A nice new hotfix is now available for Baldur�s Gate 3 on PC, PS5, and Mac, taking aim at several bugs, crashes, and blockers. We�ve also restored the ability to send items to specific camp companions while outside of camp - so feel free to send all your heavy items to Karlach for easy access. She can handle the strain, don�t worry.
Xbox players, Hotfixes #20 and #21 are still undergoing testing for your platform. We found a crash bug exclusive to your platform, so we�re taking the time to investigate and solve that issue, so your future adventures go a little smoother. Unfortunately, this means that currently, cross-saves will not be loadable on Xbox if they come from platforms that have already been updated to Hotfixes #20 or #21. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to bring these hotfixes to Xbox as soon as possible.
As with previous updates, if you�re experiencing any issues after installing this latest hotfix, please check whether the issue still persists with all mods uninstalled. If you continue to experience this issue after uninstalling mods, please contact our support team and submit a full report to help us solve your issue.
We continue to work on further fixes and patches, but in the meantime, thank you for playing Baldur�s Gate 3!
Fixed a crash related to Avatars no longer being in the party.
Fixed a potential blocker where having Gale
sacrifice himself atop the Netherbrain
would kill your character, leaving you as a mote in the epilogue, unable to talk to anyone.
Fixed a multiplayer bug causing your character to get stuck if you have the Eavesdrop option active and try to pick a lock at the same time as another player triggers a cinematic dialogue.
Added some extra error checks for when the game fails to load a save.
Fixed a crash on Xbox that could occur when 2 clients join at the same time.
Fixed a crash on Xbox that could occur when pressing Left or Right Trigger.
Fixed a crash during the transition between a dialogue with
Dame Aylin
and Shadowheart's dream about
her childhood.
Fixed a crash when switching characters in Character Creation.
Made the 'Sell Wares' and 'Offer Wares' buttons work for all party members in a trading session instead of just the character with the wares in their inventory.
Enabled multiselection in the Trade UI for keyboard and mouse. Also fixed 'Buy Back' prices.
Fixed a bug causing party gold to initially be set to 0 when trading or bartering, giving you an 'Insufficient Gold' warning, no matter how much you actually had.
Fixed 'Send To' not showing camp characters in the context menu when selecting multiple items.
Selling a container to a trader and then swapping to a different character in the Trade/Barter UI no longer allows you to use �Take All� to transfer the trader�s stock to your inventory.
Restored the ability to send items to camp companions while outside of the camp. Many of you felt this was a nice quality-of-life feature, so it's back!
Fixed a bug letting you place equipment into incompatible equipment slots. Please take those gloves off your feet.
Fixed long Waypoint names sometimes clipping in the map on keyboard and mouse.
Restored the 'Send To' and 'Pick Up' options in the context menu for items in the Traveller's Chest.
Fixed a bug where rebinding the left mouse button would remove its functionality, preventing you from clicking.
Fixed the 'Sort By' function not working properly for containers and inventories when sorting by the same filter twice in a row.
Fixed the 'Sort By' function not working for corpse inventories.
Fixed an exploit that could give you free items from a trader by quickly escaping the Trade UI while dragging an item to the Barter UI inventory.
Fixed the Upcast view on the hotbar closing prematurely when you change your Upcast selection, forcing you to choose the maximum number of targets. Also fixed the hotbar incorrectly reflecting the current spell state after you change your Metamagic selection.
Fixed a dialogue not triggering after
destroying the Steel Watch Foundry
if all the Gondians, including Zanner, died.
Fixed a bug causing Minthara to keep repeating a greeting that also happened to be a nice little Act III spoiler.
Fixed a bug causing the owlbear cub to disappear from camp. Little buddy just got lost.
Fixed the crime dialogue for trespassing getting spammed beside the Steel Watch Foundry if you triggered the alarmed door and then saved the game within the forbidden area outside the Foundry.
Fixed an edgecase where having Minthara around could teleport the party back to the Emerald Grove instead of the Lower City.
Fixed Wyll's quest not starting when you recruit him by replacing another companion with him.
Fixed the 'Enemy of Justice' condition applying to your player character upon reaching Cr�che Y'llek or the Shadow-Cursed Lands if you knocked out Minthara in a previous region, or upon reaching the Lower City if you killed a guard at Moonrise Towers and Araj Oblodra witnessed it.
Fixed a bug where the game would not realise knocked-out Minthara had been defeated in Act I if you took a Long Rest between knocking her out and defeating the other goblin leaders.
You can no longer save your game while the credits are rolling. This is to prevent issues with the game not knowing which state to load.
Fixed players not being able to join a friend's game on Xbox.
You can now cancel the lobby search function with the B button on Xbox.
Thank you so much for this hotfix, means a great deal to me as have anticipated for this since release of patch 6.
Will we ever reach a point in time where it is recommended to start a new game from scratch to ensure things remain bug free, like a thumb of rule regarding old saves versus newer versions of the game build? I'm assuming we will eventually reach that point at some time in future with the rate we are getting updates and hotfixes.
