Joined: Nov 2023
I own the game on both PC and PS5 and use the cross save facility to share saves between the devices. I am currently on my third playthrough, the first 2 playthroughs didn't show up any massive issues, but neither did the third until the start of act 3. I was using the PS5 that day and had just finished chapter 2 and arrived in Rivington, within a minute or two it became unplayable, companions not moving half the time, npc's frozen in place, the gate to the circus vanished and i could walk straight in without talking to anyone etc. I rebooted the PS5 but to no avail.
I then switched to my PC, using the cross save facility i used the same save as i was using on my PS5 and i had zero issues, it ran flawlessly. So for me it is only on the PS5, i am lucky enough to be able to switch between the devices but if i just had a PS5 i would be very unhappy as act 3 is currently broken on the PS5.
Last edited by Fenlander1968; 26/11/23 11:07 AM. Reason: Typo
Joined: Aug 2023
I own the game on both PC and PS5 and use the cross save facility to share saves between the devices. I am currently on my third playthrough, the first 2 playthroughs didn't show up any massive issues, but neither did the third until the start of act 3. I was using the PS5 that day and had just finished chapter 2 and arrived in Rivington, within a minute or two it became unplayable, companions not moving half the time, npc's frozen in place, the gate to the circus vanished and i could walk straight in without talking to anyone etc. I rebooted the PS5 but to no avail.
I then switched to my PC, using the cross save facility i used the same save as i was using on my PS5 and i had zero issues, it ran flawlessly. So for me it is only on the PS5, i am lucky enough to be able to switch between the devices but if i just had a PS5 i would be very unhappy as act 3 is currently broken on the PS5. It's broken as shit on PC too - just wait for it
Joined: Nov 2022
This makes my playthrough completely unplayable. Is there any fix to this (playing on GeForce NOW)
Joined: Nov 2023
Same issue for me. Act 3 is completely broken as soon as I cross the drawbridge threshold into Wrym's Rock Fortress. If you suffer through it for 20 minutes until everything loads, nearly every major cutscene or new area after it will suffer the same way. This has rendered the game unplayable. What's more frustrating than the game being ruined by this bug is Larian's response (or lack thereof). Has anybody from Larian released a statement, even a brief one? Something along the lines of "we are aware of the issues patch 4 has caused and are working to resolve it?" I had previously considered them a community-minded group...
Larian - this is not a small bug, and it is not affecting a small number of players. It needs to be addressed and you owe it to your community to confirm, in the very least, that you are aware and working on it. Please.
Last edited by Hebbian; 26/11/23 02:46 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Having issues on PC too, and I know the PS5 version is borked because my mates have been complaining non-stop. I don’t understand why we have to send bug reports in order to know they’re aware of these issues. Why not just come forward and address this in a Community Update, or even just a tweet? I know Thanksgiving was recent but it’s basic courtesy when the issue is gamebreaking 
Joined: Jul 2022
There is no holiday's in eu rigth now. Last holiday was in Germany at 22. In Belgium last holiday was 15. Larian don't have any workplace at us. Two places out of Europe is in Malaysia and Canada . Both of them don't have Thanksgiving.
Actually there is no excuse for this. Back in early access every one had the option to choose between huge patches. With the consequences of saves are not compatible.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 26/11/23 03:59 PM.
Joined: Jul 2022
Hello everyone,
Yesterday we had to rollback hotfix 4 because of a rare compiler issue. To avoid this from happening again we’re changing the way we deploy patches.
Players who had downloaded hotfix 4 were unable to continue from their hotfix 4 saves once we had rolled back the patch. While this is not ok, rolling back the patch in order to diagnose the problem and limit those exposed to it was the lesser of two evils. We truly appreciate your patience & understanding while we worked to understand the problem.
This situation is remedied now with the re-release of hotfix 4 but we recognize the frustration caused by this and want to apologize. That’s why we’re changing things up.
All of you should now be able to continue your adventures, but essentially, here’s what happened: Hotfix 4 went through a rigorous QA pipeline and was confirmed as a candidate for release yesterday. However, we triggered a rebuild of the version relatively last minute to change the version number. The version that was cooked was unfortunately plagued by compiler corruption, which was causing certain exceptions that normally wouldn’t cause crashes to - you guessed it - cause crashes.
Since compiler issues like that are extremely rare, we weren’t prepared for it. We should’ve been. We messed up.
