I had my sex scene with Mizora in my current ongoing playthrough, somehow when she brought me to the hell and I agreed with it, then she would use magic to remove my Tav clothes, it turned out to be that the clothes were still on. firstly I thought it is normal but then I Googled others Mizora sex scene and found out Tav should have been naked. Does anybody have the same issue? I know people have the problem to trigger the sex scene with Mizora, or some other ''underwear still on'' issue with other team mates after patch 3, and think they are already fixed. But mine is just with Mizora so far (others were grand) with the ''clothes still on'' during sex scene. Can anybody help?
I always keep the clothes I'm wearing when there's a sex scene in camp. This has always been like that for me, so I 've taken the habit to make a save when I arrive at camp. In case a scene triggers, I can reload the save, undress and go to bed naked, and then Tav will also be naked when the scene triggers.