Joined: Nov 2020
So... would you say that you feel that a game winning an award when it's pitted against other games that do not even match the award category Wait, I'm confused. Are you talking about Golden Joystic or the Game Awards? Because I absolutely agree with your post in context of Golden Joystick, but the Game Awards nominations make more sense. Every game with rich narration match this particular award category. Phantom Liberty has excellent narrative and from what I've heard Alan Wake 2 is very interesting too in terms of narration. Can't speak for Final Fantasy and Spider-Man.
Last edited by Phea; 15/11/23 12:40 PM.
Joined: Aug 2023
This site you are opining on is filled with pages of people talking about how interesting they think the villains are. Players have spent a staggering number of hours wandering around this game soaking up every detail for months. Most RPGs are save the world stories. That's what's on the BG3 tin. Did you click blindly without regard to what you were buying? If we are saying it how it is: you and people expressing the same view think your opinion is superior to everyone else simply because it's yours. People voted for the game because they enjoyed it. Even if it isn't necessarily designed to comfortably be a let-the-world-burn-and-laugh story or whatever it is you would have preferred. They are not uninformed or wrong because they don't have the same tastes you do. They are just not you. Which is good. A planet full of you sneering at each other would be unpleasant. For all of you. "Scraping the Barrel" certainly misrepresents the problems with the story of BG3. It had many plot holes, the execution is sloppy, it does not fit the mechanics (artificial time pressure), has uninteresting villains, swaps out the entire premise within seconds (tadpoles), has many lose ends that are not resolved and even if working perfectly is a generic save the world story, not any better that all other RPGs.
Lets say it how it is, fans blindly clicked on everything BG3 without regard what they even voted for.
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
Joined: Aug 2023
You are arguing BG3 is the only title that has a right to win. And doing so on the basis you think there is a conspiracy to give it an advantage by pitting it against, let me just check. Ah. Here it is: the most popular and acclaimed games of the season. Well. That's one theory. Consider this:
I'm voting for Baldur's Gate 3. Alan Wake II: Official Categorisation: Survival HorrorBaldur's Gate III: Official Categorisation: Role-PlayingCyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty: Official Categorisation: Action Role-playingFinal Fantasy XVI: Official Categorisation: Action Role-playingMarvel's Spider-Man 2: Official Categorisation: Action-AdventureSo... would you say that you feel that a game winning an award when it's pitted against other games that do not even match the award category, making it by default the only functional contender in that short list, is a legitimate award with meaning? Are you satisfied that it got put into vote for several categories against games that didn't match the category at all, eliminating any real chance of the golden child not winning most of its nominations? I, for one, don't really consider that legitimate. Frankly, I think being asked to select the best RPG from a list of games, only two others of which share a Partial categorisation with the genre being selected for to begin with, when there are numerous other so-classified RPGs from 2023 to choose from, is extremely suspect. There were other games that it could have been put up against by the selectors, and the short list options that people were given to pick from often felt very... let's say... motivated, at least to me.
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
Joined: Jun 2020
Wait, I'm confused. Are you talking about Golden Joystic or the Game Awards? Because I absolutely agree with your post in context of Golden Joystick, but the Game Awards nominations make more sense. I was responding to Dex Paladins assessment of the listed competition, where they made a focal point about the others not really being in the correct category at all; in confirming this for the listed games, I asked the question as to why they seemed to think that being lined up against games that didn't match the formal category being assessed was a point in its favour. (I'll admit that the context and which games we're talking about, and for which competition has meandered a bit, and if I've mixed some things up on that score I appologise) To be clear, I'm not getting into a discussion about what does and doesn't count as an RPG - I'm just going by the formal categorisation of each game. You are arguing BG3 is the only title that has a right to win. No, I'm not. I was asking Dex a question about what stance they wished to take. Taleon, you are being aggressive, derisive and your language is belittling and mocking. I'm going to ask you, simply as one person having a conversation with another, to please not do that. There is no cause for it, and frankly you come off as a little hypocritical when you accuse others of having an over-inflated sense of the rightness of their own opinion. As a side note, string posting, as you seem to be in the habit of doing, is generally considered poor forum etiquette; it's usually considered more polite to collate your replies to various people into a single post when you make it, with separators if necessary. This site is filled with people with a broad spectrum of many and varied opinions - some in favour of various elements of the game, and others dissatisfied with them; people are allowed to have these different opinions and voice them without worrying that a poster such as yourself is going to attack them for it. As for voting... if the vote category was "best sound design", and it was won by a margin of 300 votes, when the 2000 deaf players who played the game and voted all voted for it "because they loved the game and enjoyed it", that dramatically detracts from the legitimacy of the vote. It doesn't deny that they did, indeed, love the game, or detract from that in any way... but that isn't what the question was about.
