classes.
How true what you said about the races! The reactions of all companions to certain races is what I want.

I play as a half elf and even the magic mirror said "My master is no filthy half-breed".
Lae'zel: Mark my word: The half-elf's an abyss of lies and secrets. 'Shadowheart' indeed
I love Faerun, it's so... edgy :>

Half-Elves are actually different in personalities, there is a rumor about them that they are friendly, "welcome everywhere, but struggle without a community to call their own". True, incidents of racism against half elves seem to be pretty rare.

I wonder what Astarion thinks of this. He's a high elf. And he's pretty edgy too. How does he feel about half-elves does he have prejudices?
Depending on approval, let's say.
I also play good, so it's great to hear from Astarion:
"You're so... diplomatic because of your origin, or you just silly. That's good for me, but could you not get too into it much" kind of thing would be fun.
I wouldn't even be surprised he says if Tav do something ~that Astarion approves ~
"I thought half-elves could only strum a lute"\"For a little half elf girl/boy, you have incredible promise".
Or when a player does something risky\strange out of sheer curiosity (half-elf trait):
If he likes "Your blood calls you to new experiences", If he doesn't like: "Your curious little half-elvish nose might get bitten some day".

And the Drow - they have such a rich lore! Globally, I could see people not being very happy that by Act 3, whether you're a Drow or not doesn't mean much. So, I hope details will be added.

9. The talk after the Ascension has so much potential.

I understand if Astarion ends the relationship if we don't want to become his completely. It shows perfectly that he's a love-control fella. It makes sense - Tav\Durage is the first person in his life he can trust, who is dear to him - he doesn't want to let go of someone like that, ever.

However, we have a mortal ending where he's at ease that Tav doesn't want that yet. I think we should add the "conviction" to wait with this, which may or may not be successful. I'd also like the use of charisma in this situation. This piece will connect the mortal end too.
Of course, that should affect the epilogue.

The mortal ending in the epilogue will definitely improve.
If you don't mention vampirism at all Tav is still mortal in the epilogue. It should all be with dialog, references, at least to the narrator.
I think Astarion's answers should be detailed depending on the player's race. Astarion can apparently appease his yandere-thing, but it's there. Makes sense he's a vampire, his vampire-love belongs to Tav and it's a dark romance.
If the player is an elf Astarion's calmness is understandable, they live so long and are long young. If Tav's life isn't that long, Astarion can show genuine worry that she'll be gone someday and he just won't accept it.
It's wild, but suddenly it can be added, after the dialog at the party where Tav agreed to become immortal, after the toast, Cutscene as Astarion bites her.
But that's already a global expansion of the epilogue. I think such a dialog with mortal Tav is not really suitable for the epilogue, there is more fanservice, and this conversation can be serious. It's a celebratory atmosphere and this silly couple just� Where it will be possible to play the breakup\conviction\agreement. So, I have nothing against just small details, that will simply connect the pieces.

Let's go back to the scene after the ascension.

So It's understandable why relationships end when he's rejected.
It's not clear why the relationship ends when player refuses to "get on knees".
It's a bit odd and unrealistic considering that he reacts to the freedom-seeking Tav quite calmly in the epilogue. The act of domination he desires is clear: however, if the player agrees to take the gift of eternity and be bound to Astarion forever - that means more kneeling and should be enough, it's giving him everything.

What kind of special vampire tradition is that? It could be. But the player has too many bonds to Astarion, and after a while is chilly to even turning, not to mention kneeling.
Astarion loves the knee-thing so much that if the player doesn't, he's alienating the man who cares for him for the first time in 200 years?
I insist there has to be "conviction", "charisma", are the options here, to kind of calm his fire a little bit, and if it fails, it's either yes or no.

Ahem, and speaking of the Drow Supremacy. They have a very strong matriarchy. Astarion has ascended, has not forgotten the history of Faerun. He offers to kneel to a Drow woman. 99% she has to refuse, well 90%, and his response is only seen to me as "I had to try, okay" (assuming she agrees to the rest). And if the Drow woman agrees Astarion will probably make one of the most satisfied faces he can.