It didn’t help that it happened at the worst possible time of day but luckily we have studios in multiple countries. Overnight (for Europe), our teams in Canada and then Malaysia worked to diagnose what went wrong, so that work could begin on redeploying a fixed version of the hotfix
To avoid this from happening in the future, we’ll make sure that any change made to future version candidates - no matter how small, or innocuous - will always go through our full & comprehensive QA pipeline, which include a global in-house QA team, automated testing, unit tests, and save-game compatibility testing. This was around patch 2. So my question what happened with backup plan? They run out of storage? Honestly I play Larian Games for almost 20 years and this kind of behavior was never happened before. I think fortune and fame got in they head. And still internet is full with praise them to God hood.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 26/11/23 04:04 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
Hello everyone,
Yesterday we had to rollback hotfix 4 because of a rare compiler issue. To avoid this from happening again we’re changing the way we deploy patches.
Players who had downloaded hotfix 4 were unable to continue from their hotfix 4 saves once we had rolled back the patch. While this is not ok, rolling back the patch in order to diagnose the problem and limit those exposed to it was the lesser of two evils. We truly appreciate your patience & understanding while we worked to understand the problem.
This situation is remedied now with the re-release of hotfix 4 but we recognize the frustration caused by this and want to apologize. That’s why we’re changing things up.
All of you should now be able to continue your adventures, but essentially, here’s what happened: Hotfix 4 went through a rigorous QA pipeline and was confirmed as a candidate for release yesterday. However, we triggered a rebuild of the version relatively last minute to change the version number. The version that was cooked was unfortunately plagued by compiler corruption, which was causing certain exceptions that normally wouldn’t cause crashes to - you guessed it - cause crashes.
Since compiler issues like that are extremely rare, we weren’t prepared for it. We should’ve been. We messed up.
It didn’t help that it happened at the worst possible time of day but luckily we have studios in multiple countries. Overnight (for Europe), our teams in Canada and then Malaysia worked to diagnose what went wrong, so that work could begin on redeploying a fixed version of the hotfix
To avoid this from happening in the future, we’ll make sure that any change made to future version candidates - no matter how small, or innocuous - will always go through our full & comprehensive QA pipeline, which include a global in-house QA team, automated testing, unit tests, and save-game compatibility testing. This was around patch 2. So my question what happened with backup plan? They run out of storage? Honestly I play Larian Games for almost 20 years and this kind of behavior was never happened before. I think fortune and fame got in they head. And still internet is full with praise them to God hood. Wow... What in the hell happened indeed to their plan of avoiding issues like this in the future?!! What the hell is going on here? How is it that they owned their mistakes and kept us in the loop about what was going on *then* when *now* they abandon us upon their most egregious mistake of all; breaking the game so profoundly rendering it totally unplayable in all of Act III. Seriously Larian! This is not acceptable, and truly you owe us all an explanation here. I don't know — is it as you guess that their behavior here is due to fame and fortune that they just effed off? Did somebody quit on them? Did they all just give up? I cannot fathom it at all. They need to take responsibility, fix this, and explain their silence, just as they explained themselves when they had to rollback hotfix 4. Truly Unreal...
Last edited by Syraxfyre; 26/11/23 05:18 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
I discovered this issue after Shar's Gauntlet in Act 2 and Moonrise Towers 2nd visit. Now in Wym's Crossign and it's completely broken, I can barely play it with the constant freezing of everything except my main character. PS5 here, the latest hotfix has totally broken the game.
Gaming since 87
Joined: Nov 2023
I'm playing on Nvidia GeForceNow and I'm having the same issue. It starts when Shar's Gauntlet quest is over and map and game changes in a way you can no longer travel back to grove or underdar etc... Such a sad thing that every fix breaks the game worse.
Starting new characters and adventuring until act 3 Rivington is the new and improved BG3 experience for me after patch 4
Joined: Sep 2018
Got the same issue here, seems more than one thread about this. Anyway I gotta post my frustration also here. Act 3 not playable and I've updated my grafics driver, steam files, went down with ingame graphics - nothing - moonwalking NPC's and my company is somewhere. Sent a bug report, hope Larian fix this soon. Such an awesome game.
The only saw I saw is the saw I saw with. -Torins Passage-
Joined: Nov 2023
Still not response from Larian....
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns.
Joined: Nov 2023
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns. Does this mean that Act 2 and 3 are no longer shut down and unplayable? Are we actually going to be able to play Baldur's Gate 3 again?
Last edited by Syraxfyre; 27/11/23 03:10 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns. Hi, thank you for this public statement on when we can expect the Patch being released. I saw the post on Twitter, as well. It's nice for Larian to finally use their social media to give users advanced information on these things. However, I'm confused what "ixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns" means. I thought the issues with Act 3 lag were related to assets and memory. Are you saying they are, in fact, caused by issues with the combat and thiervery systems in the game? I understand you're Community Manager, and not involved with actually working on game code, but a little clarification on what this means would be nice, since the announcements do not even say this is specifically targeting Act 3 lag which players have found to be caused by asset and memory issues. Thank you.
