I'm all for breasts, can we aslo get different sizes,
Also tieflings in general should get more customizable options, forked tongues, cat like eyes, cloven hooves instead of feet, scaly skin, smell of brimstone, cast no shadow, have no reflection, batlike wings, more or fewer than 5 fingers on each hand, goat like legs furry or leathery skin and skin that is hot to touch, all of what I mention is Canon,
in D&D, you might have to roll for it or pick which ones you like the most, not every tiefling looks the same, plus also we only got 3 out 9 tiefling subraces in BG3,
feral tieflings are a secret 10th subrace that isn't tied to the Rulers of the 9 hells, we don't really need feral tieflings anyways,
Last edited by Sai the Elf; 15/02/24 04:43 PM.