I feel like the Dragonborn race needs an upgrade when compared to the other races.
For instance when you are a Sorcerer and you pick dragonblood you get +3 to your AC just for having a "few" scales. Maybe Dragonborn could get a +2 when unarmored or in light armor or something?
Also it would be nice to be able to choose your breath attack. Black Dragonborn are my favorite but I'd rather have like a Necrotic breath attack or even a black fire attack. Would also be nice to select weather you get a cone or line attack.
And this isn't really major but why can't Dragonborn see in the dark? Don't true Dragon's have like, True Sight or something?
And yea I know real D&D probably doesn't do any of this but the game makes changes to the ruleset anyway, mostly for the better, so I feel like a Dragonborn upgrade would be nice. Just some imo suggestions