When an evil Dark Urge who sided with Minthara in ACT 1 meets Marcus in Isobel's room and chooses the threatening dialogue option before they actually meet Isobel, he'll fight the player without summoning any ghouls and make everyone at Last Light Inn temporarily hostile if the Dark Urge is seen fighting him.

This breaks Isobel's flow of events because;

  • The game won't register at all that Marcus died, despite Isobel confronting the player about them killing Marcus in her room
  • So when the evil Dark Urge eventually murders Isobel at any point during ACT 2, the game will show Marcus flying her to Moonrise as Last Light Inn falls to darkness, even though he's been dead for ages
  • Which then causes Isobel to appear in the act's finale as a True Soul

Naturally this should not be happening because as can be seen in the screenshot below; Marcus is dead and buried by Isobel. Then she was murdered ages later... but the game never registered that he's dead because he never revealed himself to Isobel.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]