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I was quite amused to discover one of the kobolds in the creche hiding inside a wine barrel - the giveaway was the *belch* and *slurp* you'd get if you walked close by.

What else is out there that amuses you?

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Act 1 Cellar Boss Fight.. haha
Act 1 too the Windmill situation..
in my first run i chose the wrong stuff sorry barcus...

Act 2 the Beer Dude.. Man Drunk with hin till the end worth a lot.
Act 2 The Dept Collector Golden Lady.
(same stuff intimidate her untill her die. haha)

Act 2 Gank the Necro Dude Before entering the gountlet..
He never saw me coming...

Act 1 i Challenge Vlakith becouse i like to be a Scumbag sometimes. haha
(felt like a Slap in a Face from the Game)
AND dont Forget to Wave for Her its Top Notch.. lol

Btw Leazel has a Meltdown if yu do that.. Just Give a Shot really fun stuff. haha

Act 3 the Young girl Trying to Revive her Brother .. haha
Act 3 Water Temple Just Speak with the Ladys man.. lought a lot with some responses from then.
(umberlee Stuff temple i always forget how to spell her name correct.)
Funny Stuff.

Last edited by Thorvic; 14/01/24 12:21 PM.
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There was a bug where if you went the side entrance for the burning building in act 1. Went around an initiated the scene it would bug out. Been a while but I remember laughing about that.

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Wild Magic Sorcery and the "In case of death" quest.

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I can't even tell you guys, how long I have been sitting on this absolute GEM of a screenshot:
[Linked Image from]
Lemme tell you guys what happened. So there I was, walking around Cora Highberry's house, when I walked past an orphan named Timmy. Timmy yanks out this HUGE cut of meat, and just starts chomping down on it. Two thoughts went through my mind:
1. Is this a bug? A bug that makes meat 10 times as large? I like it. c:
2. Did a Dev code this? Is this an orphan's idle animation? To pull out a chicken leg half their body size, and start eating it? I later learned it was a leg of mutton, but no matter. A+

When I waited long enough, the orphan standing next to Timmy also pulled out giant meat and started eating too 8'D If this is a bug, it's spreading, and in my heart I hope it spreads to all the NPCs.

Last edited by Lillith; 14/01/24 03:42 PM.
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I think it’s hilarious how Shadowheart reacts when you let Abdirak beat you at the goblin camp (leave Astarion at home for her full commentary). A lot of her remarks are funny to me… from suggesting that Astarion “wear a bell to dissuade nighttime prowling” to calling Karlach a “tasty treat,” etc.

BUT one of my favorite lines in the game is Auntie Ethel: “I’m going to rip your spine out of your arsehole!”

Last edited by Ecc2ca; 14/01/24 07:28 PM.
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Even goblins have humor
(paraphrasing, I don't remember the exact words)

Here's how this works.
You move further, we'll fill you with arrows
And if you turn back wi'll do the same on your backside.

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Man indeed Let the Loviathar Bro Spank yu really Hard man..
(Go with intimidation its the easy way.)

And like Ecc2ca says.. Bring Only Shadow.. Her coments are the Best..
First Time i Saw i laught a Lot for Real..
With astarion and Shadow has some Cool too but her alone its The BEST ONE. for real..haha

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Oh, Auntie Ethel ... keep going for my favorite line: "I'll keep you alive until I've sucked the Marrow from your bones. And THEN, I'll bring you back and do it all over again". It's the way she says, "And THEN", combined with her funny face and slightly crossed eyes that gets me every time. Hur!

There is also something just right about the scene with Vlakith's painting in the creche. The brief pause when you admire your work is sublime, and then a youth comes around the corner and tries to scrub it off, ha ha ha.

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Originally Posted by Argyle
There is also something just right about the scene with Vlakith's painting in the creche. The brief pause when you admire your work is sublime, and then a youth comes around the corner and tries to scrub it off, ha ha ha.

