I would like to report some issues XBOX-X :
I did rescue Mithara (so maybe is unique in that scenario).
I did kill goblins in Moonrise Tower (next to Ketrhic throne)
They (goblins) keep standing there like nothing happen .. but you can't speak to them

I manage to 'kidnapped' prisoners (not all ) from Moonrise Twoer into Inn.
But not using boat - that is important but via grab and teleport.
They, even standing in Inn, are oblivious about location, still talking about to be rescue

Most important is in Shar, Last Justiciar Lyrthindor (spoilers!)
I didn't speak to any Rat (ok I did spoke but never took any side)
I did convinced Yurgir to kill all his 'friends' including himself.
And then I went to kill rats.
In first attempt Lyrthindor didn't show at all until I step down to the bottom where he was just standing not interacting anyhow, even attacked was just standing
In second attempt I did attack rat before going to fight, and after killing rats, Lyrthindor did appear ... but after his speach ... he just stand

However attacked - fight back!
Still - I do enjoy and have fun - thank you:D