just wanted to ask you guys if this game is really playable now. This game is so broken in act 3 since last major update and with all small patches and upgrades it became worse and worse. my gpu is rtx3090 with 127gb ram and it's still lagging as shit on my pc and this never happened in any other games. I've been reporting this issue in steam for month and I never get solution and obviously it's too late to get the refund now as I played for 2 game through already. this is getting very annoying now. imagine you play like 30 secs and have to wait for half an hour for the game to be refunctioning again.
At the Moment Only Act 1,2 is Playable Bro. Will Not Lie to yu.. Act 3 its going to Serios Problems and a Bunch of People on PS5 and PC are not even able to Finish the Game since 4.0 came out.
(but in Truth the Game Went out off the Rail when 3.0 came out.. after That Evry Patch just Make the Experience Worse.)
Can't comment on ACT 3, but ACT 1 and 2 have been pretty stellar in terms of performance. Way smoother than before.
The rubberbanding/lag/delay I've definitely seen and it seems to be tied to the way the game is loading in assets, particularly the NPCs. I've managed to reproduce this easily in ACT 1 and even ACT 2 on purpose. And there are even cases where it does happen all on its own. Like entering Moonrise Towers for the first time, or exiting the rotted cavern leading straight into the zombified Kuo+toa ambush. The amount of stuff it loads in creates the delay in any action and I've been waiting there for 20 seconds before I got control back.
I'm pretty sure Larian is aware and already working on it though, since it's a side-effect of their improvements to the asset streaming in the game. It definitely is a ton smoother than it used to be, but naturally it now introduced this lag/delay bug.
Acts 1 & 2 are still playable - enjoyably so; but Act 3 you can't play. When first enter Act 3, it is playable but with lag (a ton of it) but by time ready to cross Wyrm's Crossing, forget it. I've put my current playthrough on hold and bringing other characters through 1 & 2, although it is tough as my mind set was on my current actual playthrough. Surprisingly, Larian has been silent, which is very unusual for them. Won't deny it - am very disappointed with them right now.
If that's what it is (a consequence of improved asset streaming), then I don't understand their priorities. What's the point of improved asset streaming if it renders literally 1/3rd of your game unplayable? I know you haven't gotten to Act 3 yet but when you do, you'll see. It's a truly gross experience unworthy of the studio, my money and certainly any Game of the Year contender.
Act 3 is virtually unplayable, I guess you could slog through it with lots of patience and waiting for it to unfreeze every few feet but it's not worth the aggrivation
It certainly looks to be tied to asset streaming, at least in the case with ACT 3. Ran into this myself twice during ACT 2, but here's an example of it happening with the Kuo-toa;
Though this isn't just an issue with asset streaming because the game does this from time to time even during regular gameplay, such as when attacking someone and the attack taking several seconds to actually trigger. This delay can also be easily reproduced when doing actions which affect multiple things at once, such as the Illithid Repulsor ability.
I even managed to reproduce it easily in ACT 1 on purpose to the point it entirely bricks the player's input;
Ultimately Larian has a very nasty bug lying somewhere in the engine or some mechanic, because I've never seen a singleplayer game acting like an online game and introducing delayed actions as if I'm playing online. I'm absolutely sure they're aware of the issues with ACT 3 though and this was not intended whatsoever. If anything a fix will most likely be coming within the next two weeks.
Acts 1 and 2 are playable on PS5, but there's a lot more lag than there was prior to patch 4. The textures load more consistently, but entering certain areas causes the game to freeze for 1-2 minutes.
Many people are reporting that Act 3 is now unplayable on PS5. With the increasing issues I'm having toward the end of Act 2, I'm not sure that I'm even going to get there. Entering Yurgir's area was painful. I would go back to patch 3 if I could.
The thing is... That only happens to runs that started after the patch... If you started your run before, there is no issues even if you are still playing with the game in its patch 4 code
That's very weird as if something new that only applies with new runs.
That make me think of the possibility that those save are maybe (really hope not) already beyond save and discourage me to even start with another character meanwhile.
Last edited by Nekomichu; 25/11/2310:47 PM. Reason: Misspells
The current state of your game for many players is currently unable to be finished due to the hot mess of game lag that is act 3.
These issues have been clearly noted by many players and there is no way you are not aware of it.
Any Game awards you get should be considered a joke, as it's a game that in it's current state wouldn't pass a beta test.
It's been over three weeks and you've kept your PR engine banging on about how you deserve GOTY awards, when what is deserved is an apology to your community and a commitment and time frame to take your game back to a product that can be completed.
Shame shame shame.
Many gamers will not forget this, and will be hesitant to consider a product you release in the future.
Well im actually Happy that Many of Yu Start to Wake Up.. im Telling this bro.. Since 3.0 came Out.. and evrybody Here Called me a Hatter or that i was Been Too Harsh on the Game That Larian Could Never do Wrong with there Fans and Yata,Yata,Yata and i told before.. i already saw something like that in CD Project Red.. i Gave the Alerts but evrybody just brushed away.
But Then the 4.0 came out.. Thanks God that yu guys are Opening your Eyes.. They Should Never Won any award.. This Game its Really Broken Since 3.0 and Evrybody called a Master Piece Really Bad Joke in my Opinion.
Till this Day.. The Best Version of this Game was in Lounch and 2.0 Only Two companions were cousing Problems.. Just Have to avoid then and yu would Have a Stellar Game.