Joined: Mar 2018
This somewhat clickbait-y title was the only way for me to avoid spoilers in the title. I’m talking about the Act III option / necessity of one character becoming an illithid, if you decide to free Orpheus. The game limits you, somewhat infamously, to either a) becoming illithid yourself, b) Orpheus transforming, c) Karlach transforming. I’ve been wondering why the latter option doesn’t exist for all companions? After all, it would have been fairly simple to craft a motivation for each of them to do so:- Karlach: motivation given in the game - Lae’zel: The lack of this option surprises me the most. Sure, becoming illithid is the last thing she in particular would ever want. But if she is truly as devoted to Orpheus now as the claims to be — as devoted as she used to be to Vlaakith — then why wouldn’t she offer of rather becoming illithid herself than allowing Orpheus to become illithid, after just having been freed? While personally, I find it narratively more satisfying for Orpheus to sacrifice himself, and Lae’zel taking his place as leader of the rebellion — as she is the one githyanki character we’ve come to care about the entire game, whereas we only really get to know Orpheus the moment we are faced with this choice. Still, Lae’zel should at least be considering it. - Wyll: Only makes sense if he renewed his pact with Mizora to save his father, but: Since it’s stated repeatedly that illithids don’t have souls, turning illithid would be a way for him to save his soul from his pact with Mizora again, wouldn’t it? - Astarion: This in turn only makes sense if he didn’t become a vampire lord. It would require an “Astarion enjoying the sunrise” scene, similar to the one that does exist for Lae’zel. He could continue to walk on the surface, stay with his new-found friends, perhaps join the Society of Brilliance like Omeluum. After all, transforming to be safe from sunlight once again is little use if he still had to hide away in the shadows, simply because the citizens of Baldur’s Gate would still consider him a monster, just a different kind now. But as the Emperor states, he’d be free to use magic to take on other appearances. In short: If turning illithid frees him from his vampire curse — after all, he’s been fairly attached to the tadpole over the course of the story, compared to everyone else — then Astarion might ultimately prefer being an illithid over being a vampire spawn. As long as you tell him he still looks pretty with tentacles, of course. - Gale: In the game, he brings up the orb as an alternative, but Orpheus isn’t content with relying on that, and therefore forces somebody else to become illithid anyway (even if it’s himself). As far as I recall, it’s stated previously that Gale undergoing ceremorphosis would automatically activate the orb… so to have a motivation for becoming illithid himself, Gale would need to discover some way in which transforming doesn’t actually activate the orb, but instead, frees him from it. Gale could also come to see this as an act of redemption to Mystra, but one that he chose himself — rather than simply complying with her command by blowing himself up. - Minthara: I’ve only recruited her now on my second playthrough, but from what I’ve gathered about her story thus far, she could propose turning illithid as a form of redemption, too — for all the crimes she committed while serving the Absolute. This of course would require her to accept responsibility for what she did back then — which, at least when you first recruit her, she does not. - Minsc: He has a tadpole, too, and after having been dead already for several decades, being stuck inside a statue, he could seek to end his heroic career with a final bang. As long as you assure him you will take care of Boo after he’s gone. - Shadowheart: I’ll admit, her turning illithid would make the least sense — and given that she leads the romance stats by a long shot, most players would probably never let her do so, either. But for her to offer it, again, she could see it as a form of penance towards her parents — whether they’re dead or still alive. In the former case, she would have to conclude that her parents sacrificing themselves so that she could live was ultimately about more than just her personal happiness — rather, so that she in turn could make a sacrifice for the city. In the latter case, with her parents still alive, it would be her penance for what she did to them while serving Shar — and she could try to make up for this by enabling them to live safely in the city from now on. Children sacrificing themselves for their parents rarely makes sense, for obvious evolutionary reasons. But one could still set up somewhat convincing circumstances for this option. Finally, if you freed Orpheus by signing the pact with Raphael to get the Orphic Hammer, turning illithid yourself should free your soul from the pact, for lack of a soul, just like it should apply in Wyll’s case with his pact with Mizora, right? For the remaining companions, turning illithid isn’t an option because they don’t have a tadpole: Neither Halsin, nor Jaheira, nor Alfira (if you’re using the “Alfira Joins the Party” Mod). I was honestly wondering how Orpheus gained access to the option of becoming illithid himself in the first place. Did the Emperor infect him? EDIT: I just realised similar questions were raised in this recent thread: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=955362#Post955362However, I think that thread was about Lae’zel’s lack of a ceremorphosis option, specifically — I wanted to go through the possible incentives for embracing ceremorphosis for all main characters. 
