Joined: Jan 2024
that's the reality how the brain of those people are fu**ed up when you read what people said you will known very well how they thought its totally wrong specially women if she had thought like that even in the real world not in the social media I'll never Trust her and I'll never make her part of my family to carry my family name and of course I can't trust her to be the mother of my children she will toxic their mind she will poisoned their thoughts. Just see how people behave in reddit you might think you are from different planet. It's fu**ked up man
I can keep talking but I'll end here
Joined: Jan 2024
My English is not the first language but about the post it self its totally understanding I don't care if I get banned and to make it clear for you the whole lgptq shit are fucked up and they are fucked up people . A male accept his girl to sleep with someone else is cuck that what poly are and girl who accept these affair is a whore..Game yeah its a game I know. but game should entertain people not punching these aganda of those fucked up people We are men and women there are no other gander and to any other shit like gay who losing his manhood or lesbian don't mean nothing to me and they will never exist.
Joined: Sep 2023
Like joking aside that guy is right though, I do approve of Halsin's behavior because I am a shameless, valueless slut who belongs to the streets. imo Halsin is a delightful slut who could stand to be way sluttier! :3
I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in. It's always going to set some people on edge that he's propositioning as a third, and they're going to be grossed out no matter what changes are made to his writing because nonmonogamy grosses them out and they see it as disrespectful. Some people are participating in this conversation baiting people to harass them, others are genuinely horrified by what they call degeneracy, others are here only as Team Shadowheart wanting her disapproval for cockblocking her at the brothel and her late-game flirt to be removed, others want Halsin to be edited to fit more with the monogamous headcanons they made about him when they played early access.
Some players claim he still asks to join their closed dynamic three or four times. If this isn't a weird bug, the change that I've sent feedback asking for is to put a flag on a "decline" option chosen in his 1-1 chats to foreclose whatever these future propositions in 1-1 conversations are. Except at the brothel, where even given a previous decline, if you add him to your party to take him with you to buy sex, he should always offer to join if you want to have his company.
Should his reflections on having been made into a sexual commodity himself only come up when you bring him along on the sexual commodity sidequest? Yeah, that tracks for me actually. It comes up there because it's relevant to him to discuss it in that context and in none other that appears in the game so far. Wouldn't be surprised if they patch it to remove the context of paying for sex before he opens up, but I personally like the way it is now. It feels realistic to learn that after a certain type of intimacy is shared between you, he'll speak to his related experiences. I know players do not like when intimacy with the characters is locked behind any type of gameplay barrier that they find personally repulsive or don't want to RP their character participating in, like when Astarion romancers don't want his romance initiation to include sex but also don't want to play as Karlach.
"I want only you" - I've been thinking about this line and something occurred to me, sorry if it's been brought up before: is this because only one person in multiplayer can romance him? I've sent feedback about this line, that it's romantic and a big expression of love, and that it could raise confusing and conflicting feelings for players who subsequently learn that he does in fact continue to want others after saying this to you.
Because, Halsin also wants the drow twins, and Shadowheart, and "maybe one day the participation" of Tav's other lover (Shadowheart/Astarion). I'm wondering if this line is an attempt to close a mechanical plot hole in gameplay this nonmonogamous romance option introduces. In multiplayer, can two Tavs romance Halsin simultaneously? Or once one Tav locks in with him, does that foreclose the opportunity for the others players? Is this a clumsy way for the writing to say: "I'm locked to one player's romance now and the other three players in multi can't have me" even though it's inconsistent with other expressions of his desires regarding npcs as Act 3 unfolds?
Not that everything has to be perfectly consistent or conflict-free, characters can say things they don't mean, but I'm not sure if this is just dialogue handling a mechanical issue in a way that just isn't quite optimal/makes him sound like a liar/player in the context of a certain route of gameplay options. Which, if he is a player that's totally fine by me, it just seems that Larian has worked very hard in other aspects of his characterization to not make him out to be one.
