Joined: Jul 2022
If you start to please weird ppl insane ppl will do insane things. They wanted to please the 1% of the player's. Now complain that they get death threats from the 1%.
Next time think about it pls the gamers because gamers play games and don't hang out in social media all the time. Why???? Because they are busy with games. And usly gamers go to forum BTW.
Last edited by The Red Queen; 01/03/24 12:04 AM. Reason: Link to video that contravenes forum rules removed by moderator
Joined: Dec 2020
Your arguments are not only made in bad faith, but you are also victim blaming. Judging by timestamp 8:55, you are clearly homophobic and completely missing the point. Plus, you blame the devs, that it is their own fault to get death trheads - for having gay content in? You do realise, that the threats weren't about that at all?
So insetad of discussing with the likes of you, I will leave this sorry excuse of a video well alone and just use the space to again say, that no matter, what your critique with the game is, threats are not ok in any way, shape or form. Instead of spreading more hate and accusation, maybe it would be nice, to just change this thread to one of solidarity against hatespeech and violence.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
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With all due respect, OP, that’s a horrible take. You’re blaming the devs for the death threats they’re recieving - why should pleasing anyone result in death threats?
Joined: Feb 2024
No offense but that’s not very kind thing to say.
no one deserves to be bullied or get death threat and they are simply just trying to make their fans happy.
Joined: Jul 2022
It's not my video I just found it on YouTube and it's really fitting . And I wrote insane ppl. I Don care about idiotic political argenda. I am a G. A. M. E. R nothing more or less. A gamer have no gender color or even species attached to. A gamer can be whatever.
And kind a yes Larian stated out multiple time they want to please the 1% of the player's. All I am saying the 1 % are insane. So don't be surprised. I am not blaming just try to talk a common sense. Because they also stated out that if this will be continue we the gamers will be punishmed. With delaying mod support and future fixes.
I do believe they need to think about this and reevaluate what kind of audience they wanna please. Punish 9.9 million people because of 0.1 is really not fair. Specially if the stated out multiple times they want to please this 0.1. BTW I have nothing else to say. Because I can wait for mod support. I have no issue to play something else. And if it's not coming I will just move on like a normal person. That is the healthy thing to do.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 29/02/24 01:42 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
It's not my video I just found it on YouTube and it's really fitting . And I wrote insane ppl. I Don care about idiotic political argenda. I am a G. A. M. E. R nothing more or less. A gamer have no gender color or even species attached to. A gamer can be whatever.
And kind a yes Larian stated out multiple time they want to please the 1% of the player's. All I am saying the 1 % are insane. So don't be surprised. I am not blaming just try to talk a common sense. Because they also stated out that if this will be continue we the gamers will be punishmed. With delaying mod support and future fixes.
I do believe they need to think about this and reevaluate what kind of audience they wanna please. Punish 9.9 million people because of 0.1 is really not fair. Specially if the stated out multiple times they want to please this 0.1. BTW I have nothing else to say. Because I can wait for mod support. I have no issue to play something else. And if it's not coming I will just move on like a normal person. That is the healthy thing to do. It doesn't matter, if that is your video, you are blaming the devs, that are just doing their jobs with passion, for the death threats, tehy received. And please tell us, who is the 1 % that is insane? How do you single them out? You are talking about that 1 % constantly, so they seem to be important for you. I agree on that, that the vast majority of BG3 fans are mostly nice - a bit (read a lot) horny, but harmless. But what you do, is horrible, you blame the victims here. The people making the threats are to blame, because in the end, this is a game - it is a nice way to pass the time, but nothing important in the sense that you need something or your life will implode. So what those people are doing, is harrassing innocents for nothing. And I only brought up the topic of LGBTQ+ , because it was the topic of that video, that basically said that people are ok with sex in BG3, because it includes LGBTQ+ and not in the other game talked about, because it was about hetero males or something crude like that (meanwhile there is a big topic going on, if BG3 is overly sexualized btw). If you bring a video like that, you should be know, that people will react to that.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
Wasn't the quote also that they want players who make very unique choices to also be happy. Which I in general understood as you getting small rewards for doing weird things (dropping a monastery on Astarion for example) or modifying things to make the experience more unique when you play as an Origin character. It's not about "the 1%" as in "a minority" but way more situational.
