Joined: Jan 2025
A few things stuck out to me.
"Enable all" button in mod menu: No feedback, I just want to say I'm pleased it's there.
Notificiations of mods being enabled: Idk a better way to say it, but I'm glad to see that little blue icon and window.
Character creation: I'm getting a LOT of dropped inputs on the appearance editing tab now, sometimes button presses aren't registering, sometimes the game doesn't register that I'm no longer pressing a button. This is with a fully charged battery, with and without mods.
Fast travel: When the screen changes from black, for a split second the camera is on one of those inaccessible NPC/item storage areas and there are three naked men standing there. Then, the camera teleports normally. I don't know what to make of this.
Photo mode: LOVE IT! The fact that there are even poses for animals is kind of insane! I do have a few suggestions that would be amazing to see implemented. 1: Let the camera pass through terrain, not just characters. 2: Enable adjusting the scale of individual characters. 3: Enable control of the angle of the sun. 4: Toggle VFX. Some VFX disappear when entering photo mode, and instantly reappear upon exiting. Ideally, we would be able to toggle every active VFX individually. 5: Control NPCs, even if only in a limited area. 6: Add negative RGB filters. You can make a mundane photo look truly surreal by inverting different combos of RGB, it would be amazing to see as a feature. 7: Leave it open to be easily modded, where new tabs could be added and current lists expanded, if that's feasible. I understand a lot of these suggestions are probably going to be more difficult than I could imagine and a big ask for sure, so even if none of these changes are possible I still love what we have available.
I'm using the xbox version on a Series X, I suspect PC users may not have the system performance I was.
Edit 1/31: The current build is significantly less stable than the live version of Patch 7. It's crashing more often, and any time there's a forced camera transition it shows unplayable areas before what it's supposed to. The input lag on the CC menu is bizarrely worse when you select tiefling.
Unrelated to Patch 8, but there's still this old glitch where in inventory menus where the game de-selects everything amd seems to forget you're using a controller, as if it's waiting for input from a mouse. I always have to fiddle around with my controls to get it working again.
Last edited by Sniffinc; 31/01/25 09:17 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Right on! Sounds fun
I guess I'll be waiting on the 'No Stress' test whenever that happens, cause I never got an email heheh. Figured I'd see a bunch of Lae'zels with mullets flooding my feeds right away, but so far all the streams I watched nobody has bothered to go to the magic mirror yet.
I did catch Lua doing some dance poses with a Starry druids and such, but only briefly.
Quick Q, did you see anything new for the in-game portraits?
I keep holding out hope that I'll finally be able to control some stuff there for the portrait visualization. Like I don't know, but right now if I want to see someone with the dominant color Red in their portrait, I have to recruit either Wyll or Karlach, since I can't make a regular Human or a Tiefling Tav/Durge with that for their portrait color. Similarly like, what if I want to make an Elf that uses red rather than green for that color?
These are the simple options I'm looking for, but it's been almost 5 years now lol.
Joined: Jan 2025
Shadow Magic sorcerer feedback: Gaining the Darkness spell at the same time as Eyes of Shadow is confusing, since the Eyes thing also casts it, but in a slightly different manner. I recommend changing some wording to make it more clear on the level up screen, also maybe put it in a separate tab like the way some spells as class features are for warlocks. Photo Mode suggestions If possible, take animations from kisses and romance scenes, and convert them for use as animated poses. Noclip mode would be lovely for photo mode. Being able to walk into the skybox would be great. Another really, REALLY cool thing would be an option of "true photo mode" accessible from camp that would allow us to do photoshoots in otherwise inaccessible locations, say through an infinitely reusable spell item that sends all players and companions to an "act 4" location full of photoshoot areas. Setting the photoshoot area in an "act 4" would mean a loading screen, yes, but would also mean not adding even more data for the game to preload and hurt performance on consoles or lower end PCs. Edit: This would also make it easier for mod creators to add photoshoot assets without hurting the game's performance. How about appearance modifiers? Like say, have your character's left foot covered in shadow curse goo, change how bruised/bloody your character looks, and or add the halo from being Blessed. Add invisible, 0 damage, 0 weight Photo Mode Dummy weapons that have no proficiency requirements and the Versatile trait. This would allow us to use poses from specific weapon types without the weapons, and even do interesting thing like equip a great weapon in our off hand. "I'm so strong I can lift this big thing with my left hand! WHO WANTS SOME?" A really convenient way to distribute them would be just to dump say 20 or 50 of them in the camp chest. This would be fairly easy to do and cause minimal unintended interactions. Modders Chests The game has issues handling large numbers of items, and dumping lots of things into the Tutorial Chest can already make the game struggle to run(and even crash on consoles). How about adding a series of Modders Chests into the inaccessible NPC areas, and add information about those chests to the modding toolkit that is really easy to find? This would simple and fast to impliment, and would "futureproof" modding for the game, to an extent. Quick Q, did you see anything new for the in-game portraits?
