Dear Larian team, I love you all and I perfectly understand your decision not to make a DLC for the game, so many various endings just won't allow that. But here is a suggestion: you could make a DLC not about what happened after the main plot, but about what happened before the victory.
If only you add a new location in Act 3, a few quests there, a bit of content for each companion and maybe a couple of scenes for each of them (espessially the romanced ones) - that would be enough for so many of us to be like "Shut up and take my money!". No doubt that many of the game fans would be ready to pay the full price of the game again just for a relatively small DLC. Just consider how much you're losing.
I get that many people already suggested something like that and that its not only about money and you must have solid reasons for the decision. Just please consider this opportunity. Pleeeease.
If anyone agrees please join