Joined: Jul 2024
I believe what needs to be remembered (and greatly appreciated) is we are getting this content for free. I completely understand the frustration of having to wait for more. It's hard to be patient when you're excited or looking forward to certain things... especially if you're unsure of when those things might arrive. However, arrive some will, and keep in mind that these things are being shared with us by the creators for free. By Laurien for free... and they are under no obligation to do so. Opinion of content is an 'each to their own' thing, but even if a mod isn't my cup of tea, I don't feel like it's 'rubbish'. Because someone worked very hard to create that. Then out of kindness, shared that creation with me. So, I appreciate it. Give it time and I'm sure we'll have more than we know what to do with.
Joined: Oct 2020
Going back to mods on PlayStation unless they changed it you could only have 100 mods and 1 GB for Skyrim. And mods couldn't have third party assets.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
Hey all, just wanted to take this opportunity to clarify how the process of getting mods on console works! 1. Only mods submitted to mod.io through the BG3 Toolkit can be selected for curation! (please remember to remain respectful of mod authors who either aren't able to or don't have the time to make their existing mods compatible for console) 2. There are certain aspects of a mod that are not supported on console platforms. I'll list them below, but you can also check them out in our Modding Guidelines! -> https://mod.io/g/baldursgate3/r/modding-guidelines - Mods that add/modify/remove shaders - Mods that increase the amount of nudity or violence already present in the game - Mods that fail our internal testing -Mods that interfere with Booting the game or Managing Mods - Mods that crash the game - Mods that include unsupported file formats (.exe, .dll) 3. A mod author who wants to have their mod available on console will have to select the platforms when uploading the mod (in the Files section). Once the platforms are selected, the Community Team (hi!) regularly go through these mods and sends them over for internal testing. We also keep an eye on popular mods on mod.io so we can get these requested faster. 4. Should a mod pass testing, it’ll then be prepared for release on console and Mac! This is a manual process and mods will typically go live in batches as they are tested and approved, so make sure to keep an eye out on the mod browser for new mods. These mod batches can have different testing time frames depending on the number of mods being tested and how long they take to test (If a mod doesn’t meet the guidelines or fails testing but only needs a small change to be made available for other platforms, we’ll do our best to notify the mod author so they can make any changes) We will continue to release mods regularly on console, hope this makes the process of selection and approval a bit more clear!
Joined: Oct 2021
Tks Salo Could you clarify this for me, I'm not that tech-literate. - Mods that add/modify/remove shaders What sort of things would this affect? I'm assuming it has something to do with graphics. Do you have any examples of Mods available for PC that can't be used for console because of this restriction?
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
Tks Salo Could you clarify this for me, I'm not that tech-literate. - Mods that add/modify/remove shaders What sort of things would this affect? I'm assuming it has something to do with graphics. Do you have any examples of Mods available for PC that can't be used for console because of this restriction? A shader is a computer program that will calculate the levels of light, darkness, and colour when a 3D scene is rendered, and uses those to shade or colour a model. When a mod is created through the BG3 Toolkit these appear as BSHD files. The game is already pre-packaged with a number of shaders, which mod authors are able to re-use when making mods. However the addition or modification of shaders isn't supported on consoles, so any mods that add, remove or modify shader files will be rejected. If mod authors are able to update their mods to not rely on new shaders, then we can consider them for curation and test them again! (as long as they follow the other requirements) Shaders are a big component of cosmetic mods, for example, such as face presets. This doesn't mean all of these mods in mod.io have external shaders, but that it's common for these type of mods.
Last edited by Salo; 10/10/24 11:12 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
I see we got a batch of 3 mods (lol) for the first time in about a week. So if you were really holding out for dreads for Wyl, this is your week…
The low and slow number of mods being released indicates that there isn’t much of a backlog of them being approved, and most of the available mods are either not being submitted, not well made enough to pass testing, or just straight up incompatible.
Just be happy we got the cheater ring mod.
Joined: Oct 2020
Personally I think the number of mods is rather impressive considering the patch is fairly recent. Also compared to other games with mods on console. Also considering that most console games don't have them.
Joined: Oct 2021
Tks for that explanation Salo I now understand.
Joined: Jun 2018
You can put a positive spin on it as much as you like, but it's stagnating. 89 mods, compared to 2000 on PC, that's not acceptable. I have no idea what you're getting out of putting a positive spin on it. It is and will remain a sad affair and as I predicted, nothing sensible will come of it. 89 mods, so ridiculous. 