Last edited by Strato Incendus; 10/02/25 05:55 PM.
Joined: Jan 2025
You raise several good points, especially about Orpheus ha.
I've always headcanoned it that Karlach and Orpheus are uniquely equipped for the job in ways that the others aren't
It's a plotpoint that Karlach is so uniquely tough that she could withstand an unwilling demonic heart transplant(and presumably thrashing around violently the whole time). In scenes regarding transformations the narrator says things to the effect of muscles being replaced with synapses, so is it that large a leap in logic because she's so beefy, Karlach would have better control over herself as an illitid?
Orpheus was born with PLOT MAGIC that makes him immune to elder brain control, so he's a really, really good choice.
Admittedly, both of those ideas have flaws but that's my personal headcanon still.
Joined: Dec 2020
I think all tadpoled companions should be able to step in here. Lae'zels case was already discussed. She wants Orpheus to free her people? Then she can turn to a mindflayer herself . No way, I'll do that. While I sympathise with her situation, the githyanki people are not really my problem, I already solved enough.
But I think everyone of the companions could be motivated to do it. And being the most romanced I wouldn't take as an argument, since ultimately it comes down to player decision. But I never understood why my characters should sacrifice themselves to become a mindflayer. So in my case Orpheus will always be the one, who has to change.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
I love the idea ... But honestly i cant really imagine a scenario where Astarion would offer himself no matter what you two lived trough. O_o Quite honestly even persuating the Elder Brain to just bugger off seems like easier task. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2023
To be honest, I don't see the point of it. Orpheus' transformation is the optimal option for those who are sorry to make illithid Karlach. There is no need or motivation to become illithid yourself at all, it seems to me that this is made for those players who just want to roleplay a self-sacrificing hero themselves, well why not, great. So why torture the rest of the companions? Lae'zel may have agreed to it, but why let her down like that when you can decide her fate with a good outcome for her? I don't like the idea of some sort of “redemption” being imposed on the companions at all. Plus, pretty much every companion has moments in their storylines that could be improved upon than wasting resources on making them illithid.
Astarion is most unwilling to let the tadpole transform his body. When the player offers him an astral tadpole, he talks about how he felt when he was transformed into a vampire spawn.
“That was before I knew the cost. Before I knew it meant transforming into some grotesque beast. I remember how it hurt when I turned to a vampire. My body writhed and warped while I was utterly helpless, the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last. I - I don't want to turn into anything else. I can't do that again. I can't watch my body be taken over.” “It isn't about the pain... it's about being beholden to the tadpole's influence.” “Just don't ask me to sacrifice my body. It hasn't been mine for so long.” “What is there left to protect, if you lose your very body to the monster? I'm not going to submit to this. Don't ask me again.”
Astarion already has the most number of bad options for him in the story. And so it seems like all the cruelest things you can do to your companions have been given to Astarion. He's had enough. He's categorically lacking in good interactions. Larian, of course, is unlikely to make any changes to the companion storyline at all now, but still, it would be a pity to waste resources on making everyone illithid instead of improving their storylines in other, more important places for them.
Last edited by Marielle; 11/02/25 02:43 PM.
One life, one love - until the world falls down.