Last edited by Niara; 15/11/23 01:51 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I was responding to Dex Paladins assessment of the listed competition, where they made a focal point about the others not really being in the correct category at all; in confirming this for the listed games, I asked the question as to why they seemed to think that being lined up against games that didn't match the formal category being assessed was a point in its favour. (I'll admit that the context and which games we're talking about, and for which competition has meandered a bit, and if I've mixed some things up on that score I appologise)
To be clear, I'm not getting into a discussion about what does and doesn't count as an RPG - I'm just going by the formal categorisation of each game. Dext listed the nominees for the Best Narrative category for the Game Awards, which aren�t necessarily rpgs. The best rpg nominees for the Game Awards are Baldur�s Gate 3, Final Fantasy XVI, Lies of P, Sea of Stars, and Starfield. For myself I need to finish a bit more of Alan Wake 2 to decide if I am voting for that or BG3 in the Narrative category, but will for sure be voting for BG3 in the rpg category! For narrative I think it is easier to tell a great story in a linear game but love narratives that have choices!
Joined: Aug 2023
If you think my posts are aggressive it is a good thing you are on a site where you can suggest an award for the game the site is about is fixed and my post that points out your conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory is the worst that happens. I don't want to tell you about this awful place called -literally the rest of the internet. The critique of how I post on my thread is in form. I don't like the multiple response method you prefer. It is cluttered, impersonal and increasingly impractical in direct proportion to the number of people you are responding to. I suggest a compromise. You post your way. I'll post my way. You don't know anything about the people who are going to vote for the game and you compare them to people who can't hear judging sound. Your opinion of what the category itself means is contested by the people giving the award. Not to display my durge-like cruelty again but I have to suggest someone has an "over-inflated sense of the rightness of their own opinion." The fact that you feel attacked, belittled and mocked just by having the fig leaf taken off what you are saying outright should give you pause in saying it. I guess if a person finds it entiertaining it would be nice to say everyone who doesn't share your view doesn't know what they are doing and have no one point out that is silly and rude but I'm not sure where you find people willing to absorb your scorn without comment. You are arguing BG3 is the only title that has a right to win. No, I'm not. I was asking Dex a question about what stance they wished to take. Taleon, you are being aggressive, derisive and your language is belittling and mocking. I'm going to ask you, simply as one person having a conversation with another, to please not do that. There is no cause for it, and frankly you come off as a little hypocritical when you accuse others of having an over-inflated sense of the rightness of their own opinion. As a side note, string posting, as you seem to be in the habit of doing, is generally considered poor forum etiquette; it's usually considered more polite to collate your replies to various people into a single post when you make it, with separators if necessary. This site is filled with people with a broad spectrum of many and varied opinions - some in favour of various elements of the game, and others dissatisfied with them; people are allowed to have these different opinions and voice them without worrying that a poster such as yourself is going to attack them for it. As for voting... if the vote category was "best sound design", and it was won by a margin of 300 votes, when the 2000 deaf players who played the game and voted all voted for it "because they loved the game and enjoyed it", that dramatically detracts from the legitimacy of the vote. It doesn't deny that they did, indeed, love the game, or detract from that in any way... but that isn't what the question was about.
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
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Joined: Feb 2022
And I will say once more that all views of the game are welcome here, including negative ones, and we should respect the right of other forum members to hold and express their opinions. And that includes engaging constructively with those opinions rather than mocking or dismissing them, or else not engaging at all.
We are never all going to agree, given our different tastes and priorities, and that is absolutely fine. But it does mean that we need to recognise when we have made our own view clear and it's time to agree to disagree. And that means at some point not posting again every time someone publishes a post that we (still) disagree with.
And let's stick to making the positive cases for our own positions rather than being negative about others who disagree with us. There's no need to throw shade on those who either like something we don't, or don't like something we do, and I've seen both happen in this thread.