Joined: Oct 2020
It's only ridiculous if you don't realize that most games on console don't have mods. And those that do have a lot less mods compared to the PC version.
So BG3 isn't any worse than other games on console when it comes to mods. I've said it before but if mods for a game are really important to you don't play on console.
Joined: Oct 2021
IMHO its nothing but positive lol. The list keeps growing with several new ones released today. I think Larian has done a great job, there are already a wide variety of Mods covering QOL, cheats, new classes, party size, feats, level progression enhancement, character creation options, and of course the Cheaters Ring which provides a huge amount of customization on its own. How anyone can be disappointed with Larian is beyond me. We only got console availability a couple of weeks ago.
In fact my problem is finding the time to enjoy all of the Mods I've downloaded lol.
Joined: Oct 2020
Also I haven't heard anything about the mods on PS5 but there were limitations on PS5 for Skyrim. I said it before but you had a limit of 100 mods or 1GB. I haven't heard that about BG3 because I don't play on that.
Joined: Oct 2024
The entitlement of some ppl is amazing, like Veilburner says, if you wann mods you should be in PC and not on console, consoles never gonna have the same amount of mods, for many reasons that are outside the control of the developers and modders.
Now im more happy for my decision to not bother to port any of my mods to console, nor to make new ones with console in mind.
Joined: May 2024
It's not putting a positive spin on anything its just stating the facts.
Larian has to go through each submitted mod, make sure its okay with MICROSOFT AND SONY's guidelines before they can be released. Then if it checks out, they add it with the next batch.
You are just complaining like an ungrateful child. It doesn't matter how many mods are on PC, that's completely different as Larian doesn't need to go through them one by one. If you're so jealous of PC, buy one and stop acting like it's Larians fault you choose a console.
It is acceptable as if they have 0, that's 0, obligation to add ANY mods on console. I honestly want to know why you feel like you're entitled to those 2000 mods. Do you understand the vast differences between PC and console?
How about this, buy Larian studios. Then you can boss them around and make them add all mods to console. But when consoles start breaking and a lawsuit comes from Microsoft, Sony and console players, the moneys coming out of your pocket.
I wouldn't be surprised if you started complaining that BG3 isn't on Nintendo switch.
Last edited by AD231; 16/10/24 01:02 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
It's not up to Larian to themselves whether mods are approved for console or not. You're half right, consoles (mostly Sony) have some pretty strict, clear cut rules about what is and isn't allowed. However, the process where mods are tested and approved is entirely dependent on Larian, and that process seems to be very, very slow. I'm not sure how scalable or sustainable it is either. Even approved mod updates are slow to console Example: The Cheaters Ring mod is at version 2.8.1 for PC, Console is currently using 2.6.1. The update after 2.6 came out 11 days ago, and there have been 4 more updates since then. Lets say it takes two weeks (could be longer we have no idea) we're talking literal months just to get a mod updated to where it is for PC currently. Alternatively, I had a mod commissioned (built 100% in Mod.io with console in mind) it went live to PC 4 days ago, I'll keep you updated as to how long it takes to make it to console.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ok thanks for the clarification.
Do you know if Sony has imposed the 100 mod limit or 1GB limit on Larian that they did with Bethesda?
Joined: Jun 2018
where are the translate mods of the mods? Some have been released for weeks and are apparently stuck in console test mode, well, fate if you ban too much.
Joined: Jun 2018
How long will it take until the translate mods in German come to the console? 10 days, is the mod support on vacation? 112 mods on the console and that for days, weeks... man, man, how slow
Joined: Oct 2020
I know you don't want to hear this but 112 in less than a month is impressive for mods on console.
Skyrim, for example, has less than 150 for PS5 and has many out for quite long time.
Last edited by Veilburner; 23/10/24 05:27 PM.
Joined: Jun 2018
Have you ever looked at which of the 112 mods are actually worth counting? Over 10 days ago, simple translation mods were submitted, such as cheaters ring in German. 10 days, and to this day it is not on the console. It is simply ridiculous what is going on. Simply embarrassing. But the most embarrassing thing is the community that is still cheering this rubbish up and putting a positive spin on everything. As I mentioned at the beginning, the mod support on the console has gone so badly 112 mods  112 mods and how many hair mods :-), how many pointless cosmetic mods 80? Oh man, that is cheap. 2 mods are worth mentioning, cheaters ring and enlarging the party and that's it and not even the German translation makes it, it seems, LOL. But it is all so GREAT 