old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2005
spick >
What I had to do was buy lots of spell scrolls and simply use a spell scroll and rest to regain mana a whole lot and I only ran around and killed the easy things like Mole Rats, Scavengers, Boars, Blood Flies, and the easy Goblins, there are different types of Goblins and you'll know what is what when you run into them. If you run around you'll find some Bandits or Thugs on the other side of a Bridge. You can take each guy out with 3 fire scrolls each before they get to you. That is if you lured each one out one by one, not all at once. I know it is tedious, but it's what you have to do in Gothic and Gothic 2 in order to raise levels. All human and humanoid creatures are on of the hardest to fight with a weapon. Save those encounters for later when you are a higher level and have a higher mastery in weapon use.
Good Luck man Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
Joined: Apr 2003
Cheers Tsel, maybe ill keep on trying, but getting these spells??...I ain't got a bottomless pit of gold you know!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> P.S. just what am i supposed to be doing at Onar's farm, i lost the plot a bit on the way there and when Lare buggered off and left me there, i forgot just what it was i was meant to be doing!!!...Daft i know, but there you go! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2005
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> Right back at ya spick <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
I don't really know which quest you were doing at Onar's farm; because, there's quite a lot you can do there. What you could do is buy the Orc Axe from Cipher that way you'll have an Orc weapon to show to Harad. Because, killing an Orc at this stage is just plain insane! You'll never do it. Not at the level you are at now.
Hey, do this and it will help you out a whole lot. Make sure you have something like 15 to 25 skill points saved before you do it too. You'll have to do a lot of running away from things too, but it can be done; because, I did it. Curiosity usually kills the cat, but it helped me instead when I did this. I don't remember the path, but somehow find your way behind the Fire mages camp. There will be a lake behind it when the path hits the lake and goes left and right go left. You may want to swim the lake to the left to bypass the Lurkers. Just up the hill on the left you'll meet a Hunter, I forget his name, agree to help him with the Snappers. Don't worry, just hang back and let him do all of the work. By all means don't try to engage those Snappers with him or you'll die for sure. Just follow behind him, but keep a bit of distance and he'll kill them. Then you can buy some Hunter skills from him. You'll never have to worry about gold ever again after you do that.
Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
Joined: Nov 2003
Gothic Gold now available by amazon.com for 17,99$ Gothic Gold contains Gothic II + the Addon "The Night of the Raven"
Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(Aristoteles) Aber wenn man das einzelne nicht mehr beachtet, hat das ganze keinen Sinn mehr (Stone)
Joined: Nov 2005
can anyone tell me the difference between gothic 2 and the addon, what exactly change, and as far as g1 and g2, the hard part is only in chapter 1 probably, once pass that, and i mean pass that it's fairly easy, in my game of g1 i played out as an mage first, but in the end i was like a warrior/mage breed with 2hd master, bow master, and 6th circle with uriziel as weapon, it was easy as hell, and i my opinion g1 is much harder, g2 is more like a breeze, in g1 up until the last boss i was still constantly getting killed if not carefull, in g2 once reaching chap 2 nothing (i mean nothing, well maybe a gang bang of orc elites) can kill u, they can scratch but not kill u, so please tell me wahts this raven addon all about. as for the exp, in g1 i never try the warrior type(guard, mercenary, templar),cause after seeing my mage in the end, i didn't think mucah can be done, as for g2 i played as paladin, and wanna try the mage path now(because as far as melee, i think playing the mercenary will be as the same as playing paladin).
so please tell me the difference, and does it comes in english(any official site in english)
Joined: Nov 2005
spick >
What I had to do was buy lots of spell scrolls and simply use a spell scroll and rest to regain mana a whole lot and I only ran around and killed the easy things like Mole Rats, Scavengers, Boars, Blood Flies, and the easy Goblins, there are different types of Goblins and you'll know what is what when you run into them. If you run around you'll find some Bandits or Thugs on the other side of a Bridge. You can take each guy out with 3 fire scrolls each before they get to you. That is if you lured each one out one by one, not all at once. I know it is tedious, but it's what you have to do in Gothic and Gothic 2 in order to raise levels. All human and humanoid creatures are on of the hardest to fight with a weapon. Save those encounters for later when you are a higher level and have a higher mastery in weapon use.
Good Luck man Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> i must disagree a little, in g1 yeah because the fight scheme makes it harder to dodge than ur average hack and slash, sure fighting more than 1 at a time is pure suicidal, no matter what ur level, but in g2 the opposite in g2 the make mana cost like my god so much, the spell destroy undead 40mp..., while in g1 5mp...catch the drift.., not to mention the nerf on firespell (no stun, very hi mana cost 75 mp on large fireball, hell no) in my opinion in g1 being a mage at start, then a fighter after 6th circle is the best option since combat will be always be hard(not to mention spell comes at very low cost and crazy power), but in g2 being a melee is the best option, slash, dodge, slash, dodge, rinse, repeat, not to mention u have to make ur rune no buy them like in g1, and in g2 there are to many gangbang situation or the run to the fray situation where a melee is by far better at handling those kind of situation.