I do hope "I want only you" gets tweaked to be consistent with him having the other wants that he shows in the game if you are a completionist about his route like me and see all his content. Making him romanceable by multiple Tavs if he isn't already (I haven't played multi where two or more of us try to be with him) would be AMAZING, or have him say instead something that is clearer about his amorous intentions like, "If you'll allow me to turn my heart to you, I will decline the advances of others in our company for now, choosing to pour into your cup until our fight is ended." Clunky I know, I'm not a game writer! I get it loses the spice and heat and yearning to replace the line; it's also a line that strikes me as strange in the context of him wanting others later on.
I've been overjoyed with everything Larian has done with this character since release! The epilogue is wonderful, sweet, and gives me every soft moment I could dream of with Halsin. I really hope his click-on voice lines are fixed at some point. I wish it had been a higher priority but at this point I'm just anxious to get them in the game at all.
(I see people posting here like the chimera line is still in the game? I saw people saying months ago it was either patched out or never present, and just datamined? Has it been in your games?)
Joined: Dec 2020
My English is not the first language but about the post it self its totally understanding I don't care if I get banned and to make it clear for you the whole lgptq shit are fucked up and they are fucked up people . A male accept his girl to sleep with someone else is cuck that what poly are and girl who accept these affair is a whore..Game yeah its a game I know. but game should entertain people not punching these aganda of those fucked up people We are men and women there are no other gander and to any other shit like gay who losing his manhood or lesbian don't mean nothing to me and they will never exist. Yeah, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community I tell you that you are totally unhinged. And don't you worry, I don't think, it takes long for you to get banned. But good to know, that I don't exist to you, yet here I am. 
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Jan 2024
Go play with some toys then go to sleep like a good girl. Never forget the only people who existed past and always are straight people men and women  no others
Joined: Oct 2023
I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in. It's always going to set some people on edge that he's propositioning as a third, and they're going to be grossed out no matter what changes are made to his writing because nonmonogamy grosses them out and they see it as disrespectful. This is the crux of the matter, and similar to when you see male players get mad male characters hit on them. (I see people posting here like the chimera line is still in the game? I saw people saying months ago it was either patched out or never present, and just datamined? Has it been in your games?) Just checked; there is still a dialogue file with in, but whether you can get to that file is something I don't know how to check. I've never heard it come up. [img] https://imgur.com/a/641MeU4[/img]
Joined: Oct 2023
I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in. It's always going to set some people on edge that he's propositioning as a third, and they're going to be grossed out no matter what changes are made to his writing because nonmonogamy grosses them out and they see it as disrespectful. This is the crux of the matter, and similar to when you see male players get mad male characters hit on them. Last time I've checked there are other reasons besides Halsin being male posted on this thread. Multiple times, in fact. But here's to the newcomers on the latest page and to those downplaying the reasons why people don't like Halsin: Lots of us have experienced the unwanted advances from Halsin confusing whatever minor interaction our characters have with him as "treating him like a lover". Fine, unwanted advances seems to be the trend of romance in the game. That can slide. If you and Shadowheart wanna try some prostitutes out, that isn't Halsin's business unless he's been specifically invited. He already knows that you aren't interested, why is he asking again? Because last time I checked, just because a couple wants to try some prostitutes/open relationship doesn't mean their bed is open to absolutely everybody. Especially the one one of them said "no" to. Since it's been established that there are no secrets in the camp with everybody knowing your business for some reason, Shadowheart also knows that you don't want to involve Halsin. She should respect that, just like how I'd assume that you wouldn't go through with the orgy or chew her out for not being okay with it either (basically doing a: "Tav disapproves"). Hence the disrespect this creates. Not to mention, with the way she acts outside of the the brothel you would never know about this at all. If she were written to be the type to obviously be into swinging, orgies, and whatever, many of the threads and feedback posts complaining about it simply wouldn't exist. I know I wouldn't have wasted time on her. If a mono romancer of hers found out about it (Indirectly, like a youtube video. This is literally me, I would've been blissfully unaware about it if I didn't watch the video) of course they would be unhappy, it's human. It would be natural if they took it seriously, just like how people took Karlach getting lazy shitty endings seriously. If you were poly/into having sex with everyone, I expect that kind of thing shouldn't bother you. However please try to understand why the mono players don't like it when they find out. I did say I would post this every couple of pages or so. However I had failed to have done that so if anyone else can do it too that would be much appreciated.