Joined: Oct 2020
So why torture the rest of the companions? So you have options? I mean ... sometimes you make some choices, wich lead to some scenarios ... Like when you be-headed Karlach in early game as a Githyanki, who would NEVER turn to Mind Flayer, but in time you find out that Vlaakith is a treacherous b**** and so you want to side with Orpheus ... What are your options then? Side with Mind Flayer and loose your rightful prince. Let your rightful prince sacrifice themselves. Or sacrifice yourself. Neither of that options is what your character would do. :-/ And sure, those are consequences for your decision bcs you killed Karlach ... but even if she is alive but is chilling in your camp, you simply cant use her. It feels odd (to me at least) that Larian allows only one companion to have this end ... Thiking about it a little futher, in perfect world they would all react differently ... Imagine that if you could as every companion ... but those who would be against it would get super high persuation/intimidation/deception check ... like 30, or even 40, but not 99 (xD) ... something only super-focused character could pass, still something a player could achieve. But then, when you would fail ... and lets be honest, most people WOULD fail that check ... they would become hostile. But then again, if we would knock them out, we would be able to turn them against their will. I mean, for hells sake, we can be evil enough so we quite literally "drown the whole world in blood of our victims" ... lets not pretend that some of our characters would shy away from such option. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2024
Well, it's not a new point from my end and has probably no chance of ever being in the game at this point, but a getting Omeluum to do the thing was what I'd hoped for, when controlling the Nether Stones failed. I played a Githyanki, so - while I still have that savegame - letting Orpheus make this sacrifice would have been out of character.
Joined: Dec 2020
Omeluum should have been an option too, I agree. He already proofed, that he has a knack for the heroic, so having him there to destroy the Netherbrain would have been really nice.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
First of all, i want to put a disclaimer that i dont really want to play a blame game ... its just a joke, okey? (or is it? >:] ) This topic made me wonder ... All Gale wanted was for Mystra to forgive him ... and if you play your cards right, he can not just get back on her good side ... but stand as a GOD by her side! All Astarion wanted was to be free from Kazador ... and if you play your cards right, he can not just get rid of him ... but take the sweetest revenge ever, and become the very thing Kazador was planning and preparing for possibly even centuries! All Shadowheart ever wanted was to serve Shar ... and if you play your cards right, she can not just finish her mission ... but become chosen one and lead her own Shar temple! All Lae'zel ever wanted was to be a good soldier for Vlaakith ... and if you play your cards right, she can not just join her army as full grown Githyanki ... but become Ascended! (Put aside what that actually means.) And finaly Wyll is ... just there i gues.  I dunno, he keeps babling about how he wants to be a hero and he is in the end ... sort of, in every ending ... dunno, i admit i never payed him enough atention to be certain. But the greatest desire Karlach had was to just live ... Basicaly humblest of those desires ... and she cannot be saved in any other way than damnation in Avernus. :-/ And she is quite litterally the only follower who can be turned into Mind Flayer, ergo become damned in entirely different way. :-/ Is it possible that someone in Larian dont really like our buffed red one-horned waifu? :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2020
First of all, i want to put a disclaimer that i dont really want to play a blame game ... its just a joke, okey? (or is it? >:] ) This topic made me wonder ... All Gale wanted was for Mystra to forgive him ... and if you play your cards right, he can not just get back on her good side ... but stand as a GOD by her side! All Astarion wanted was to be free from Kazador ... and if you play your cards right, he can not just get rid of him ... but take the sweetest revenge ever, and become the very thing Kazador was planning and preparing for possibly even centuries! All Shadowheart ever wanted was to serve Shar ... and if you play your cards right, she can not just finish her mission ... but become chosen one and lead her own Shar temple! All Lae'zel ever wanted was to be a good soldier for Vlaakith ... and if you play your cards right, she can not just join her army as full grown Githyanki ... but become Ascended! (Put aside what that actually means.) And finaly Wyll is ... just there i gues.  I dunno, he keeps babling about how he wants to be a hero and he is in the end ... sort of, in every ending ... dunno, i admit i never payed him enough atention to be certain. But the greatest desire Karlach had was to just live ... Basicaly humblest of those desires ... and she cannot be saved in any other way than damnation in Avernus. :-/ And she is quite litterally the only follower who can be turned into Mind Flayer, ergo become damned in entirely different way. :-/ Is it possible that someone in Larian dont really like our buffed red one-horned waifu? :-/ Maybe use Wyll and you know that he can become a duke or go to Avernus seeking revenge. If Karlach is alive, he will convince her to go with him and if neither of them is with Tav, they end up together,so his negative power trip would be becoming duke, similar to the other characters minus Karlach,though at least he doesn't become a Gortash 2.0..
