Joined: Sep 2023
Everything is so wholesome now, I'm not accustomed to this on the internet, you guys are so awesome!
I rose to the bait. I concede you guys had a better reaction. Love you BG3 nerds, you made my day ??
Joined: Aug 2015
Lol, yeah you have played every game you say... except for you haven't. It's fine to not like D&D ruleset, nothing wrong with it, but to call this game bad because you don't understand it is a bit too much.
Joined: Jan 2021
I don't know how being older than most of us (quoting), validate better your point ? Yep, I am much younger - barely have 2 decades, and yet I can appreciate a game and reject some other games. now to the point, I have been playing casters, sorcerer, mage and warlock and I had a blast. I was able to solo in tactical as well (and know about D&D only because of here).
I think it comes down to personal choice, whether you like this mecanics or not. I don't know anything about "WoW", but did some google search and well different mechanics - where is the concept of having a party w/ NPC in "WoW" ? It seems to be exclusively a multiplayer game (from my google search) and I am guessing you have to spend tons of hours to go somewhere (main objective). I think this is the game about this famous guy name Leeroy (that youtube video is quite funny), but I don't know .. if you get a moron like that in your party, what do you ?! I don't know if we can even compare with this game + WoW is quite old (I wasn't even walking when it started).
so, in summary, I like your views - made me google search a bit - but if caster were to be "stronger" in this game, we would have an unbalanced problem. Cheers!
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Jun 2020
The age thing actually kinda invalidates the argument, even, if at all. In particular if coupled with WoW. D&D has been around since Richard Nixon was still in the White House... WOW, its cooldown abilities included to spam spells endlessly, is a modern hipster thing, really. 
Last edited by Sven_; 21/11/23 03:41 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Specifically the spell-casting system was heavily inspired by the magic in Jack Vance's "Dying Earth" series of books which dates back to the 1950's. From Wikipedia: Magic in the Dying Earth is performed by memorizing syllables, and the human brain can only accommodate a certain number at once. When a spell is used, the syllables vanish from the caster's mind. Creatures called sandestins can be summoned and used to perform more complex actions, but are considered dangerous to rely upon. Magic has loose links to the science of old, and advanced mathematics is treated like arcane lore. Interesting article about the influence of Vance on the creation of DND. https://goodman-games.com/blog/2022/03/11/jack-vances-influence-on-dungeons-dragons/
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I suspect OP is gone and cooled off by now, or on Ubisoft's Forum complaining Ezio Auditore doesn't do what an Assassin does in WoW... But, in case of a return:
Wait, are we bragging about how old we are? Yay!? I can do that.
You're not older than I am. Aside from that fact, you certainly don't sound like it. You sound about as old as I was when BG1 came out. Which isn't flattering for anyone over sixteen. And, if you really had played so many games, you'd be familiar with the resting and per day abilities from D&D. Also, you'd know there's *waaaay worse* games out there. Man, I sure as Sauron played worse games. Hells, I've played terrible games throughout the years. Buck Rogers on the MSX was *terrible*. Duck Hunt on the NES is probably one of the most repetitive games ever on the NES, and that's saying something. Solitaire for windows 3.1 was wildly popular in office cubicles around the globe, but I just find it tedious. It actually feels like work finishing a game of that. A lot more boring than Strip Poker I did on the Amiga, but that, all in all, was a crap game, too. Just like Blues Brothers and Beverly Hills Cop 2. The soundtrack still rocks, though.
Now, I can also list four decades of absolute pearls. Wasteland, Police Quest, Populous, It Came from the Desert, Mortal Kombat, Diablo 2, Daggerfall, Speedball, Final Fight, Carmageddon, Dungeon Keeper, Baldur's Gate, Duke Nukem 3D, Command and Conquer, Knights of the Old Republic, GTA San Andreas, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption 2.... You can, of course, compare these with each other. If you really want to. 'Diablo 2 is a crap game because Red Dead Redemption has way better cowboys'. But no one will take you seriously.
Last edited by rodeolifant; 21/11/23 04:57 PM.
Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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Joined: Nov 2023
If you think BG3 is the worst game ever, you haven't played many games. I've been a Bioware fan since BG1, but Anthem was a bit of a clunker. I can readily list a series of games that I've played that were complete wastes of time and money. But why bother? BG3 scratches so many of my gaming itches. If it doesn't mak you happy, then learn from the experience and move on. As for now, Astarian is looking positively edible in game...
Joined: Jun 2020
IHells, I've played terrible games throughout the years. Buck Rogers on the MSX was *terrible*. Slightly OT: Haven't thought about this in eons, was the MSX port that bad? Played it on the Commodore 64 back then. Whilst it was a tad simplistic, the "fake" 3d pretty impressed me -- including the "seamless" transition of first fighting on the planet's surface, and then taking off to space. Game seems to have gotten fairly alright ratings back then. Just checked, can see where you're coming from. Quite a bit of a difference there... Visually, whilst the sprites on the MSX aren't as pixelated, it lacks the sense of depth, fluidity and the sound. There's visual glitches constantly too on MSX (Gameplay vids in Spoiler because of the OT)
Last edited by Sven_; 22/11/23 03:51 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
The game has a set of rules on which it is based and this is from an old time where it was not about a virtual world, but about something like an analog game at a table, like a dice game, so to speak, only more powerful.
