As long as it somehow copies the exact plot of Hellraiser. I mean we basically already got the box hehe
Honestly though, what would it take? Like what would Orin be into?
I think first you gotta put on a display for Loviatar with Abdirak at the Goblin camp to work another angle on it for the jealousy pantheon. Then probably would have to off every single other companion, but in ways that are particularly messy and showboaty.
She already writes us letters and tries to get all creative about it, so we would probably have to do that too, you know, just to keep it super conventional.
She's the belle of the Bhaal, so it would have to reign Red in like every Act - Carrie style. Putting a ring on it would be like giving her Gortash for the coup de grace killshot somehow. Afterwards, some kind of brief Natural Born Killers Bonnie and Clyde style romp around the Lower City, and then back to Rivington for the anticlimax encore at the 'Circus.'
Surely Orin just ends up killing us anyway at the end, like carves out our still-beating heart and then stomps on it. Maybe makes out with our doppelganger in front of us while we bleed out on the floor - and just laughs?
That might work actually! lol
Of course I'm in favor, cause it would clearly require recording a bunch more voiced lines.
Also Lens is like my favorite bit character in the whole game, so I could see a tie-in there too. Perhaps where we can somehow ditch Orin at the last second, for a semi redeemed version of Lens who could then relate the whole thing as a cautionary tale via Baldur's Mouth. Stage play adaptation staring Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh as Doppelganger 1 and Doppelganger 2. Triple Mmm rating for sure lol
Durge True Romance!? Like where even Astarion is judging us for too much blood and gore...?
The Baldur's Mouth Gazette gets bought out by Fangoria Magazine, and we just never sleep again from the sheer horror of it all! heheh
ps. This game still needs a Bard's stronghold, but like what if it was in the subway sewers and just full on terror? Like shadow puppets or Possession or something? The Bard play stronghold could solve the 17000 endings problem! Maybe this is just one riff that goes all horror flick ravens loft for the cheap seats in the back. Double feature at the drive-in, midnight grindhouse etc. Think of how many tiny plays they could do hehe. All of em really, I bet. But with more voiced lines recorded for sure. If somehow we got a BG3 Bard's stronghold out the Definitive whatever, I could go for that! Even if it went off the rails into fright night, and withers had a skullet mullet. Or Figaro Pennygood invents the T shirt, and Oskar has ideas for the poster, and the only way out is through the power of dance, closing your eyes and just hoping you wake up from this nightmare lol.
I think I'd settle for maybe if we could just have Orin's hair on our PC? Like if we do some ridiculous quest achievement and just get that. Getting the long braid on a hireling zombie or Durge at the mirror and we could at least pretend at camp lol.
pps. if somehow Orin is ever made recruitable or the visualizations are unlocked for hirelings or whatever other thing might be made available, whether it's through bardic inspiration or something who can say, but then I'd like to see something similar for any NPC character in the entire game. Maybe that works somehow? How many more bards could they fit in this game? BG1 and BG2 had so many bards! It would make sense if they had like 3 times as many in BG3 somehow - for the replay hehe.