Last edited by Anska; 29/02/24 02:09 PM.
Joined: Jul 2022
Quote "99.9% of our community are the absolute best and it’s because of them—thankfully—that my community team persevere,” he continued. “But I suppose it was inevitable that when you have a city, a few bad eggs will start a fire."
This is qote from the developer. Actually it's even less I was generous with 1%.
Also they promised performance improvements and a difficulty that will make us cry + mod support. But here is the thing ppl hou asked to fulfill those promises on this platform. Never ever threatened the devs. Because they are usly normal gamers. We got those things?? Not really. What we did??? Played something else and maybe if this will be fulfilled we will comeback. Why? Because some of us are normal and we are just gamers hou actually really buy and play games. But...
Quote "As always, we’ll discuss it in our way with our community. Threats & toxicity against our devs & community teams will only harm the conversation."
This is not OK . Why??? Punishing the 99.9 % because of the few rotten eggs. So they knew they pleased this rotten EGGS as well. If I look at this platform" almost" no changes that came after patch 3 was asked here. And this is a fact.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 29/02/24 02:25 PM.
Joined: Feb 2024
I get that you are angry and disappointed , and I sincerely hope that was just an angry talk, we are all hoping to get what we paid for, but what makes us distinguish from those 1% “insane” fans is we are rational, and no matter Larian does fanservice for them or no, won’t change the fact those 1% are acting crazy and dangerous, and it shouldn’t be allowed in any circumstance. so instead of thinking “well that’s what you get” by spoiling their fans for no matter majority or minority , we should condemn the insane ones , not Larian.
I still have hope for Larian, and good stuff takes time .
Joined: Feb 2020
What the hell does this video has something to do with BG3 and mod support ?
They told us we'll have mod support but it's not coming fast enough for some people so Larian should have expected threats ? I guess it's not as stupid as that but if there's something else to understand, I really don't get it. And what's OP's point with the 1% they tried to pleased ? Which 1% are we talking about ? The modding community ? I guess I've missed some part of this drama.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 29/02/24 03:36 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Maximuus is right, this has nothing to do with mod support or Larian's communication strategies. And fylimar is also right, the video is not okay and you are not okay. Homophobic, victim blaming and acting in bad faith.
While I deeply respect the commenters who, either from a virtue ethics or a be-the-example-not-the-problem perspective choose to respond to bad faith posts with constructive comments I think this is a case where we say: we don't see content like that.
In the last few days we've seen a flood of trolling posts - some of them racist and homophobic - and it looks like the steam trolls got bored and wandered over here. I don't envy the moderation team right now . . .
Joined: Nov 2023
So, my two cents as someone who is more neutral, but I feel like the OP has a point and there seems some kind of misunderstanding.
I don't think OP says, that Larian deserves the death threats itself, but it's the risk you take if you decide to cater a specific crowd with your marketing (like what scenes they show, what pictures they use or even if someone from Larian posts "mr kojima please f*ck the bear"). These people are horny, fanatic, aggressive, obsessive over characters and to some extent insane. Now, before anyone wants to jump at my throat, there are lot of good fans (mostly those you can meet here), but when it comes to social media, the good people are the minority. Believe me, I really tried to connect to people on X, so I checked a lot of profiles and most of then were aggressive, obsessive and so on. I don't want to be the one to dictate how they shoud live their life but they don't stop there, they willingly attack others. On top of that I found out that the most bizarre, aggressive or spiteful people had something in common: neurodiversity (and something else I wont mention because I dont want to end up at the pyre). And now, before anyone of you want to attack me, I don't say that everyone who is neurodiverse is part of the aforementioned 0.1%.