Joined: Oct 2023
Finally i will be able to Smash that Brain for the 20 time. wait ?! i forgot how many i really did. sorry. but i just need to do it one more and im done..haha
Joined: Oct 2020
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns. Hi, thank you for this public statement on when we can expect the Patch being released. I saw the post on Twitter, as well. It's nice for Larian to finally use their social media to give users advanced information on these things. However, I'm confused what "ixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns" means. I thought the issues with Act 3 lag were related to assets and memory. Are you saying they are, in fact, caused by issues with the combat and thiervery systems in the game? I understand you're Community Manager, and not involved with actually working on game code, but a little clarification on what this means would be nice, since the announcements do not even say this is specifically targeting Act 3 lag which players have found to be caused by asset and memory issues. Thank you. I guess we have to wait for the patch 5 release to know for sure but it does sound like they were able to pinpoint the slowdowns to "eternally-active acts of thefts & violence". Thanks for the update Salo and thanks Larian for this GOTY!!!
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns. Hi, thank you for this public statement on when we can expect the Patch being released. I saw the post on Twitter, as well. It's nice for Larian to finally use their social media to give users advanced information on these things. However, I'm confused what "ixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns" means. I thought the issues with Act 3 lag were related to assets and memory. Are you saying they are, in fact, caused by issues with the combat and thiervery systems in the game? I understand you're Community Manager, and not involved with actually working on game code, but a little clarification on what this means would be nice, since the announcements do not even say this is specifically targeting Act 3 lag which players have found to be caused by asset and memory issues. Thank you. Of course, here are some more details directly from the team: In Patch 4 we introduced a fix that would prevent the Scrying Eyes in Moonrise Towers from immediately calling the guards on you when stealing, even if you were sneaking, or invisible for example. This fix had the unintended consequence of causing unnoticed thefts & acts of vandalism to remain stuck forever within the ‘did anyone see me’ pipeline, rather than timing out and moving on, as is intended. Essentially, your ‘DM’ - in a real-world sense - constantly thinks about the acts of theft & violence the player keeps doing, without ever moving on or verbalising them. Mulling on it ad infinitum. These unnoticed and eternally-active acts of theft & violence eventually bogged down the game. The more a player commits those acts, the more the game is trying to keep that all up to date and in memory, and so the more slowdowns start happening. Essentially, the ‘DM’ eventually becomes unable to operate. By Act 3 this caused slow-down issues, which after some sleuthing we’re extremely happy to say we’ve solved in Patch 5, which is in testing and scheduled to release this week.
Joined: Nov 2023
We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns. Hi, thank you for this public statement on when we can expect the Patch being released. I saw the post on Twitter, as well. It's nice for Larian to finally use their social media to give users advanced information on these things. However, I'm confused what "ixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns" means. I thought the issues with Act 3 lag were related to assets and memory. Are you saying they are, in fact, caused by issues with the combat and thiervery systems in the game? I understand you're Community Manager, and not involved with actually working on game code, but a little clarification on what this means would be nice, since the announcements do not even say this is specifically targeting Act 3 lag which players have found to be caused by asset and memory issues. Thank you. Of course, here are some more details directly from the team: In Patch 4 we introduced a fix that would prevent the Scrying Eyes in Moonrise Towers from immediately calling the guards on you when stealing, even if you were sneaking, or invisible for example. This fix had the unintended consequence of causing unnoticed thefts & acts of vandalism to remain stuck forever within the ‘did anyone see me’ pipeline, rather than timing out and moving on, as is intended. Essentially, your ‘DM’ - in a real-world sense - constantly thinks about the acts of theft & violence the player keeps doing, without ever moving on or verbalising them. Mulling on it ad infinitum. These unnoticed and eternally-active acts of theft & violence eventually bogged down the game. The more a player commits those acts, the more the game is trying to keep that all up to date and in memory, and so the more slowdowns start happening. Essentially, the ‘DM’ eventually becomes unable to operate. By Act 3 this caused slow-down issues, which after some sleuthing we’re extremely happy to say we’ve solved in Patch 5, which is in testing and scheduled to release this week. Thank you for this. I am a bit puzzled though why you didn't react to these issues for weeks. At least I haven't seen anything where you acknowledged the issue at least and said you were working on it. Especially because this issue is game breaking. I felt it was really un-Larian if you will. Having said that, I'm really happy that you're addressing it here now and to find out you guys have been working at this and we will soon get a patch to fix it. Cause you know, I would really love to play the game again 
I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?'
Joined: Oct 2020
Thank you for posting the update Salo, much appreciated! I am personally fine with the team just doing their work and fixing the game but I think many here would appreciate regular updates like this (a short note once a week for example while a new patch is in the oven just get an idea of the main items currently being addressed).