Okay, I've been working on a homework assignment, and I can't find 'der main, der neckar, die oder, or die neisse' on a map. Does anyone know if they even exist? :P
You can check here - click on "Map of Germany", then "Rivers" and point the mouse over the rivers to see the names. You'll find Main, Neckar and Oder there. Oder and Neisse are both border rivers to Poland.
Isn't there a Frankfurt am die Oder (and is it der Oder here)? Apart from the more famous Frankfurt am Main (and is THAT correct? Five years of germanclasses and I still don't know how to speak german. And btw, I blame school. They were too busy trying to motivate the not at all motivated students (meaning everyone but me and like two other pepole) to have time with me (and the other two motivated students))?
Ub, your are right. There are two big Frankfurt's: Frankfurt/Main (or Frankfurt am Main) and the other Frankfurt an der Oder (Oder is the border river to Poland).
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Hey Lews, maybe I can help you with this? Maps of Germany Look at the bottom of this document! At the caption "rivers and lakes" Good luck with your project! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />