Joined: Dec 2023
Hi. In my opinions, the character creation could use a few changes or improvements. So... I thought I'd share those thoughts here.
First, Halflings and Gnomes. To me they look really odd because they're not proportionate - or at least don't have the same proportions as Humans and other races. Their heads are actually the same size as a Human, so they look really odd to me. They have oversized heads as compared to their bodies. For a good example of this is the recent Dungeons and Dragons movie, Honour Amongst Thieves. Their Halfling is perhaps a little too obvious that it's just a Human shrunk down, but that's the idea. Lord of the Rings did a good job of that too. Hobbits didn't have huge heads in comparison to their bodies.
Second... I'm guessing that the 4 body choices made things like fitting armor to a character much easier. However, personally, I don't care for the women's body shapes. They have really wide hips and thighs to the point of looking (again) disproportionate. The game has many options to be inclusive, like heterochromia, skin colors, etc. But what about slender and wider people? Starfield does this too - assumes that everyone is the same width even though they have sliders for a character's build. The actual width of the torso doesn't really change. The character is roughly the same size with various thicknesses of limbs, to the point of just looking odd when I tried to make a very slender character. Yet somehow, a game like Saints' Row gets it right. Well, at least better.
Third. The eyebrows! Character creation includes no option to change the color of a character's eyebrows. I've noticed that NPCs have the issue too, like Mayrina is a bright blond with black eyebrows. All characters have black eyebrows. So, unless I create a character with dark hair, they all look like they have a bad dye-job. I know this sounds a bit picky but there are other character creators that get this right. Redheads have red eyebrows, etc.
Last edited by HexCursed; 30/12/23 04:43 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2023
I second the changing color of eyebrows thing. Maybe I want to dye my hair silver as a cleric of Selune but I don’t want my eyebrows to be silver/white
Joined: Dec 2023
Dunno about halflings and gnomes but I hope they add better elf heads larian have never been good with elves they were ugly in divinity 2 and now in bg3 too, well they are better but still whole idea is missing. How come male elf head 3,4 and 6 are considered to be of an elf they dont match at all. Slappin some pointy ears on chinese face doesnt make it look like an elf. Elves besides having pointy ears should be slender, beautiful and graceful if we consider the dnd titles of course. I think they should add more stuff for the half-orcs too something to make them unique. More heads the male have only 5 and more beards. It would be cool if larian gives us an option to change their tusks making them bigger or smaller and giving us an option to put some earrings on them if you ever played wow or at least you have seen some videos or whatever you will know what I mean. Some races are complety forgotten for example dragonborns have plenty of options you could change their jaws, chins, crest and tails but half-orcs nothing. Looks like they ran out of ideas or something. They gave us jiggle physics For d**** tho Yay! great feature.
Last edited by FlameSeal; 30/12/23 02:38 PM.
Joined: Dec 2023
I have to agree with all of this so much... The whole game is so thought out and personal that it seems odd just to add a few faces to choose from (same with the body types) - it's one of the main reasons I use mods.. which ofc developers shouldn't rely on but at least there is that. The halflings and gnomes just do not look appealing to me at all.. the hands are just a bit too big and the faces again are not complimenting it. It makes me not want to play them since I need to like how my character looks at least to some degree. The game is great enough that the lack of aesthetic freedom doesn't bother me too much but it's a little sad that they didn't took the chance to give us a little bit more creativity with the design of our characters.
Joined: Jun 2020
Hi. In my opinions, the character creation could use a few changes or improvements. Character creation and customisation is excruciatingly limited and underwhelming in this game, to the point that I have trouble fathoming how some people claim that they think it's good For halflings in particular, there has been a lot of push to improve them, but it's fallen largely on deaf ears. This thread: Focused Feedback: Halflings has been around from near the beginning, and has nearly universal support. Some of its information is slightly outdated (some animations have been changed), but the majority is as it's been left all this time. Incidentally - halfling heads aren't just bigger by ratio than human heads... they are actually Bigger overall, one to one, than human heads. It's ridiculous. They gave us jiggle physics For d**** tho Yay! great feature. Hang a tic... so... they put havoc on the penis models, but our breasts are still solid lumps of unyielding concrete with no gravity or motion at all? *sigh*
Last edited by Niara; 30/12/23 09:58 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
[quote=FlameSeal]They gave us jiggle physics For d**** tho Yay! great feature. Hang a tic... so... they put havoc on the penis models, but our breasts are still solid lumps of unyielding concrete with no gravity or motion at all? *sigh* Which is weird since women parts are more jiggly than the males ones, I mean IRL women boobs and asses are jiggly like jello, the only way Boobs should be static is if they're wearing a bra and even then they jiggle a bit, I'm getting off track, as for customization options, I'll add a hooves for Tieflings, I'm more of a fan of the human looking feet myself when it comes down to Tieflings, however I think it's nice to have That Option, since some of them are canonically born with hooves and goat legs, also not everyone has the same idea on what a Tiefling should look like (it's to the point where even us Tiefling players mostly ignore the PHB versions, Doric from Honour Among Thieves is probably the closest we've gotten to PHB Tieflings, the PHB mentions Human tones as well as Shades of Reds), also combine that with the fact that nobody can even agree on the same type parentage for Tieflings, I personally prefer 3e version myself, I just love the Idea of being directly Descended from a Devil, it's much better than saying that you're Cursed because your family came from a Devil Cult, the 3e origin is Canon in 5e but as an option, 4e's Pact Origin also Canon in 5e and is also as an option.
Joined: Dec 2023
Overall the game is good nothing more, nothing less, they missed a lot of oportunities in my opinion. For me the game feels like it was meant for some kind of weird erotic role player fan boys I dont care for d**** & t*** jiggle physics I wish for rich story and immersive gameplay the ramances are good thing but these physics are useless you only see them in character creation unless they are planning to give us p*** movies or something lmao.
Joined: Nov 2020
Other than those customization. Halfling are barefoot with many fancy shoes, especially those found in act 3.
Joined: Oct 2020
As for customization options, I'll add a hooves for Tieflings, I'm more of a fan of the human looking feet myself when it comes down to Tieflings, however I think it's nice to have That Option, since some of them are canonically born with hooves and goat legs. I still this could work, I alsomade sure the Important wasn't lost, Just incase anyone missed it, because of massive the wall of text I wrote.
Joined: Oct 2020
Other than those customization. Halfling are barefoot with many fancy shoes, especially those found in act 3. Makes sense since Halflings are D&D Hobbits.
Joined: Sep 2023
I think a good way to add a lot of variety without having to add many resources would be to split the faces parts up into separate sections. Like take the nose from one face, the ears from another, chin from a third. It would increase the choices available to a great degree.
Joined: Jul 2023
Anyone know of a mod to change eyebrow colour yet?..... I finally made my Tav perfect, except for her brown eyebrows 
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits...... Albert Einstien
Joined: Nov 2023
Anyone know of a mod to change eyebrow colour yet?..... I finally made my Tav perfect, except for her brown eyebrows  Does this work for you? It makes sure to match eyebrow color to hair color: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2002