I keep holding out hope that I'll finally be able to control some stuff there for the portrait visualization. Like I don't know, but right now if I want to see someone with the dominant color Red in their portrait, I have to recruit either Wyll or Karlach, since I can't make a regular Human or a Tiefling Tav/Durge with that for their portrait color. Similarly like, what if I want to make an Elf that uses red rather than green for that color? I have not. It would be cool, though.
Last edited by Sniffinc; 01/02/25 06:22 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Photo mode does look like a good bit of fun! I caught it today for like almost an hour checking out those options. It looks like it has everything that would be needed for a portrait suite that actually works, except it's missing that last step to spit out a portrait that can be used in-game.
Right now all the portraits for custom PCs are very samey samey, it's because the colors and facial expressions can't be changed there. The colors available are mostly blues and grays, a couple purples and greens, but definitely missing life half the rainbow. Plus they're gated by the Character's race. But now we can do all this extra stuff with dozens of poses, switching the weapons around and the jazz hands etc. Seems like it would work really well
I can imagine 2 main uses for photo mode in-game. The first to make an individual character portrait, the second to make a party portrait.
For the party portrait it would be fun to do like one for each Act and then they play in a montage at the end or something. That would be a riot probably! hehe
Joined: Jan 2025
I have a few nits to pick.
Circle of Star druid The option to swap Starry Forms isn't always available when intended. It's not that it's on cooldown or lost in radial menus, it isn't even available to assign to a slot.
The alternative version of Guiding Bolt that consumes Starry Maps instead of spell slots appears to be either incomplete or is actually pointless as it can't be upcast and is locked at level 1, wgile the regular version(which is unlocked at the same time) does not have. Functionally, it's a bonus Guiding Bolt at low levels and a limited use cantrip at higher levels.
Arcane Archer fighter
"Battle Master, but half the arrows never work even when they hit."
The save DC on arcane arrows would be better if they all used the same ability score. At the moment, the save DC is based on the same ability it targets, so you will inevitably get some arcane arrows which are utterly pointless because they will almost always fail against almost all targets. This is the IGMISS problem all over again basically, except arcane arrows use 5 out of 6 ability scores so it's even worse!
This is in contrast to casters, which normally use only a single ability score to apply the same effects with a spell(unless it's IGMISS as a racial bonus or you multiclass to another caster class).
To put it another way:
Arcane Arrow A pits the user's Strength against the target's Strength. Arcane Arrow B pits the users Wisdom against the target's Wisdom. All of a non-multiclass wizard's spell have SSDC based on the user's Intelligence, pitted against the stat listed for the spell.
If the intent for Arcane Archer is increase build variety, that's...fine I guess? But the result of leaving it the way it currently is will be everyone thinks "what if Battle Master bad."
Joined: Jan 2025
Hexblade warlock
The various smites are wastes of a warlock spell slot, there is currently no serious reason to waste a precious spell slot on one of them over Elditch Blast or or another warlock spell.
Here's my suggestion: in addition to smites as warlock spells, add them as additional class features the usable once per Short Rest, replenished on Short Rest, and do not require spell slots. This would amount to one more use of each individual smite per short rest, and promote their use more frequently. The fact that the benefit couldn't be spammed on a single smite type would further promote the use of the less popular ones.
Currently it's like...
"Ewww, Wrathful Smite. Why the hells would anyone use that pile of imp poo?"
As an extra that doesn't use spell slots?
"Options, options...Oh! I can use Wrathful Smite without really losing anything here. YOLO!"
It would be a minor but noticeable buff.
A suggestion for Wyll
Have him learn level 4 Divine Smite(usable once per Short Rest) as a quest reward for completing the Blade of Frontiers.
This in line with how Divine Smite in BG3 comes from the will of a person(more or less) rather than a god, would also make sense for Wyll to have found an extra bit of resolve after his personal quest(either to use his evil powers for good as he has been or to prove he doesn't need evil powers to be a hero).
A suggestion for Lae'zel
Give her a bonus Superiority Die and Arcane Arrow charge at level 3, regardless of her current class or subclass. This would make her a better Fighter than anyone in the game, while not being too strong of a buff.
All the other party members have a special gameplay feature, it's weird they don't. Astarion has vampire abilities, Gale is a walking nuke, Halsin is a werebear, Jaheira has her special amulet only she benefits from, Karlach gets a few buffs, Minsc has extra HP, Minthara has Soul Branding, Shadowheart doesn't need Isobel's blessing, and the Dark Urge benefits from tapping his/her/their hetitage.
Staff of the Ram
I'm sure I'm nowhere near first to notice, but the DC for its unique ability is impossibly low and cannot be boosted by anything, so it 's basically impossible to trigger in normal gameplay.