This "New Forum" is nearly 2 years old. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
So whenever someone uses the search function and stumbles over the old posts, he will find some broken links - links broken due to system and provider initiated changes.

[color:"orange"]First : the Larians changed their links [/color]

So if you see an old link like this:

Just remove/modify

[color:"orange"]Second : Kiya had to change her provider [/color]

You just need to do this: if you see an old link from Kiya with

just remove this: .via.t-online. and the link will work. (you might have to refresh your browser cache with F5)

[color:"orange"]Third : Dragon's Divinity Web Site does not exist anymore
So all the links for the great maps made by dragon are broken.

[color:"orange"]What to do about the broken links ?[/color]

If you would find an interesting topic in the Divine Divinity's help section containing broken links, you could write a small message in this topic saying that the topic needs to be updated.

Then some forum members could quote the posts with the broken links and repair these links if it is possible.
The new posts updated will appear at the end of the topic

[color:"orange"]How to find easyly Kiya's Divine Divinity Web Site ?[/color]

1- You can click on her "Signature" in one of her posts.
Or you can search like this.
First : Search in the "User List" for Kiya.
Second : Click on her "Username".
Third : Click on her "home page"

2- You can also make a search in this thread : Complete maps in Divine Divinity

Barta broken links killer