Last edited by fylimar; 13/02/25 07:31 AM.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe i would ... If there was at least something even remotely interesting about him.  Dunno ... since his re-write he seem kinda dull. :-/ But that is not the point. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2020
Maybe i would ... If there was at least something even remotely interesting about him.  Dunno ... since his re-write he seem kinda dull. :-/ But that is not the point.  Suit yourself, he is one of my favourites.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Dec 2023
Omeluum would be great as an option, other players in the thread have already written about it, I can only join in and agree. However, in your version of the game - yes, I agree, your character is really trapped in a choice without a single good option. Each option is tragic and the choice is really hard to make. I myself can say I was lucky enough to take Karlach with me in the first playthrough, although I was very disappointed and disenchanted with the character, she was good in combat and I took her with me on bosses. I really wanted to save Orpheus and ensure Lae'zel had a bright future. But, if she's sitting in the camp, then yeah, in a game with no spoilers you wouldn't guess she could do that. I think Larian had a reason to let exactly her have that ending - Karlach wants to stay on Faerûn very badly, at any cost, she's willing to die just to avoid going back to Averno, and will only live if someone is willing to go there with her. Her quest with the engine didn't get developed further for some reason, and without the option of becoming illithid with those Tavs who have their own personal lives and don't want to go Averno with her, she would only survive at all if Wyll becomes the Blade of Averno. After becoming a Blade of Frontiers, Wyll has no desire to help her. And this way she has another option for survival. Thiking about it a little futher, in perfect world they would all react differently ... Imagine that if you could as every companion ... but those who would be against it would get super high persuation/intimidation/deception check ... like 30, or even 40, but not 99 (xD) ... something only super-focused character could pass, still something a player could achieve. But then, when you would fail ... and lets be honest, most people WOULD fail that check ... they would become hostile. But then again, if we would knock them out, we would be able to turn them against their will. I mean, for hells sake, we can be evil enough so we quite literally "drown the whole world in blood of our victims" ... lets not pretend that some of our characters would shy away from such option.  Yeah. Exactly that only “drown the whole world in blood of our victims”, but interesting evil roleplay was not brought in. So to have not “isolation” and a bunch of corpses along the way, but a separate full-fledged storyline, as it was in BG2. Even the evil DU ending was made so that I now have to give any of my evil characters some sort of motivation to reject Bhaal, just so I never end up with that. But, in general, you're right, maybe my evil character wouldn't mind playing such an “evil joke” with Wyll, manipulating the stupid ducal son with the ideas of “self-sacrifice” and “saving the world” to then laugh with Astarion at his tentacles, lamenting that his horns have disappeared (horns and tentacles together would be even more amusing).  Or with Minsc - that might be even funnier! Yes, I'm already changing my previous point of view, having imagined a Minsc-illithid, I would definitely do it with him, terribly curious how a Minsc-illithid would behave...  Well, if we think about each character in relation to the difficulty of the check and the degree of their reluctance... Lae'zel - will agree for the sake of Orpheus and for the sake of her people. The persuasion must be based on that. Wуll - yes, you can persuade/deceive him, he's pretty stupid (Mizora will confirm this) and manipulatable, and generally a dependent character (the only one in the group who can't make his own decision in his own quest). You can use his “heroism”, I wouldn't make the persuasion check very difficult. Intimidation can be harder to deal with, deception and manipulation always work better with “stupid good” alignment. Minthara can be persuaded, but not in a “form of redemption”. First of all, she had nothing to “redeem”, she was under the control of the Absolute and her life was already hard. Secondly, Minthara is intelligent, and she would never fall for such manipulation. She can be persuaded by the fact that by becoming an Illithid, she will gain immortality and power. In the finale, Minthara will make a grandmaster's gambit - she will subjugate Brain herself and become the Absolute, and it will be a separate “evil” finale with Minthara in the lead role and the collapse of all Tav/Du's hopes and plans. Although with the “redemption” persuasion could also work, but there should be a high passive Wisdom check - will Tav realize what Minthara is really up to? Same Wisdom check with Intimidation. Astarion - yes, I