Speaking of the Bard. There's no way the Bard wouldn't make a joke\something playful about this. (during the scene and the morning after). The universe is almost collapsing, there's no Bard-joke on that in the game. And I wish Astarion actually liked the joke (or there were two of them).
Also of course we have the companions' reactions to Tav's spawn in little small talk. But I would like full dialogs with everyone. And then talk to Astarion about it and just there the potential for dialog, and for Bard jokes is huge too.

It's a quirk of mine in general, I'd like to see Lord Astarion truly satisfied. He's like a beloved well-fed lion.

A New Year is coming, I wish Larian success and all the best.

Thank you so much, Ametris, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year smile

Last edited by LiryFire; 23/12/23 02:50 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
I really really wish people would quit the whole bad vs good BS narrative. He is morally grey. Either way, he chooses, Ascended or Not. He is a complete whole person and he has a personality that is unique to him. No ritual will change that. He is not a TRUE VAMPIRE, he is the Vampire Ascendant. He has elvish feelings just like before the ritual. He has all the urges of any male elf, whichever path he chooses. This debate needs to stop because all of that is still in that one elf's body. Regardless of what one side thinks or not. Period. No one gets over trauma in a day, I do not care what anyone thinks about that. It is a lifetime of working on it. Even Larian stated that Ascended Astarion is still Astarion. He is not like a true vampire. He is the one and ONLY Vampire Ascendant. (This does not EXIST in DnD, nor in their books, nor in their lore, nor anywhere!!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!)

Those of us who Ascended Him are ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM just as much as those who did not. There is no difference. Relationships are hard and take work, especially with people who have an ego the size of our beautiful elf. He does not like everyone to know about his business. He is secretive with everyone except Tav because he never had someone to confide in, EVER. He was an elf teenager when he died, so he needs time to grow up. That takes a while as well. Plus he is also mischievous, so that is also something that a lot of people do not understand a lot of the time.

This is also how I think of the relationship as well:

Originally Posted by Nyloth
I would like if romance with Ascended Astarion to be like this...

[Linked Image from]

They're both happy. I don't know why writers decided to use some kind of image "abusive asshole" and "his victim" While these are cards from MTG and it clearly shows that DnD vampires can be happy together. I don't understand why the "realism of toxic relationships" didn't work with Minthara, whose relationship is also unhealthy, but it worked with Astarion. It's terribly disappointing.

Beautifully done with that amazing card Nyloth. Anyways, at least Larian gave us a mostly better romance with a vampire and quit trying to turn it into a damn Twilight type of fest. I wanted a Dracula, Lestat, Eric Northman, Straud type of romance. Worthy of DnD and worthy of a vampire. And worthy of an 18+ game. Now if they can top it, I will be happier. And I want to be able to run after him if he is not ascended. Screw Karlach. He is my chosen. Not her. But for the love of the GODS, stop with this bad vs good BS...................PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a whole entire flushed-out elf and story to boot.

#JusticeForAstarion #JusticeForTheRealFansOfTheRomanceWithAstarion
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Originally Posted by DarkAngelBeckons
I really really wish people would quit the whole bad vs good BS narrative. He is morally grey. Either way, he chooses, Ascended or Not. He is a complete whole person and he has a personality that is unique to him. No ritual will change that. He is not a TRUE VAMPIRE, he is the Vampire Ascendant. He has elvish feelings just like before the ritual. He has all the urges of any male elf, whichever path he chooses. This debate needs to stop because all of that is still in that one elf's body. Regardless of what one side thinks or not. Period. No one gets over trauma in a day, I do not care what anyone thinks about that. It is a lifetime of working on it. Even Larian stated that Ascended Astarion is still Astarion. He is not like a true vampire. He is the one and ONLY Vampire Ascendant. (This does not EXIST in DnD, nor in their books, nor in their lore, nor anywhere!!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!)

Those of us who Ascended Him are ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM just as much as those who did not. There is no difference. Relationships are hard and take work, especially with people who have an ego the size of our beautiful elf. He does not like everyone to know about his business. He is secretive with everyone except Tav because he never had someone to confide in, EVER. He was an elf teenager when he died, so he needs time to grow up. That takes a while as well. Plus he is also mischievous, so that is also something that a lot of people do not understand a lot of the time.