Maybe it's just me, but when you do that with Astarion, I feel he looks extra smug.

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I've said this a thousand times already, but all the animals. Speaking with animals is *always* good stuff.

From revolting spiders [read this however you please] to Bisconti the good dog, to the real mistress of the house, the squirrels with Alfira - absolute perfection. Oh and the Owlbear Cub. I *love* the Owlbear Cub. I often complain about the writing in this game, but it really works for the minor interactions. Animals are top notch.

Sending your squadmates up to Dribbles the Clown. Never gets old.

Pretending to be sick at the Doctor's.

Resolving every situation with [Barbarian][Intimidate]

'WET YOUR TROUSER HOLES, BAAASKET IS HERE' - Yes, his name is Basket. If you name him anything else, you're playing this game wrong.

Also: 'Can we fight now, Boo is not used to this taking of turns!'

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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In early access Wyll was borderline suicidal in his introduction at the gate fight, this was also when his VA was doing a different voice for him.

He would yell "MAKE WAY FOR THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS!" then gets absolutely wrecked by the fall damage and the group of goblins. My friends and I had to take a 5 minute break during combat because we were too busy laughing at the unceremonious beat down Wyll received 2 seconds after he introduces himself.

And that is why he has featherfall when the fight starts wink

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- During the Orin fight, Gale would stay on the stairs near the entrance of the temple but he would disappear completely a few rounds in. Enemies could still attack him and he could still attack and cast spells, but I could not click on him physically. Then, if my Tav was ever knocked prone or downed his body would flail on the stairs, his whole upper body in the stairs with his legs sticking up until he got up again. The collision on those stairs must've been a little... slippery. lol.
- Astarion's "Well, that's just disgusting." line when the look-a-likes emerge from the Netherbrain. Each time that scene came up I chuckled to myself.
- Any NPCs cut off grunt/yell when they get shoved into a chasm.
- Any time Astarion whines about filth/looking dirty. (Love you Astarion, just think your whining is a touch silly.) "Filth is for pigs and children to roll around in, darling."
- When traps go perceived a little too late and blow up the entire party sending them flying.
- Getting a nat 1 on a DC 2 roll.
- Characters t-posing during an intimate scene.
- Bosses like Raphael, Orin, Gortash, Cazador doing Otto's Dance. Same goes for companions as well.

Well, that's just disgusting.
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The funniest thing to me has been the dialogue between Lae'zel and Gale as we travel around. I didn't notice it at first, and accidentally became aware of it, but it's hilarious.

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I found Minthara's method to handle traps quite funny.

[Linked Image from]

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I don't think any of these are particularly hidden so you've probably seen some of them before, but...

Killing Minthara by putting an explosive barrel beside her desk, nobody else noticing (I think they fixed this in a later patch), and getting the popup "Lae'zel is inspired!" Followed, less successfully, by Lae'zel and Shadowheart chucking barrels from the rafters onto the chief in the goblin temple.

Someone saying to me in Rivington, shortly after the boss fight at the end of act 2, "you've crossed <whatever criminal organisation>. Watch your back from now on," to which I could reply (and I paraphrase) "LOL, guess what I just killed," and watching them gulp in terror and back down.

The bard in The Guildhall telling me that this is her spot, and there's no space for another bard. I just joined in with what she was playing (I love that feature), and the people that had basically been ignoring her got up, started cheering and throwing money at me.

Seeing "Zombie Astarion" appear at Cazador's Palace. How many times can he die, and does he come back for revenge as Revenant Zombie Astarion?

Jaheira greeting me in the epilogue with "You can make yourself presentable, when you have a mind to", then the camera turns to my character in probably the most awkward, ridiculous pose of the game
[Linked Image from]

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If you agree to perform the sacrifice in the murder tribunal and Astarion is in the party, he says something like "This is your grand sacrifice?! This?!" when you first see the captive hollyphant. Having talked to the Valeria, I completely agreed - at least find a deva if you want a serious sacrifice.