Fixed a bug causing Minthara to keep repeating a greeting that also happened to be a nice little Act III spoiler.
And by doing so replaced her buggy ACT III spoiler with a buggy ACT II spoiler. Sigh... what else is to be expected for Minthara.
In what century can the community start expecting the patches to actually start fixing Minthara and her numerous issues that have gone completely ignored for 7 months straight, instead of introducing more issues to an already pitifully barren and broken character that doesn't even have the most basic content available 7 months into release?
If the player already met Minthara prior to meeting Sazza, while speaking to Sazza the player will act as if they never met Minthara.
If the player already met Minthara prior to rescuing Sazza, during their scene Minthara will act as if she never met the player.
If the player never met or joined Minthara during ACT I, during Minthara's Moonrise judgement scene the player will still act as if they met and joined Minthara despite never doing so.
When Minthara joins the group, Karlach and Wyll do not have their comments about her joining the group.
When Minthara joins the party, her auto-enablement of the tadpole system causes the narrative to treat the main character who never consumed any tadpoles as if they did.
Minthara does not have any variation to her greetings. Her one and only greeting is her eternally spammed "You wish to consult me?" line.
If Minthara dies as an active party member, all companions including the player will still be triggering their ACT I rude remarks towards her corpse.
When Minthara officially becomes a love interest, she does not have any romance scene nor a morning talk afterwards despite clearly implying the night is supposed to be romantically private and sexual.
As a love interest Minthara does not have any romantic greetings, only ever uses her single "You wish to consult me?" neutral line.
As a love interest Minthara is missing her relationship dialogue branch, because of which she can't be asked how she feels nor can the player break up with her.
Minthara's unique Dark Urge dialogue branch becomes unavailable due to a bug with Sceleritas Fel's camp scene in ACT II where he approaches the Dark Urge about killing Isobel.
When Minthara doesn't have her armor, handwear or footwear slots equipped, her body mesh will be missing parts of the mesh related to those slots in the leveling menu.
Minthara does not have her laughing voice line when using the [Sentient Amulet].
Minthara does not have her camp decoration at the Elfsong Tavern in ACT III.
Yup, I loaded up the playthrough I shelved 3 weeks ago due to the Minthara / Act III spoiler and sure enough, now she's talking about not allowing Gale to follow through on Elminster's plan.
I�m sure I sound like a broken record but, for those who are interested, Shadowheart�s Grymforge kiss with a cleric of Selune has not been fixed by the last few hotfixes. It has been broken for four months, since Patch 4 dropped. And mods are not responsible. It is a universal experience.
Hey Crimsomrider, you should post all of this great info on the feedback section for BG3 on Discord. They fix a lot of bugs from the posts over there so you should share all of this! I don't think Larian really looks at this forum because of how buggy it is, you know?
Fixed a bug causing Minthara to keep repeating a greeting that also happened to be a nice little Act III spoiler.
And by doing so replaced her buggy ACT III spoiler with a buggy ACT II spoiler. Sigh... what else is to be expected for Minthara.
In what century can the community start expecting the patches to actually start fixing Minthara and her numerous issues that have gone completely ignored for 7 months straight, instead of introducing more issues to an already pitifully barren and broken character that doesn't even have the most basic content available 7 months into release?
If the player already met Minthara prior to meeting Sazza, while speaking to Sazza the player will act as if they never met Minthara.
If the player already met Minthara prior to rescuing Sazza, during their scene Minthara will act as if she never met the player.
If the player never met or joined Minthara during ACT I, during Minthara's Moonrise judgement scene the player will still act as if they met and joined Minthara despite never doing so.
When Minthara joins the group, Karlach and Wyll do not have their comments about her joining the group.
When Minthara joins the party, her auto-enablement of the tadpole system causes the narrative to treat the main character who never consumed any tadpoles as if they did.
Minthara does not have any variation to her greetings. Her one and only greeting is her eternally spammed "You wish to consult me?" line.
If Minthara dies as an active party member, all companions including the player will still be triggering their ACT I rude remarks towards her corpse.
When Minthara officially becomes a love interest, she does not have any romance scene nor a morning talk afterwards despite clearly implying the night is supposed to be romantically private and sexual.
As a love interest Minthara does not have any romantic greetings, only ever uses her single "You wish to consult me?" neutral line.
As a love interest Minthara is missing her relationship dialogue branch, because of which she can't be asked how she feels nor can the player break up with her.
Minthara's unique Dark Urge dialogue branch becomes unavailable due to a bug with Sceleritas Fel's camp scene in ACT II where he approaches the Dark Urge about killing Isobel.
When Minthara doesn't have her armor, handwear or footwear slots equipped, her body mesh will be missing parts of the mesh related to those slots in the leveling menu.
Minthara does not have her laughing voice line when using the [Sentient Amulet].
Minthara does not have her camp decoration at the Elfsong Tavern in ACT III.