Beautifully done with that amazing card Nyloth. Anyways, at least Larian gave us a mostly better romance with a vampire and quit trying to turn it into a damn Twilight type of fest. I wanted a Dracula, Lestat, Eric Northman, Straud type of romance. Worthy of DnD and worthy of a vampire. And worthy of an 18+ game. Now if they can top it, I will be happier. And I want to be able to run after him if he is not ascended. Screw Karlach. He is my chosen. Not her. But for the love of the GODS, stop with this bad vs good BS...................PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a whole entire flushed-out elf and story to boot.

If you're talking about Strahd, that's a bad example, I personally wouldn't want to see something similar. All because Strahd's relationships are more built on unrequited love, and I'm tired of this hackneyed clich� that if a character is evil, it's impossible to love him. However, I like Lestat's dynamic because despite all his selfishness and hysterical behavior he was able to show feelings for both vampires and mortals. And really bonded with them.

I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
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Ametris Offline OP
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Originally Posted by LiryFire
The Magistrate's past

Revealing Astarion's evil past as a Magistrate, which will make his story deeper and give a better understanding of the character. This will be especially interesting for the path of evil. Honestly, for me, his story doesn't work very well without it. I wish his quest had been deeper anyway, with complex morally gray issues.
I'm only hoping for the dusty pages. In Cazador's safe\in a castle\somewhere that he kept as a keepsake because he was obsessed with Astarion, that little detail about his past made him laugh. Or any other way.

It also has romantic potential. If you add dialog that the player found out about it and decided to tell Astarion. I think there should be several versions here - before the ritual, Lord and Spawn.
I'd like to answer in all cases:
"I see and it doesn't change things. I love you".
There should also be an option to reject the relationship, even the option to read Astarion's mind, his thoughts.

I've been thinking about a potential scenario like this too and would love to have this in the game! I can only imagine the tough conversation with Tav and him having to admit that he'd manipulated them into helping him out and if they'd known about his past, they'd have looked at him differently.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
Early Access

And I'm just going to ask for scenes back from EA that literally change nothing about the character's understanding, only expand on it, and do it perfectly. I haven't played EA, but I understood Astarion like I did. Then I found the EA scenes.
A completely harmless (well, when we're talking about Astarion ThInG) scene-talking after the barn, or after Mayrina. Maybe the scene in the mushroom colony, but um-m even it didn't surprise me.
So to see these great tiny scenes in the definitive edition, for example, would be wonderful.

I bought the game in EA but didn't play it then and now you got me curious. I'll have to check these scenes out.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
Let's go back to the scene after the ascension.

So It's understandable why relationships end when he's rejected.
It's not clear why the relationship ends when player refuses to "get on knees".

This scene looks kind of like a joke to me. 'No', 'Yes', 'No', 'K bye then!' I think they should get into a proper, angsty discussion there.

As for his motivation - I think there are multiple reasons. He's still so high on the power from the ritual that he's doing it for his own pleasure to fulfill his domination kink. Also as a way to test the water to see if Tav would be obedient and to set the mood for the relationship going forward. Moreover, since he's making it clear that he wants to be the dominant one, it seems to be his way to bring Tav down to his level and a display of full acceptance of him. He still sees them as a better person than he is (the insight check about degradation, which actually talks about continuing the relationship with him). When he admits he wants what's best for Tav too he's clearly lying, because he believes that for them it is to be with another - someone nicer and not a monster like him, who'd manipulated them from the start and possibly even groomed them to join the dark side. If he's to be Tav's lord, they cannot be better than him, equal at best. Thus, it's a small act that actually has a lot of meaning to him, and if Tav doesn't humour him, then they reject the whole premise of their relationship as two vampires.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
Ahem, and speaking of the Drow Supremacy. They have a very strong matriarchy. Astarion has ascended, has not forgotten the history of Faerun. He offers to kneel to a Drow woman. 99% she has to refuse, well 90%, and his response is only seen to me as "I had to try, okay" (assuming she agrees to the rest). And if the Drow woman agrees Astarion will probably make one of the most satisfied faces he can.

I think he should always force it, even more so with a drow female for the extra smug satisfaction. He could even make a chuffed remark about it to give playing a drow something unique.

Originally Posted by LiryFire
Thank you so much, Ametris, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year smile

Thank you too, LiryFire! Enjoy these days as well! smile

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In the way I meant it was by being a vampire, not in a twilight-sparkling manner. Not their individual ways of treatment or selective manners. I was just giving examples of vampires that have a personality that is more akin towards the types of what I am thinking. If you don't like Straud, then strike him off the list. But he is better than a sparkles boy.