Joined: Jun 2020
Go play with some toys then go to sleep like a good girl. So, all other matters aside, an account made a few hours ago, with posts only in this thread, but who knows the preferred identity of a poster who hasn't posted in a way that identifies such during the account's short tenure here... All else aside, I smell a sock-puppet to boot... Like joking aside that guy is right though, I do approve of Halsin's behavior because I am a shameless, valueless slut who belongs to the streets. Careful, if you please. I'm very much what many might (and have) called a slut, and I feel no shame over my lifestyle choice (I don't find the word to be an insult to me personally, even though it's often intended as such by those using it) - but it says nothing about my value as a person, nor does it make me deserving of any kind of ill-treatment or disrespect. Veiling derogatory comments in back-handed self-derision does not make them any less derogatory when they are used to describe whole groups or categories of people. I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in. It's always going to set some people on edge that he's propositioning as a third, and they're going to be grossed out no matter what changes are made to his writing because nonmonogamy grosses them out and they see it as disrespectful. I don't quite agree. There are healthy, constructive and positive ways of handling these kinds of social interactions, and there are harmful and stereotypically negative ways of doing so. For a style of life that is strongly under-represented in media, positive and healthy ways of representing should be the more prominent. As something becomes more normalised and understood better by broader swathes of the community, then it become safer to explore the more destructive or harmful ways it can exist. Halsin's behaviour from all the descriptions I've read regarding what he does and says and when, is not a healthy or positive approach; it sounds much more like it reinforces a lot of the negative stereotypes surrounding poly-leaning or non-monogamous people. If it's also played off in a positive way (it sounds like it is, given the player dialogues and other comments people have mentioned), that's not cool, or helpful. I'll caveat the comment by saying that I've not played through the exchange myself - just curated the actions, scenes and dialogues that others have reported and quoted, and the situations that they occurred in.
Joined: Oct 2023
We still could invite him there theoretically and not the other way around. He expresses interest and you can ask him about it(it hint that he will join), "intriguing couple" or something likethat he says and you can ask him if he is interested after. After you negotiate with drows with this knowledge in mind they could've added extra dialogue after you ask your LI to include Halsin and not the other way around? Make him invite himself as he does now if you are in poly romance with him. Does this make sense to you?
For me personally, I would be happy if they just removed Halsin's banter proposing a threesome to SH and removed disapproval from SH/Ast if you are not in poly romance with Halsin. Does this make sense?
But also like, I think he should shut up on that matter at all, if he was put down in his poly romace offer by "If I wnted to rut with half a tonne of dumb muscle, I'd seduce a deep rothe", it indicates that player is not interested at all in any sexual activities with him(brothel, banter, etc.)
Joined: Sep 2023
I'll caveat the comment by saying that I've not played through the exchange myself This ^ is the most exhausting part of this conversation lol. Halsin does NOT invite himself to the brothel scene. The player invites him.
Joined: Jan 2024
Are you transgender slut or lesbian or something go clean your self and talk like a men then reply or don't ? Why I'm even here in this filth lgptq shit. Looks like I shouldn't be in this forum lots of lgptq sluts
Joined: Aug 2023
I don't quite agree. There are healthy, constructive and positive ways of handling these kinds of social interactions, and there are harmful and stereotypically negative ways of doing so. For a style of life that is strongly under-represented in media, positive and healthy ways of representing should be the more prominent. As something becomes more normalised and understood better by broader swathes of the community, then it become safer to explore the more destructive or harmful ways it can exist. Halsin's behaviour from all the descriptions I've read regarding what he does and says and when, is not a healthy or positive approach; it sounds much more like it reinforces a lot of the negative stereotypes surrounding poly-leaning or non-monogamous people. If it's also played off in a positive way (it sounds like it is, given the player dialogues and other comments people have mentioned), that's not cool, or helpful.
