I can't believe I have made an account to ask this but my wife wants to romance Astarion. Up to now I have been leading the convo because my character has the charisma.
Shortly after entering Act 3 , when my wife's character decided she wanted Astarion she was completely neutral with Astarion. According to the guide we have only missed out on 2 (or 3) approval points but have since then used a guide to make sure to make the correct convesation decisions and have tried not to open up too much map JIC. Astarion just became friendly with my wife's character (+25 opinion?) but it hasn't opened up any new dialogue in camp though we purposefully haven't long rested yet, only went to camp to see if there were any extra dialogue choices. He does greet her differently now though so the friendly status has definitely registered.
Chat GPT says it is possible even starting from Act 3 but I would prefer some human.
So, is it possible? Or will my wife just have to pine?
Last edited by AndySonOfBob; 28/08/24 08:28 PM.