#JusticeForAstarion #JusticeForTheRealFansOfTheRomanceWithAstarion
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I have a few more suggestions and concerns I'd like to mention.

1. During the bite night scene when you let Astarion drink more, Tav doesn't have a bleeding neck, like they do after using the first persuasion check, so it's clearly a bug.

2. Why is there no explanation why Astarion thinks biting an elf during their trance is a good idea? From what I've read elves are fully aware of their surroundings while in that state, so of course they'd sense his presence and confront him. I know he at least has a poor excuse in Karlach's case that he's so hungry that he conveniently forgot about her untouchable condition.

3. I've mentioned it already in a couple of threads, and I'll mention it here too: I would love there to be a scene before the point of no return where you spend some time together with your partner, comment on your journey so far and prepare for what's to come. It's just strange and sad there are no camp events after completing your LI's story. With the Ascendant we could go to the Crimson Palace and start making plans for the future, talk about redecorating the interior, etc. With Spawn Astarion we could go watch the sunset or sunrise together, like it was suggested by Hula Noob in their thread in the feedback forum.

4. As was discussed in another thread too, when Ascended Astarion urges you to
take control in the ending choice, we should have an opportunity to have a short discussion with him about it to let him know what we are planning to do. Likewise, I'd like there to be another one in the epilogue where we talk about the aftermath. Right now, it looks very awkward that he asks us to do something, we don't communicate with him, do the opposite and he has nothing to say about it afterwards. He completely forgets about it after the dock scene. There is only random chance in there to hear him say he's glad the "stupid worm" is gone from his head. Compare it to Minthara who also wants to usurp the brain's powers and does have a chat with Tav about them abandoning that idea post final battle.

5. I would have liked Astarion to have a reaction to our dialogue when we lie to his brethren in his support when they try to abduct him. He takes notice of you telling them they can take him if they want to, so it would be nice if he could express extra gratitude when we back him up. We also don't have any dialogue here reinforcing our stance that we'll help him ascend. There are only neutral and negative responses.

6. It's not specific to his romance, but I'd still like to say that I really like the menacing way Astarion's eyes look during ascension. It would be cool if his eyes would glow like that again when he enters combat to show him utilising his new powers.

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Ametris Offline OP
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Another point that was previously mentioned is that the game doesn't acknowledge the choice to travel the world with Ascendant and deciding to settle down with Spawn. There is also disregard for the MF Tav choices. I think MF Tav who agreed to the alliance should go to the party with Astarion, just not as a romantic partner.
What blew my mind is when I recently found out that Lae'zel CAN actually romance a MF Tav. Her projection is all horny for the tentacles. Like... what? It's so weird! Still, it means that Astarion has even less epilogue content in comparison to others.

Anyways, I'd like to see something like this in the epilogue, either the way it's presented in the video or with roles reversed.

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Originally Posted by Ametris
Another point that was previously mentioned is that the game doesn't acknowledge the choice to travel the world with Ascendant and deciding to settle down with Spawn.

I wonder if Larian even knows.

Originally Posted by Ametris
What blew my mind is when I recently found out that Lae'zel CAN actually romance a MF Tav. Her projection is all horny for the tentacles. Like... what? It's so weird! Still, it means that Astarion has even less epilogue content in comparison to others.

Astarion has standards.

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old hand
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The epilogue feels weirdly short, yes. Especially with an Origin because otherwise almost everyone you can talk to at the party seems to have unique dialogue lines for them. With romanced Spawn-Astarion you also seem to be looking for a cure no matter which option you picked, as it is always a discussion topic with Minsc.

I'd like to gift Spawn Astarion the portrait you can get as a quest reward (in case that ever gets fixed). Not just as him mechanically being able to get painted, but as dialogue option you can offer to him.

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I'd also like to be able to do this in the palace (as part of the pre-final battle scene I suggested).

Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
Originally Posted by Ametris
What blew my mind is when I recently found out that Lae'zel CAN actually romance a MF Tav. Her projection is all horny for the tentacles. Like... what? It's so weird! Still, it means that Astarion has even less epilogue content in comparison to others.

Astarion has standards.

He does! And I hope they never retcon it and make him get back with MF Tav.