I'll caveat the comment by saying that I've not played through the exchange myself - just curated the actions, scenes and dialogues that others have reported and quoted, and the situations that they occurred in. I am agreeing with this. I don't support or condone any hatred towards queer relationships or lifestyle choices, I just wish the game writing handled non-monogamy better rather than it being portrayed as some kinky fan-service. Beyond that I treat the drow orgy very much like the scenarios when the Emperor, Mizora or Haarlep offer sex - It's not really for me or the character I rp, so I don't care that much what happens. If Lae'zel would suddenly invite herself to join when Tav has sex with the Emperor, I would think it seemed really strange and out of nowhere. But I am not having sex with the Emperor in my games, so it's more of a problem for those who this is intended for. If they are happy and not complaining about it, then it's not so much my business what they are happy with, as long as they don't try to force or change how things play out in my path.
Joined: Oct 2023
Exactly, I don't think trying to go for a threesome by impliying that you've been watching a couple during a private moment the entire time (SH Act 3 romance scene) doing who knows what should ever be considered normal/apropriate unless you're in some universe where it's normal to screw the pizza delivery guy. Especially after being told "no" the first time. Like seriously if I were somehow my character I would've told Halsin to bugger off before I could even hear SH's bizarre reaction to that. Because again, who does that? I think you can even get charged for that kind of thing lmao.
Joined: Oct 2023
I'll caveat the comment by saying that I've not played through the exchange myself This ^ is the most exhausting part of this conversation lol. Halsin does NOT invite himself to the brothel scene. The player invites him. So you consider it normal to "innocently" ask again to fuck with MC again after being told "no thanks" before? I literally linked you how can you put him down in his offer before. It would be much more appropriate if MC invited him there, should they ever changed their mind about this topic.
Joined: Sep 2023
The player is the only one who can put Halsin in the brothel scene. The brothel scene will not have Halsin in it unless the player chooses to invite him there.
Joined: Oct 2023
Dude, being part of the party does not equate to being invited for an orgy. Halsin invites himself, he wasn't asked.
Joined: Oct 2023
The player is the only one who can put Halsin in the brothel scene. The brothel scene will not have Halsin in it unless the player chooses to invite him there. He literally asks firsts. By saying "invites himsef" we mean that he basically asks if you would care for little extra company wink* wink*.
Joined: Sep 2023
He doesn't go to the orgy unless asked, he has to be asked, there's no way to get him there unless he's asked.
Joined: Oct 2023
He doesn't go to the orgy unless asked, he has to be asked, there's no way to get him there unless he's asked. Thats the difference, if it was the player that asked him to join, that would be very different and acceptable. Instead he goes ahead and asks to go in there. It's in the game. Stop being obtuse, ty in advance.
Joined: Sep 2023
No need to resort to namecalling. Halsin will not be in the brothel, and he WILL NOT be in the orgy, unless invited by the player to both scenarios. No sex without you not only asking for his presence, but having multiple checkpoints ahead of getting to the fade to black portion of orgy. Period. Player *must* ask him to join, and then pass through multiple checks on ongoing consent with the game, and only then will Halsin be present in the brothel scene.
This is what happens to get him in the brothel scenes: player asks him to join. Halsin will not be there unless the player puts him there.
Invites himself = he shows up in the scene without being invited by the player. Player invites him = he shows up in the scene because player invites him. When you say he invites himself, it means he invites himself. Saying, "he invites himself but I mean he doesn't invite himself and I mean he has reactivity to the environment/dialogue where he asks to participate but for shorthand I'm saying he invites himself" is a mischaracterization of the events and of his dialogue.