This has been transferred to the virtual level. As a result, it always seems a bit more choppy here.
The rest to replenish spells, which you then use up again after a battle, seems a bit old-fashioned, but it also has an RPG purpose behind it. It's just that the day cycle feels very short before you have to rest again.
Personally, I think both systems have something going for them.
I would love to play an RPG that is made like WoW in terms of gameplay, but as a full and massive single-player RPG with an NPC group like in BG3, for example.
Where the battles take place in slowed down real time, with mana and spell times, stamina for fighters, focus and energy for hunters and thieves and rage/wrath for barbarians, werewolf shapeshifters etc.
And then you have your party of 5-6 consisting of tank/healer/support and 3 other DDers and play an in-depth RPG like BG3 in a large world with a lot of story, but with the slowed-down pace and gameplay of WoW.
That's probably the most modern and coolest thing you can do. And yet you can add a second resource, such as fatigue and hunger, so that you need a rest and go to your camp.
Here you can also have interactions, possibly also charge special powers such as a revival spell, or certain powerful minion summoning spells that only work in combat, etc.
But in principle, such a concept would be a really great thing to start with.
Of course, not to play a sport like in WoW for items in instances. That's not what I mean. It's just about the gameplay itself and then creating a beautiful world and a strong in-depth RPG.
Naturally slowed down gameplay. The simple rush of a WoW is not a good basis, but the process in real time and with mana and spell times etc. is.
Joined: Mar 2020
I always play as a caster and caster concept in this game is beyond broken. Who came up with the idea that caster should not be able to cast spells? Seriously?! After you cast spell you need to go to camp EVERY GOD DAMN TIME!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!???????????? Hmmm, clearly in spite of having a decent amount of years in gaming you haven’t played many RPGs. Resource management tend to be a standard for spellcasters to make up for how powerful their spells are. That said games adapting D&D do struggle with satisfying translation of resting - due to handcrafted nature of content, resting tends to be freely available and as such makes it rather redundant. Pillars of Eternity2 did make its spells per-encounter rather than per-rest, and while it fixed that issue, it also came with its own drawbacks - like being able to cast the same combination of spells in every encounter, rather than rationing them, turns out to be ultimately boring. In BG3 caster indeed have few spells to cast, and mostly rely on cantrips for regular damage. You do get more resources to use as you go on, and even without spells you should have a decent supply of scrolls, potions and other items to play around with. You absolutely don’t need to rest after every encounter or not use casters for most encounteres (like it was the case in BG1&2). Leveled spells, however, as meant to be used deliberately to tip the battle in your favour, not used as generic source of damage. Cantrips are for that.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
IHells, I've played terrible games throughout the years. Buck Rogers on the MSX was *terrible*. Slightly OT: I see your off-topic and will raise it by four. Gheh. This is actually the first time I see this in color. Back in the day, we had an -even then- old Black-and-white TV connected to the MSX. After the tape recorder met its unfortunate end, we got a hand-me-down 8086 with a Hercules card, so I didn't see color on a screen unless I was over at a friends playing NES, or the 90's kicked in and I got an Amiga. And, with that said, I may have judged the game too harshly. I see now that the colors change with the levels, which - obviously wasn't apparent in my youth. I still woulnd't replay this if they paid me to. And that's saying something, since I actually do play retro games from [roughly] that era; Police Quest and so on.
Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
Joined: Sep 2023
Weird... I'm on 40s too and I did play WoW for 15 years since 1year after launch
If I remember correctly, a lvl1 mage, starts only with one weak spell (fire or frost) which could compared with cantrips which what a bg3 mage lvl1 starts.
Its weird because back on that time, we have to play throwing fire bolts for a long time until lvlup and get a new spell
Maybe OP had played WoW on higher lvls for so long time and he forgot how was start a mage on WoW
Joined: Jan 2021
Gid gud gay @ss op sick duck.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
Hi, i just wanted to give my feedback, i am much older then most here, lived on this planet for over 4 decades now, seen all the games, good, bad and ugly, but this is truly worst game i have ever played. So you have lived about as long as I have been involved in computer gaming, welcome youngster  If this is the worst game you have ever played then there are many games you have not played. It is not the best ever, but not even close to the worst ever. I always play as a caster and caster concept in this game is beyond broken. Who came up with the idea that caster should not be able to cast spells? Seriously?! After you cast spell you need to go to camp EVERY GOD DAMN TIME!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!???????????? As noted it seems you have not played as many games as you think. This has been a DnD game mechanic since the beginning so nothing really new. In fact in earlier versions we did not have the cantrips we have today to fall back on give a caster offensive potential. Casters have always been limited, especially early game because by later game they can be god like. To be an effective caster for DnD you need to make sure you have access to scrolls and learn not to jump into every fight throwing spells. Let your warriors do their thing, many fights they can get through fine with you supporting with cantrips. If things are close or getting really scary then you wade in with your spells. This is not an issue of a bad game, but rather of bad game play and not understanding the system.
Joined: Oct 2023
I recall Dungeons and Dragons Online (2006) being my introduction to how magic was handled in this particular world: Murdered by Kobolds because I had no heal spells left. "Oh...this isn't Warcraft, I see." 
Last edited by Levghilian; 24/12/23 02:50 PM.
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