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Originally Posted by LiryFire
The Magistrate's past

I'd like to add: If Astarion Dark past is going to be realized and a dialog will be added too.
I realize that it may never happen at all and so it's a very dreamy suggestion. But I'm too inspired so bring it on.
The playstyle should significantly affect this dialog. It's an important thing.
Speaking of playstyle I will use the terms alignment.

Astarion, before the ritual. And in general.
Astarion has no reason to care about his dark past if the player is dark too. This system works in the conversation about controlling the cult in front of the Moon Towers.
That the playstyle is evil\neutral-evil, or really neutral - doesn't interfere.
If the player tells Nere to "kill the slaves" or "no action", for example, there are several key moments throughout the story that will signal Astarion how to act and shape his attitude towards the dialog and the player.
There's a subtle point with neutrality, neutral alignment doesn't take sides, chaotic-neutral doesn't either (but is more subject to own caprice). And for Astarion, that's going to be I think the hardest part, understanding a player like that, as opposed to hero and villain.
I think he'll be helped just here by the fact that the player is in a romance with him. As in the case of the story there will be key-romantic-moments. And not just good\care ones, but sacrificial and strange ones.
One of the first is the player letting Astarion drink his blood\ or let kill player and not being too mad at him in the morning. That is moments when the player did something just for him risky things, questionable, supported not-good words Astarion. That is, Astarion would understand that he's the player's weak spot, he's being forgiven everything, so his behavior would be different. Or the player is quite individual and Astarion's influence is obviously less.
Also the impact of "breaking up" when the relationship was before.

A player should be able to part ways, in every possible path because of this.

After the ritual.

This will be an opportunity to show the thorns and dark side of Astarion Spawn. If for example the player has done some pretty evil things and doesn't care about the past, or evily-evil says Astarion was doing an interesting venture. Someone wants keeps playing Boney and Clyde without the ritual. Also a good player, could still condemn it even before going to a painful breakup.
Or take great indignation if an evil player judges it.

Lord Astarion. DnD5 true-vampire rules work on an ascended vampire? In the interview said it's still Astarion. So I think, we can only evaluate actions.
For Lord, it's a chance to show his gentle\fun side.
For example, player has neutral and is simply Lord Astarion's own moral compass. But not in the sense of breaking up.
Just a little... directing and structuring that chaotic fire, in Lawfull Evil so to speak, when there's a romantic relationship it's all the more interesting to watch. I like the tropes of Unholy Matrimony and Even Evil Has Loved Ones, which there just aren't many of these days.
If the player was a good\neutral and said something nice\neutral or even supportive about Astarion past. That is, the player has stepped to the dark side.
Lord Astarion will have a lot of branches - spawn Tav, after the ritual right away, after the breakup, after agreeing to be "partners-in-crime", even mortal Tav at the end maybe.

In general, I want a strong correlation with actions, how the player behaved in the game in any path for Astarion: in key moments, what decisions were made, how they behaved with Astarion, including in the romantic sense - it will be a deep dialog.
With different options, including based on the player's race, class. Mindreading, Astarion's facial expressions and narrator's voice - that would be interesting, too.

Last edited by LiryFire; 12/01/24 04:49 PM.
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A few suggestions I've been thinking about for a while.
I use she for Tav here, but all this, of course, is for all Tavs.

Spawn after the ritual.

I remember in Act 1 he says "I'd like to drink from Cazador's skull...", in the Spawn end might remind Astarion of his idea. He's pretty depressed after everything and wants to leave sooner rather than later, so I don't know how it would work. But it's potentially interesting.
I've thought of a few options:
- Tav reminds him of this and asks if he wants to make a little trophy. If Astarion agrees, afterward Tav can fill the skull with their blood for Astarion to drink from.
- Tav does the whole thing themselves and offers the "trophy" with their blood to Astarion. This can be implemented beyond the Black Mass hall, bringing the head with her if Tav decides to act on her own and surprise him.
- Then, one could offer to keep the skull or sell it to someone as a taunt, tavern or otherwise. Since Cazador Sarr was one of the powerful men, he had enemies who might be interested in his skull.

