I am more than 400 hours into the game now and have had no problems of this nature. Recently (last several days), the game has been randomly crashing. The behavior is that the game will be playing fine. All of the sudden the monitor will go blank and will indicate that there is no input and it is going to sleep. The CD will begin spinning like wild and I have found no way to resolve this short of a hard reboot.

I tested the video card and found no errors. I have looked into the heat on my RTX 2080 and found it never gets above 74. I don't "think" this is a video card issue.

I have found that the event log lists a 'Security center failed to validate caller with error DC0408780' error message. It also lists an access/security error related to Bonjour (apple Itunes related). This is a consistent thing as the last three crashes have preceded with the Bonjour error followed by the Security center failure' message.

For some reason Bonjour is apparently conflicting with the game. I have tried disabling Bonjour, but got the same error. I don't want to uninstall Itunes as I use it.

Any suggestions?