realize that it is possible to pressure him into doing it after all. That won't work with Ascended Astarion though, Astarion is now able to stand up for himself. He may try to convince the player to choose another victim, arguing that with his new powers, he will be a more useful ally in the coming battle. If the player insists, no amount of persuasion/intimidation/deception will work in this case, Astarion has absolutely no intention of doing so. It would be illogical and unprofitable for him to fight the player, considering the strength of the whole group and the danger of the Elder Brain, he might turn into mist and leave, and won't participate in the battle (and won't come to the party in the epilogue, he might write a letter). Unascended Astarion may be forced and surrender eventually. Persuasion and deception is unlikely, intimidation just might work, Astarion must realize he has no other way to preserve his own life. Astarion will hate Tav very much after this. After becoming an Illithid and gaining power, Astarion will do the same thing as Minthara, become an Absolute himself and enslave all the other companions, including Tav. This kind of ending with Astarion and Minthara would happen when the player wanted a “good” ending (and it would be a gorgeous sudden plot twist), when the player themselves wants to take over the Brain - there would be a battle and confrontation similar to what happens in this case with the Emperor. Gale is the big question with his sphere. I don't think it's even possible because of the sphere. And Gale has the option of self-sacrifice in the finale when he blows up the Brain and dies himself. You could consider that an alternative. Have you tried in a game as a Githyanki to persuade Gale to sacrifice himself and blow himself up in the finale? That might have solved your choice problem. Minsc - persuasion is practically guaranteed. Shouldn't be particularly difficult, Minsc is considerably dumber than Wyll. Persuasion shouldn't be difficult, Deception will be easy, but Intimidation is probably impossible. In the case of an Intimidation attempt, Minsc will attack you, most likely. Shadowheart - I don't know what string you can pull to manipulate her into agreeing to this. Maybe only Intimidation (and that's not the fact that she wouldn't prefer death). Shedowheart is a religious character, she either finds her faith in Selune or is a devout servant of Shar, and illithids are repugnant to the gods by their very existence. Those who become illithids betray their god forever, and lose any chance for postmortem in the deity's domain (the souls of illithids in DnD lore are sent to the Far Realm, the gods have no power over them, which is probably why Withers says that “illithids have no souls”, for the gods these souls don't exist at all). The character serving the deity, the cleric, is unlikely to ever agree to this blasphemy, more likely to die and go to the domain of their god.
Last edited by Marielle; 13/02/25 05:21 PM.
One life, one love - until the world falls down.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
According to the video I linked below the cut, a mind flayer option for Gale was planned, but eventually discarded (it doesn't even have voice acting, it's at 24:30 ish). It would have required him to be super eager to get that Crown, so the opposite of what you suggested. You can blow up Gale without turning anyone into a mind flayer, if you have previously accepted the special gummy worm from the Emperor and have it in your inventory when talking to Orpheus. He will accept that as insurance. Personally, I am more than content to make Orpheus bite the shrimp, big heroic prince can do the big heroic thing. Thanks. Thirdly, Gale has an option to redeem himself that does not require him to blow up, it's his orb-free human ending. Giving Mystra the Crown is a compromise that she agrees to and that comes with her forgiveness, she may or may not make him her Chosen again in this version too. It would be cool if you could ask Lae'zel why she doesn't want to volunteer though.
Last edited by Anska; 13/02/25 06:41 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Omeluum would be great as an option Nah ... Hard pass from me. I mean sure, Omeluum would be great if he would be present for making that decision ... But there are two problems with him for me: 1) "Oh wait i know a guy, he should probably be somewhere around this city ... i mean, yeah he can basicaly teleport around the world, but could we please put the apocalypse on hold for a few minutes so i can go check if he is still aviable?" 2) And this is maybe even more important question ... since we DO know now, what kind of character is the Emperor: If he would get another Illithid ally ... far more capable and fitting to his plans than us ... why would he need us still? O_o AND DONT GET ME WRONG HERE! Personaly i love dialogue trap options ... and draging Omeluum to the Emperor just to Emperor just state "you are no longer required" and we get game over ... oh that would be sweet as pure lemon. xD According to the video I linked... Video is not aviable.