The Death
If you improperly talk Astarion out of the ritual he attacks Tav.
The fight begins. I'd like to lose on purpose so I can watch the cutscene. Also after Ascension, if Tav sides with the Gur but loses the fight.
Will Tav be already killed or on her last breath. I'd be interested to see it. I think it's possible, since you can feed yourself to an illithid at the beginning of the game.
Angst-bard would make a joke about it: "Not a small death, but a big one, eh Astarion?"
Death is also the end of the novel.
Or of course the more emotional cutscene when killing any Astarion.
I agree with Nayloth it's a clich� that you can't love a villain sincerely and that a villain can't love sincerely, I'd like to break that clich� in the game.

Lord Astarion.

The Ascended Astarion likes to say that Tav is his, I love hearing that. That's the dark romance I'm here for.

I wish Tav could say, "I am yours and you are mine".

Astarion very much values his power, his independence, however, it's clear to see that no matter everything, he is bound to Tav as well as she is to him - it's his blessing, however it's also a bond that in a way, captivates and holds him back. His love for Tav is probably the only thing in the entire world that has power over him. However, it's also happiness.
That phrase is sorely lacking for a romance like this.
So one would like to know what Lord Astarion thinks about it.

Another phrase that's missing during the scene after the Ascension.
That "little death", Astarion literally kills Tav by turning her into a vampire, giving her the gift of the dark gift of eternity. Which would also be an interesting reference to the beginning.
Some spicy vampire flirting, Addams Family style.

Lord Astarion's special lines during the game, battle.

Lord Astarion really doesn't like it when Tav is heroic and gives her life for something or gives up like for example Karlach, who chooses death.
However, if... Tav simply dies in battle. I'd like to hear that, geez.

After Tav turn to Spawn.
Full dialog with all companions.

A sea of potential.

I'd like Tav to have positive answers and bard thing about her decision and Astarion as well.

"I give him blood every night, of course I love him, and I give him everything" - something like that if the branch of re-feeding Astarion from the first act is open.
Also, I think there should be key-moments included here too that would count as Tav played - a character who went to the dark side, neutral, Tav was already "evil" or chaotic but more good, who is now with the "evil" Lord and brings balance to their couple.

I'm also interested in that moment with the Ascension and the drop of blood Astarion gave Tav. Gale should help me out on this one.

After talking to the companions, since it was a life-changing decision I'd like to talk about the companions' reactions with Astarion.
If Gale said something interesting about Tav's condition, Astarion's blood drop - Tav could talk to Astarion about it.

Also, Tav could:
- Decide to break up after talking to the companions, I guess another conversation with them would be needed afterward.
- To be confident in her decision.
- Be dramatic, worried and tell Astarion about it.
Influence of play style: If Tav throughout the game willingly helped everyone and listened to all companions - played the hero, I don't think Astarion would be surprised by her worry. Yes, if it weren't for that sensitivity Astarion would have stayed on the beach.
He might have calmed Tav down, depending on the answers, show care.

- Tav might be kinda pushy and want more clarity. Persuade Astarion with conviction\charisma or maybe a bard thing. Or negotiate it gently with a longer dialog.
- To read each other's minds with a spell.
- Mind tadpole bonding, as a reference to Act 2, so that Astarion would see her thoughts and Tav his.
I'd like to see where Astarion's mental voice was heard.
Everywhere Tav would choose the option of what she thinks, both negative and positive about their relationship. I'd like an extremely romantic, tender thought here.

If Tav finds out that Astarion has plotted not to make her a true vampire ever - also negative responses and positive ones. It doesn't matter to me whether Tav is a true vampire or not, what matters is that Astarion will openly say what he thinks and wants, and Tav might agree.

About the bride theory a bit and the concept of a special bond.
In the end, the bride theory is so nice, not so much because the bride has free will, it matters to me that this bond is extraordinarily special. And the book has amazing vampire and bride lore - that they can feel each other's emotions from miles away. Although there are certain risks and inconveniences for a Vampire Lord. Lord Vampires hide the bride's free will from her, and still make her a bride because they want that special bond. But if there's an understanding between them, the couple is unstoppable. I thought Astarion might have read that bride ritual in the necromancy of Theia. But I know that Wizards of the Coast holds the copyright to the idea, although Astarion mentions Strahd von Zarovich. I think it is possible to write a new similar ritual that would emphasize the specialness of their connection to each other.
But if technically there are only regular spawns in the game, I think a drop of blood already makes their bond more special and that they drink each other's blood - then it would be great to reveal the part more.