Joined: Nov 2005
by the way does anyone ever mention that the duplication bug from g1 is still aplicable in g2, u can be as rich as hell in chap1 by becoming harad apprentice, buy two raw steel from brian, then duplicate the damn thing in i dont know 1000 ( if u can take the tedious process) and sell the self made sword 100 each to came at 100000 gold right of the bat), the duplication bug is simple just stand in the fire works(where u process raw steel) press action and as the animation viewing the raw steel taken out and on eof ur feet pressing the burner, hit draw weapon, if u do it right ul have 2 hot steel, or an aditional raw steel and 1 hot steel or just an additional raw steel,and the same bug apply to raw meat.
be carefull if u duplicate pass 100 save often, in my machine when the raw steel hits 300 in quantity if i try to make the hero see to other direction even the slightest and my machine will crash and return to desktop, so save often.
the animation don'r have to all the way the important thing is that the raw steel is snimated to be held in fire, the foot animation can be ignored, but don't do it to fast or nothing will happen.
P.S if anyone already mention this i'm sorry, cause in the faq i read this wasn't included as possible expoit bug.
Joined: Nov 2003
Hi, dhenk and Welcome to the Forum <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" /> The duplcation Bug don`t works in G2 The different betwen G2 and NotR (Night of the Raven) is many new Quests, a big new World with very good Graphics and a lots of Quests and some new Monsters. There are a new Guild, the Pirates (you can be a Pirate too, but it is like the membershift in the thievesguild), the Watermages are back and you can now learn to prospekt for Gold. And you can pray to Beliar now. The most importend changing is the new ballancing System in NotR. It`s make the Game harder than G2. You need much more Learnpoints to increment your abilities The addon part plays in act one and two, the rest of the Game is the same like G2 but harder to play. Ok, the endboss is so easy like in G1 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Edit For buying look here, Amazon.com By the Way, you can edit a post for 48 hours, so you don`t need make three Posts in a row <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by Stone; 25/11/05 03:47 AM.
Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(Aristoteles) Aber wenn man das einzelne nicht mehr beachtet, hat das ganze keinen Sinn mehr (Stone)
Joined: Nov 2003
[Gothic 3] Gothic 3 to be distributed by Aspyr Media 01.12.2005 um 20:53 Aspyr Media, who have already published Gothic 2 Gold, recently announced that they have acquired the rights to distribute Gothic 3 in North America. Gothic 3 is planned to be released there in the first quarter of 2006. Source
Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(Aristoteles) Aber wenn man das einzelne nicht mehr beachtet, hat das ganze keinen Sinn mehr (Stone)
Joined: Oct 2004
This news was interesting from World of Gothic's site: The fanpage Jowood-News was present at the shareholder meeting of Jowood at december 19th. It was necessary to approve the cooperation with Koch Media. During this event there were different suggestions regarding the future of the Gothic serie.
They want to expand their online orientation regarding the creation of strong communities, ingame commercials and on-line selling. Concerning Gothic 4 they think about "Gothic episodes", Gothic for consoles and Gothic as an MMORPG.
It is doubtable if we should be happy about announced "features" like "Gothic episodes".
We will keep you informed and update this news when we will find out more.
Joined: Nov 2003
Piranha Bytes, the makers of the Gothic Games, will answers of Questions from the fans. Ask the developers!The questions and the answers are original in german and are translated by the mods from the JoWood Forum. I thinks there are some interesting news, and i hope that there will be coming more.
Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile(Aristoteles) Aber wenn man das einzelne nicht mehr beachtet, hat das ganze keinen Sinn mehr (Stone)
Joined: Aug 2004
I recently got Gothic 2 (no NotR) and I was wondering a few things. First, what animal "farming" skill(s) is best to pick up, if any? Is it wise to invest in a new weapon/new armor (really) early on? And have I understood it correctly that it doesn't really matter which weapon skill (I'm going melee/paladin for my first playthrough) you go for, because you'll increase both in the long run anyway?
And do you have any other general tips, starter or other?
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Nov 2004
I am playing Gothic 1 since yesterday and i like it even if the controls aren't as good as they could be. Since this thread is related to Gothic allow me to ask a question. What's best in Gothic 1? Melee, ranged or magic? Also which is the most comfortable to use, i ask this because using melee feels pretty blocky and awkward. I need something with which i will be able to finish the game without to much trouble, comfort wise and difficulty wise.
Thanks in advance.
Joined: Aug 2009
Whoops wrong location :|
Last edited by Adampops; 25/08/09 09:11 PM.