And please disengage rather than get drawn into personal arguments. I would also encourage everyone to use the post report functionality if they have a problem with another users' post rather than critique each other. While we should ideally all be open to constructive feedback, we're all only human and I don't think most of us respond all that well to public criticism.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Sep 2023
OP asked for our _favorite_ things. Even though I've experienced many irksome problems I'm not getting into all of that HERE because clearly that's not why this thread was created--there are already plenty of threads dedicated to our varying opinions about BG3 (negative, positive, and in-between) I don't think OP hoped to see: it sucks! They don't deserve it! Boohiiisssss!! No wonder they're getting frustrated, you know? Sometimes people need a pick-me-up not more misery?
With that out of the way: I love how my PC always looks bored when my Companions are pouring their hearts out. j/k
I expected to dislike Act2 because of the doom and gloom but Act2 is my favorite! Companion characters questlines (Lae'zel and Astarion especially) Raphael Durge
I could go on haha I do really enjoy BG3. A LOT
Joined: Aug 2023
Thanks for understanding LainaLou. And reading what the thread is for.  I love Act II too. Or also. And I find my PC's respononses fascinating. Freel free to post more about what you love if you want to. That applies to everyone. I'm enjoying the cryptic references very much. Tarlonniel's influence.  Keep it going. Invite your friends in this award winning community. This is meant to be a party! *grin* OP asked for our _favorite_ things. Even though I've experienced many irksome problems I'm not getting into all of that HERE because clearly that's not why this thread was created--there are already plenty of threads dedicated to our varying opinions about BG3 (negative, positive, and in-between) I don't think OP hoped to see: it sucks! They don't deserve it! Boohiiisssss!! No wonder they're getting frustrated, you know? Sometimes people need a pick-me-up not more misery?
With that out of the way: I love how my PC always looks bored when my Companions are pouring their hearts out. j/k
I expected to dislike Act2 because of the doom and gloom but Act2 is my favorite! Companion characters questlines (Lae'zel and Astarion especially) Raphael Durge
I could go on haha I do really enjoy BG3. A LOT
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
Joined: Oct 2023
My take. The game has lots of bugs, some that have cut me out of significant plots. However, and I have played video games for a long time, I am going to state a wild opinion: this is still the best game I have ever played. Ever. I think whoever these writers are that the major Hollywood studios needs to hire them for the villains alone. Here is a RPG where choices matter. People can die. It seems that every battle is like a chess game, but they still throw curve balls that I have to hit. It makes me think. There was several throw away lines that made me laugh out loud.
On many long games, I will likely never go back to play again. While I adored Witcher 3, I doubt I could go back. I am already thinking about my BG3 second and third play through. If I was told I could only play a single game for the rest of my life, it would be this. My desert island game.
Of course they will work on the bugs. Some may not get fixed. While they are an issue, I understand that it has to be released. They needed to get paid. And I hope they all get huge fat bonuses and continue with this license. I could only imagine what they would do with a Spine of the World or Planescape setting. I mention those due to the obvious connection with the IE games; nevertheless, if they picked up some Grayhawk modules I would probably lose my mind.
Joined: Jun 2012
Here is a RPG where choices matter. ...if only. You'd think choosing whether or not to indulge in tadpoles will be in any way significant, and that choosing between "good" or "evil" will have more repercussions than just killing off characters (mostly the good ones) and removing content altogether rather than providing an interesting alternative. Meanwhile System Shock Remake is barely mentioned, despite actually having perfectly integrated narrative and gameplay (from 30 years ago, but it's not like remakes aren't all the rage these days anyway). Calling the plot of BG3 award-worthy when it has the freaking Emperor as he is now is BSoD-inducing. BG3 did pretty much end up as the 5e of top-down CRPGs once Critical Role happened - suddenly a huge wave of people who couldn't care less discover this thing that's apparently cool and what do you know, it's actually so watered-down and patronizing it's accessible to just about anyone.
Last edited by Brainer; 16/11/23 03:41 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
Dext listed the nominees for the Best Narrative category for the Game Awards, which aren�t necessarily rpgs. The best rpg nominees for the Game Awards are Baldur�s Gate 3, Final Fantasy XVI, Lies of P, Sea of Stars, and Starfield. This is what I get for trying to post while my brain is so much painful throbbing mush from having the flu. If I got myself derailed and turned around for what people were saying, I do apologise, and I'm happy to retract it ^.^ I may have branched over from the other thread without realising and gotten my topics muddled.