Originally Posted by Capricorny
Hey Crimsomrider, you should post all of this great info on the feedback section for BG3 on Discord. They fix a lot of bugs from the posts over there so you should share all of this! I don't think Larian really looks at this forum because of how buggy it is, you know?
Isn't it enough that Crimson does this work voluntarily... Why can't Larian stop half-hearted, not very prospective, not very holistic fixes instead... Characters like Minthara don't just have to be reworked in one place, but comprehensively. You don't even need Alaundo for a prophecy of this. That fact one should pay even less attention to their own official forum, where bug reports are "documented", than they already do says a lot.
@Larian - Thank you for continued support and fixes.
Very much appreciate the Trade UI fixes, it feels a lot better.
Very much appreciate advancements in Minthara's story line, obviously there is more work to do, as previous posters have pointed out already.
? .. Will there be a DLC to expand the game further .. ?
I mean D&D5e supports level 20. But BG3 only supports level 12. We get to Act 3, and after all the little bits of Act 3, Mol, Guild, Gondians, Iron Gnomes, Gortash .. etcetara .. We get to the stage of committting of going against the Brain, and it feels a bit like we want more before the end. Could we have a DLC which .. I dont know, maybe expands on being able to have more random battles out in the country, to take us up to level 20, before we get to the Netherbrain stage?. I know this will need a major rework of the storyline to balance against boss battles, but currently it feels like the whole story cuts off way too fast. Maybe we need some more country/towns/underworld and random encounters (like Neverwinter Nights) to expand more on the character development taking us up to level 20 before the ultimate battle of the game.
Right now I am into the battles with the Githyanky Comet as a Ghaik, but I feeel like I have been short changed in the build up to the conclusion. Even though I have not completed my third playthrough, I am already looking forward to my next playthrough and building my characters again, because that is the most fun part. The end just feels like a short changed cut off of the whole game, which could be so much more under D&D5e rules.
Upon hearing the Emperor bug got fixed for Minthara, I was looking forward to sharing the joy here too but then I heard she now repeats a line about Gale and Elminster. Peep my surprise when I also encountered it in my game.
There is also new dialogue added in Act 3, which completely changes how Minthara approaches her romantic relationship with Durge. No patch notes about this at all. It's supposed to be a "breakup" but there is no breakup to be had when we can still kiss her afterwards and have an epilogue with her at the end the game. The lack of care is too obvious now. Sorry Larian, thanks for the work but gotta give it to you straight. I strongly suggest testing your game or have proper QA.
Hey, I'd write a bug report but I assume this gets adressed before the report would get through:
When playing as Astarion-Origin, Minthara's line about Elminster's visit also replaces Minthara's reaction to talking about Astarion's scars with Raphael at the Gauntlet. Though apart from this I am very glad that she 'has' a line about Elminster's visit. It previously struck me as odd that Halsin, despite hanging around the camp since the tiefling party, has no input at all on this matter. You might think that he has an opinion on blasting a giant crater into the land he is trying to save.
Hey Crimsomrider, you should post all of this great info on the feedback section for BG3 on Discord. They fix a lot of bugs from the posts over there so you should share all of this! I don't think Larian really looks at this forum because of how buggy it is, you know?
I would love to spread the word everywhere, but problem is these are not just bugs but also issues, oversights and lack of attention to details that require some actual work to address and they're chronologically sorted too, so posting them in a chatroom may not help much. Plus I'm not really a Discord user, as posts get easily lost in chatrooms. At least that's what I think Discord primarily is for, last time I used it was like 5-6 years ago.
The reason why I use the forum is because for feedback purposes it allow me to properly format the posts so they're easier on the eyes and to highlight the important stuff. Plus what I posted here is just one third of the overall feedback I have about Minthara, there are two more parts to it
But thank you for looking out, I might look into Discord at some point if I become too desperate to get Larian's attention about it.
Anyone know what todays PC GOG update was about ? We had Hotfix #21 (this topic) yesterday, and after checking the public depot update today about 6 hours ago, sure enough there was another game update had gone live. Yet we do not have a new topic.
"We�re dropping a small fix on PC today, with Mac and PS5 to follow shortly, that should resolve a crash occurring for some players in crowded areas!" Latest version as of right now should be
Funny thing happening after the hotfix - when loading a savegame from the moment when I'm deciding what to do with the Big Bad, Ascended Astarion gets enthralled again. However, when I use a save before the Big Bad's HP is at 0, he gets to keep his mind.
> Fixed a bug where the game would not realise knocked-out Minthara had been defeated in Act I if you took a Long Rest between knocking her out and defeating the other goblin leaders.
This one does not work. I started my playthrough on this patch and got stuck after knocking Minthara out and long resting. Maybe it fixes the game only when you migrate the save game?
I come back to the game months later and apparently Minthara is ruined...? I'm not surprised about her bugs, but the new dialogue is so OOC. So glad I finished my Durge playthrough a long time ago...