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 13/02/25 07:11 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2023
1) "Oh wait i know a guy, he should probably be somewhere around this city ... i mean, yeah he can basicaly teleport around the world, but could we please put the apocalypse on hold for a few minutes so i can go check if he is still aviable?"  Accepted. 2) And this is maybe even more important question ... since we DO know now, what kind of character is the Emperor: If he would get another Illithid ally ... far more capable and fitting to his plans than us ... why would he need us still? O_o Like a team of fighters to take him to Elder Brain. He's going to use us as a battering ram. To oversimplify, the Emperor's whole plan is to get to the Elder Brain using a militant team with the leader holding a prism. One Omeluum isn't going to replace an entire SWAT team. Besides, there's nothing stopping him from combining two in one - another Illithid ally and a SWAT team, and Omeluum would be an ally for both us and the Emperor (especially since the Emperor and we're allies up to a point), so why choose and give up anything? And whose side Omeluum would take if we decided to free Orpheus is a separate question. But yes, all of this requires at least bringing Omeluum into the camp to begin with.
One life, one love - until the world falls down.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
According to the video I linked... Video is not aviable. It's just not available for remote linking. You can click and be transferred to yt (as it says) the direct link is this youtu.be/Lz9kgbMfX14?si=m_4NgKuy9l6Zay9G Edit: lol The forum is to clever and automatically converts it. ^^ You have to add the https part yourself - or click on the video in my last post to watch the un-embedded version directly at the source.
Last edited by Anska; 13/02/25 08:35 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
Wow, some very good ideas have been presented here. Here's my perspective and as always thinking a bit far into the future in the unlikely event of a sequel: Gale as a nuclear bomb seems to me to be the best solution so far. Mystra will revive him somehow. She has some practice at it herself. Jenevelle (Is she actually called by her real name again if she chooses Selûne instead of Shar?) Well, anyway, I could well imagine in a sequel that a twin sister suddenly appears and of course Jenevelle will represent Selûne and Shadowheart Shar and continue the battle of the twin goddesses as mortals, so to speak. Ascended Astarion I would have liked to have seen as another solution, and pretty much the reverse: i.e. not twisted, insane and dumbed down version of a Vampiric Illithid or vice versa.
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 19/02/25 07:57 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
Jenevelle (Is she actually called by her real name again if she chooses Selûne instead of Shar?) Quick derailing: No, she asks to still be called Shadowheart because it represents a part of her life and she doesn't want to try to forget things anymore.
Joined: Dec 2023
Gale as a nuclear bomb seems to me to be the best solution so far. Mystra will revive him somehow. She has some practice at it herself. Jenevelle (Is she actually called by her real name again if she chooses Selûne instead of Shar?) Well, anyway, I could well imagine in a sequel that a twin sister suddenly appears and of course Jenevelle will represent Selûne and Shadowheart Shar and continue the battle of the twin goddesses as mortals, so to speak. Ascended Astarion I would have liked to have seen as another solution, and pretty much the reverse: i.e. not twisted, insane and dumbed down version of a Vampiric Illithid or vice versa.Ascended Astarion will never agree to that. He can't be forced - he can just walk away, turning to mist. If the group destroys the Brain without his input, he's just as well getting rid of the tadpole, if the group dies or Tav becomes Absolute, he risks... becoming an Illithid? There is no leverage or manipulation to force the Ascended Astarion to become illithid. That would be a violation of his character. But for Astarion Origin, where the player defines the character's personality, and may want to become an Illithid, the option of him being a Vampiric Illithid would be a nice detail that would show a scrupulous regard for DnD lore, in this case, yes. But, please, don't have Astarion-illithid in the sequel. I will hate this sequel if the developers do that. But, this is no longer an Larian question, Hasbro has all the rights to the characters, and we're unlikely to see any of the old acquaintances in the next Larian game. I support the ideas with Gale and Jenevelle/Shadowheart, very interesting solution. Also Shadowheart has a strong and in a special way beautiful “evil ending” in her Origin. This new deity she's become could be a worthy character for a sequel, too.
One life, one love - until the world falls down.