Not so much funny as face-palm: Pulling the lava elemental out of position in Sorcerous Sundries (bard playing, minor illusion, combat, etc.) and watching (or encouraging) people to walk into the lava area.

Lots of inter-party dialog that goes on. For example, when you officially find out Astarion is a vampire, Lae'Zel threatens him with death if he so as takes a drop of her blood. His response is "Oh, I do so love spicy food."

Last edited by RBarbare; 30/03/24 12:12 AM.
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My personal list of gags:
1. Character comments about each other, the best: Astarion, Sheduhart and Lazael - about the name and the flower; about the horse and the nasty temper; Will likes to give names: mr Fang, Man Weaving.
2. Astarion's comment about the length of time it takes to kill goblins.
3. Open a barn in an abandoned village and let Astarion do it, comment 1.Barbarian, 2.Bard, watch the companions.
4. Sheduhart in a cocoon from the Spider Matriarch.
5. Send the gnome flying.
6. At the goblins, first approach those torturing the prisoner, let them go. They will go to watch Abdirak. Then with your character to Abdirak. Remove your character's armor before spanking. Listen to the comments of the goblins.
7. To Dark Urge: Make Quill come to the camp, listen to her repertoire.
8. Find Shovel and send her into battle, listen to what she shouts.
9. Ma Klumpa and the fish army.
10. 2 Dwegars and the dwarf Distur. Laughing with them at the poor guy every time.
11. Waving Vlaakit's hand.
12. Destroy a Lanthender Shrine on my group, and through Weathers be the first to resurrect Astarion. Priceless.
13. Take the chair from Raphael as he plays chess.
14. Lick the spider meat a few times with Gale!!!
15. Stealing Balthazar's mom and then telling him about it.
16. Talk to Carmen Tut's store with the salesgirl's brother. Press several times.
17. Astarion's comment about shifters.
18. Send someone to Dribbles the clown, listen to comments after killing him: Astarion, Lazael and Mintara- the best.
19. Naked gnome refugee.
20. Trying to read the Emperor's mind.
21. Sleeping with Harlep and then mocking Raphael.
22. Wear Harlep's underwear and approach Gale in it.

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1. Release Brake on the windmill
2. Sceleritas Fel "one hell of a Butler" reference (Kuroshitsuji-Black Butler)
3. Sending Astarion up to Dribbles
4. Biting off Crushers toe
5. Be a Drow in the Goblin Camp
6. Be a female Drow when you encounter Dhorn
7. Minsc generally
8. Minthara vs Gale
9. Gales Astral scene
10. Gale being turned on killing undeads
11. Lae'zels Mating Ritual
12. Astarion offering me sex every time I kill the Gur before the tiefling party (Gale like moment)
13. Gortash outing me in front of my companions
14. Gut's Rain dance at her Altar
15. Raphael practicing his lines in the grave yard
16. Dark Urge to Raphael " I already have 1 creepy butler"
17. His Majesty & Steelclaw
18. Astarion saying he has standards at the tiefling party
19. Goblins watching Abdirak
20. Grease mephits in the sewers chattering to each other
21. Low Charisma characters getting hit with a persuasion check on significant NPCs and you just have to roll with it
21. Roll failures Dolor vs Figaro , Vlaakith picture vandalism, 1+ dagger in the meat
22. Sorceror vs The Sussur flower = Gale & Astarion commentary
23. Karlach commentary on the creepy book
24. Filling your plate at Raphaels first meeting
25. The Cat at Sharess's caress
26. Getting kicked out of Sorcerous Sundries
27. Get into a swearing match with Aradin I liked telling him to F+ off
28. Astarion commentary with the Wall Hole
29. Ketherics Inroduction
30. Dark Urge when confronted with someone who knew you previously "shit not again remind me how you know me "

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