I'm playing as Bernik Frozengrip, draconic bloodline sorcerer dwarf dark urge. He is very self-important and will do pretty much anything for power and money; he doesn't specifically
like killing, but has absolutely no qualms about doing so.
We had just arrived at the Sharran temple in act 2, and Balthazar failed to admire Bernik's importance, so he decided to explore some more. We'd come over the mountain pass, so this was his first visit to Grymforge. I thought we'd end up siding with Nere, because evil, and there wouldn't be that much combat. But, that's not what happened...
First thing was, those non-absolutist duergar being rude to him - the ones trying to get the Rothé to dig out a tunnel, and another two - they had to die.
Then he picked up a healing potion without anyone around (we're short of them), but was promptly called a thief. He tried to offer a bribe, but the narrator said "You're not expected to pay with your gold, you're expected to pay with your life!" and it started combat with most of the people in the main room. Once we were getting low on health, combat just ended and they all walked away; only to immediately start up again when they saw us again. After a bit more fighting, I noticed that Lae'zel was the only "fugitive from justice", so I swapped her out for a hireling and approached the gnomes, who (with a DC 5 intimidation check) told me where to find Philomeen.
So I got some explosives and freed Nere. I just loved the line
"True Soul. Was it your hand that slayed Thrinn? No, of course not. There must be a sane explanation."
And then, when he told me to kill everyone, I was left with... two enemies I hadn't already killed. A bit different from my last game where I had to keep restarting the battle against Nere because we got TPK'd all the time!
Afterwards, I was picking over the remains and noticed one of the bodies labelled as Wulbren Bongle. So now I'm wondering what's going to happen with the Ironhands. Will Philomeen be in charge? Or some other stand-in NPC? Or maybe they don't even survive? (don't tell me, I'll find out for myself)
There are two possible story bugs I'd say (although I understand you're not supposed to go this way so it's not really a bug). Minor one - people keep warning me about the shadow curse, and I can't just tell them I've got a moonlantern: I just say "I'm sure I'll be OK". More concerning, Withers is now telling me I'm too single. I have turned down Astarion and Lae'zel, and don't get along particularly well with Shadowheart. I'm hoping to get back together with Minthara, but haven't particularly started raising her approval yet. She's not with us now because she refuses to go back to act 1.
Is there any limit on when you have to start Minthara's romance arc? And is it normal that Withers chides you this way, since for any other character you're supposed to start romance in act 1? I wondered if it was a bug caused by going back an act, but it could just be that this is the first time I've spoken to Withers in a while.