I would want to show that regardless of his power, if, let's say, the ritual didn't work - my Tav would be with him, and now she will be with him.
Astarion is completely into a power high, and I'm guessing "feeling alive" turns his head too.
It will be a gentle moment.

That could be one way trigger the romantic cutscene.
I think the paths to such a scene should be several - one of them is a conversation after the companions' reactions.

Romantic Scene with Lord Astarion

Tav is the first person whose blood Astarion drank.
For Tav, Astarion could be the first too.
They would drink each other.
Blood is more than just food to vampires, they feel the energy of the creatures as Astarion tells us. So this is going to be an incredibly intimate moment.

Last edited by LiryFire; 20/01/24 12:21 AM.
Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
I honestly think a lot of the suggestions in this thread are less interesting than what's in the game. I think it's cool we don't get a perfect romance with Ascended Astarion, it's narratively consistent with what the ritual means for him psychologically. I'd rather have something interesting and consistent than something that's OOC just for another clich� "bad boy romance who makes an exception for you" to fulfill the player's fantasy. Him being abusive is as refreshing as the fact that there is an option to ignore his consent issues in act 2. I don't see game romances usually going there, but I have definitely seen game romances doing the bad boy thing. Minthara is probably closer to the romance I see people asking for here, if only her romance wasn't broken...

I like this route a lot and my favorite parts of Ascended Astarion lie in him being fucked up, to put it bluntly. IDK I think with what's in the game is very cool and honestly maybe it'd be cooler if they went even further, the epilogue was too soft.

The only thing I agree with is that it'd be okay for a naive/not very bright Tav to get another option during his romance scene that's not about being a vampire, sex or reading him for filth but caring for his wellbeing instead. But I don't even think that's necessary since I tend to value narrative over roleplay (which is to be fair a personal preference), and a Tav that's done that already fulfills a certain amount of tropes that make those options that are already available the most interesting. But at least that one I understand and find doable since I think it'd just redirect to one of his already existing lines, since he wants what he wants (to control you).

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
another clich� "bad boy romance who makes an exception for you" to fulfill the player's fantasy.

That's how I see Spawn ending scenario, tbh.

A vampire lives with an elf they seek a cure for his sun, in different, maybe not the most moral ways. They say he tries to kill questionable individuals, but if anyone touches an loved elf who is with him, he will kill anyone.

But really I don't see anything wrong with it.
The Evil Lord rules this city, pet bunnies, talks to ambassadors, weaves a web of power and loves his elf. Lord is more possessive. If someone hurts his loved one, he'll hang their bodies on the castle wall.

Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
honestly maybe it'd be cooler if they went even further, the epilogue was too soft.

I think yes people here haven't given up on romance like Minthara, we don't have another evil man.
If they had gone further this novel would have lost complexity and become black and white moralizing.
I'm really glad they didn't. A romance with Lord Atarion that shows soft\care but possessive traits, quite a deep theme for those who choose it.
Angst potential Lord Astarion - I prefer it to remain fanfic and headcanon, I'm glad he's a soft chill in the epilogue, it's more in his character.

Of course, Tav positive responses will show that there's a strong true bond between them, playing a love-obsessed power couple is more fun for me.

Originally Posted by jinetemoranco
what the ritual means for him psychologically

What the ritual means to him everyone understands it differently. I look at his story more philosophically power games, evil and good. Since Larian is delicately silent, I headcanon his past before Cazdor as a corrupt magistrate who passed sentences and more for personal gain in his search for power. And he simply rolled back to his start, even more confident in his original principles. Hence the ritual gave him what he wanted all his life.

Astarion isn't called Decadence in DnD card for nothing.
He'll do what he wants regardless of morals and what, right or wrong, especially when Astarion is Lord. Especially when this mess fell in love.
Control his love - quite, watch through crystal spheres like Jareth, Goblin King - yes, never let go � well, yes.
His love is decadence, too.
For clarity: I'm not asking to change that. It's a Dark Romance with a vampire, the genre speaks for itself.
I don't think Ametris wants to either.
The other thing is that I don't want to play Tav only as a damsel in distress when I myself agreed to give him everything. Otherwise, Tav didn't agree to "be his forever". Since my Tav agrees, she's decadence too and her love, which I show through positive responses.

Last edited by LiryFire; 22/01/24 08:50 AM.
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