In this community, no matter what happens or what someone says, it's always leading to a point where someone calls another one homophobe (or queerphobe, transphobe, racist, ableist etc.). You need examples? 1. There are people who claim that SH has to be a Lesbian and that's a fact and canon and that everyone who says otherwise is dumb and homophobe. 2. The battle between Minthara and Halsin fans, who called each other lesbophobe, homophobe, queerphob and even ableist for having their own headcanons. 3. If you don't like a companion there are people who call you all of what I've already mentioned above or - in case of Wyll - racist. 4. People claim that Larian forces Astarion to be in a relationship with a female Tav while he is obviously gay - at least according to them. and so on...
Another point I give the OP credit for is that a lot of content they added after patch 3 was never really asked for on here or Discord, but you kind find thousands of posts about kisses and stuff on X and that's what Larian listened to. I mean, if Larian decided to listen to people on X AND to feedback on the forum and Discord, that would be fine, but they don't do that. There is no point in denying that Larian somewhat failed to deliver promised things just to give the crowd more kisses and hugs.
Also, everyone on this forum seems to be okay with calling others dumb, weird, crazy, homophobe and stuff if they don't accept others opinions but they fail to realize that makes them a part of the problem and not the solution. Instead of blaming and reacting with hate to a questionable post, you could try to ask about more information and what kind of information the person is trying to transport.
If you want to answer to any of my posts with just hate, please just don't answer at all.
If you want just to white knight everything and can't accept opinions, please don't even answer me.
Thank you!
Joined: Aug 2023
Well! It's been a while since I've posted on these forums but it's nice to see some familiar faces, even the ones I've had disagreements with on certain topics in the past.  I'm genuinely impressed that someone brought up the existence of BG3 fanbase outside of these forums. (I honestly love your post Filia, seeing how most people here like to ignore that side.) Now people that post on these forums (myself included) haven't always been as courteous in their disagreements as you might come to expect from adults conversing online but I do think that we for the most part we have managed to keep it respectful. (some posters more than others  ) The unfortunate part is that these forums are irrelevant to the bigger picture surrounding this game. And why do I say that? Because the posters and the topics being discussed here are irrelevant to the devs over at Larian. If people just took a step towards the BG3 fanbase on X (formerly known as Twitter) or Tumblr, hell even Reddit they would be appalled by how people conduct themselves and what absolute (and I do apologies for saying this but its true) degeneracy that is being said and injected into this game and its fanbase. From name calling, to revenge rape fiction writing, harassments, accusations of all kinds of things etc. Which is kind of funny because these are the same people that hide themselves behind the image of acceptance and the whole kumbaya, lets hold hands and be loving spiel. I don't think that I have seen a more porn brained and hateful gaming community since I don't even know when to be honest. (not to say that others are good) Filia is right, people are giddy at the thought of calling anyone and anything all kinds of isms and phobics as soon as you say something they might disagree with and in most cases it does not apply. To give you an example that I alongside many others have experienced, is being called homophobic for saying that having sex with animals is something you shouldn't be proud of or that it shouldn't be portrayed as okay. (also the absurdity of equating being gay with copulating with animals jfc.) The reason as to why I'm bringing this up is that Larina devs/writers are mainly interacting with and catering to this crowd. And I honestly do not see anything good coming out of it. Not for me, for you or anyone whose interest isn't and I quote 'breeding Halsins bussy' (grotesques picture not included) or anything similar concerning other companions. Also while I'm here I have to ask this (I know it isn't on topic but it's connected to the fanbase and the game).What is up with peoples obsession with fully animated sex scenes? I mean, is that really necessary in a game? (just my curiousty  ) edit. Go for an edit and immediately get a 'gateway timeout', nice to see that forums are still being operated by overworked hamsters.
Last edited by Rotsen; 29/02/24 11:29 PM.
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Joined: Feb 2022
I am locking this thread.
Having watched more of the linked video than I wished to, I found a number of places where it contravened our policies on avoiding politics and keeping this a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of gender and sexuality. That is, it seemed to include elements that were sexist, homophobic and rude and dismissive of people who don’t agree with its politics. That’s not something we accept from people posting here, and it’s not okay in linked content either.
And to be honest, it gets my goat when as moderators we are forced to waste our time watching a video as a result of complaints. It should be clear that this isn’t the sort of thing it’s okay to post here.
I could say more about other problematic elements of this thread, but I’m just going to call it.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"