My role play is that I am from a small clan family of Drow Elistraean escapees from the Underdark currently living in Silverymoon, two generations later these include all sorts of small family artisans including a musical instrument maker, one who owns a herb farm etc, one member of the Knights, an aunt who married into a family of merchants etc etc. A right old mixed bag of skills, family members (some mixed race), kids, apprentices etc. My characters grandmother is the matriarch of the family, she and her partner live in the city itself whereas the rest of the tribe live in the extended farm and workshop complex just outside.
Her Mum was initially bard trained but decided to became a sword dancer and she basically vanished for years to pursue the necessary training. She is currently raising a small family at the farm complex with her road companion who is a Half Drow Fighter.
My girl considers herself a journeyman rather than a full anything whatsoever. Her Mum did train her, so she's pretty useful (read better than most but nothing super extraordinary) with a sword but needs much more training to be considered sword dancer (assuming she wants to go that road).
Elistraean Drow from this particular family is my usual backstory but I change other details to vary the playstyle for any particular playthrough - all my playthroughs later the family she comes from is pretty well fleshed out with who is married to whom, who escaped the underdark and why etc

This particular playthrough she's a draconic sorceror from her fathers side mixed heritage.