Joined: Oct 2020
Dext listed the nominees for the Best Narrative category for the Game Awards, which aren�t necessarily rpgs. The best rpg nominees for the Game Awards are Baldur�s Gate 3, Final Fantasy XVI, Lies of P, Sea of Stars, and Starfield. This is what I get for trying to post while my brain is so much painful throbbing mush from having the flu. If I got myself derailed and turned around for what people were saying, I do apologise, and I'm happy to retract it ^.^ I may have branched over from the other thread without realising and gotten my topics muddled. np, it can get a bit confusing with the awards! Hope you feel better soon!
Joined: Aug 2023
Thanks Icelyn. Everyone enjoy the party!  Dext listed the nominees for the Best Narrative category for the Game Awards, which aren�t necessarily rpgs. The best rpg nominees for the Game Awards are Baldur�s Gate 3, Final Fantasy XVI, Lies of P, Sea of Stars, and Starfield. This is what I get for trying to post while my brain is so much painful throbbing mush from having the flu. If I got myself derailed and turned around for what people were saying, I do apologise, and I'm happy to retract it ^.^ I may have branched over from the other thread without realising and gotten my topics muddled. np, it can get a bit confusing with the awards! Hope you feel better soon!
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
Joined: Aug 2023
I love the idea of a desert island game DonkeyKong and the best bit is you have your cake and eat it because this is a lot of games in one. I see battles as a chess game too and am known to refight battles we won just for the sport. Thank the gods for timestoning.  I think I agree with your wild opinion, particularly in the sense that Sozz mentioned. I see RPGs as a collaboration between players and developers beginning with our detailed character creation, and BG3 gives me so many choices in game I could only imagine before. As LainaLou said we can all mention things we hope are sorted and have in other threads. My in-game best mate Wyll and girlfriend Karlach may be the best examples. But as a story-teller, a partner helping me tell the story of my character, my character s, BG3 has no rival. My take. The game has lots of bugs, some that have cut me out of significant plots. However, and I have played video games for a long time, I am going to state a wild opinion: this is still the best game I have ever played. Ever. I think whoever these writers are that the major Hollywood studios needs to hire them for the villains alone. Here is a RPG where choices matter. People can die. It seems that every battle is like a chess game, but they still throw curve balls that I have to hit. It makes me think. There was several throw away lines that made me laugh out loud.
On many long games, I will likely never go back to play again. While I adored Witcher 3, I doubt I could go back. I am already thinking about my BG3 second and third play through. If I was told I could only play a single game for the rest of my life, it would be this. My desert island game.
Of course they will work on the bugs. Some may not get fixed. While they are an issue, I understand that it has to be released. They needed to get paid. And I hope they all get huge fat bonuses and continue with this license. I could only imagine what they would do with a Spine of the World or Planescape setting. I mention those due to the obvious connection with the IE games; nevertheless, if they picked up some Grayhawk modules I would probably lose my mind.
If everyone was treated the way they treated the person least able to resist there would be universal prosperity and complete peace
Joined: Nov 2023
There were a lot of little moments I loved that I couldn't be specific about without ruining them, but wandering through the lower city with various party members can produce some interesting bits of conversation.
As much as there is within BG3 itself to love, be frustrated about, or dissect, there are two old friends I hadn't seen in far too long. Being able to interact with them after almost half a lifetime meant a lot more to me than I thought it would. I'm fairly monotropic. Even though I've been playing video games since there were video games to play, the vast majority of games are impossible for me to get into. If a game doesn't grab enough thought tendrils right out of the gate, my mind starts wandering away to other things.
BG1 was a gift from a partner because he knew I liked video games and D&D. I hated it. Couldn't make sense out of it at all. So I set it aside until - one day - said partner wanted to play. So I put in CD1, fired it up, and pretended it was the best thing I'd ever seen. And then, suddenly, it was!
BG3 has been a slower-kindling romance. I don't need to go into details. Where I've tried and tried to throw myself at other RPGs (like Skyrim or Witcher III) and just can't, I've actively tried to walk away from Baldur's Gate 3 multiple times, and now I find I've logged a little over 500 hours. Clearly, something in BG3 speaks to me, even if it doesn't always say the things I want to hear.
The artwork is fantastic.
And, after years of care-taking a little buddy for an old friend, it was nice to release him from the custody of Commanders Shepard and Ryder, and return him to his proper place where we can both apply posterior kinetics for the sake of fair play, just the way Ao intended.
"Often forcing his victims to eat their own lips, he was caught and imprisoned for tax evasion." -Yellowbeard.