Yes theres a cave of illusions In "Ionas" dungeon where the "Holy Sword" is. The dimonds are illusions so there's no point in trying to get them. Just grab the sword and be out of there. If you wanna know more about these "Holy Weapons", go to the underground chamber of the cursed abbey. There you'll find a book on the holy weapons and what you need to do about them (look around to find it). If you're gonna go down there be ready to fight steel skeletons and liches, if you havent cleard out the area yet. Id suggest that you dont go there until youre at levels 20 - 25. At level 20 the place'll present itself a bit challenging, but at level 25, you should get through without much trouble.
Last edited by Lan_Mandragoran; 02/12/05 02:12 AM.