Joined: May 2005
Alright, this is a look to the future. I don't have them ready yet, and I won't have them as good copies for a long while. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" /> BUT! If anyone wants to see the messier copies (I'll still clean them up a bit, so that they're enjoyable) just PM me or post here and if enough people do root for it (just a few) I'll get them up. If I wasn't so busy, I'd get my [nocando] into action on the good copies, but them's the breaks: life is a hassle at times. "But Killerzzz, what the heck are you talking about anyhow?" Ooo! Hello there. Well, I decided to make some humourous stick-man comics and I based quite a few on a good ole thread we had here at Larian forums: You know you've played Divine Divinity to muchwhen . Those are the one's I'd like to share with you all. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> This be my gift to this forum for entertaining me so much over my time here. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> So, again, if you guys want to see 'em, I'll post 'em. Just hollar. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Killerzzz P.S.: I'll eventually be making my own website for all the comics (I'm up to fifty-something episodes at this point); but thats in the long long run. P.P.S: Ooo! And if anyone has any commitions after they see my work, I'll gladly comply. I can't keep comming up with ideas on my own! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by killerzzz; 09/01/07 05:21 AM.
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Mar 2003
I'm looking forward to them! Keep us posted. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Joined: May 2005
You know what? What the heck, I'll post a teaser. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> Just so you know, its not my best work and its not about <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> . Its just a funny one that didn't require any cleaning. Cuz I got no time for cleaning. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Here ya go! If you can't read it: 1. Phil: Hey! Hey! Hey... Hi. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" /> 2. Phil: What do you call a fly that can't fly? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> 3. Tom: Dead. 4. (awkward silence)  5. Tom: Or soon to be. Phil: Well, yeah. 6. (awkward silence) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sad.gif" alt="" /> 7. Phil: That was depressing. This one features two of my characters: Phil: "Who likes bad jokes? Me!" Tom: "I'm ignorant of my own ignorance." Kill me softly plz. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Killerzzz
Last edited by killerzzz; 10/01/07 05:06 AM.
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Nov 2003
Kill me softly plz. Killerzzz Mea gets her very Favourite Warhammer < the one made out of Latex> takes Killerzzz , puts her over her knee and Bashes Killerzzz repeatedly on his derriere until he yells "Uncle" <another one of those strange english expressions>
Mea Culpa's Demesne
Note; artwork for Avatar courtesy of NWN and CEP
Old Elven Saying:
"Never say Never if you're gonna live forever!!!"
"I didn't do it, it wasn't my fault"
Joined: Nov 2003
Well, the fly could flee. A flea, however, cannot fly.
The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? ~Jeremy Bentham
Joined: May 2005
Kill me softly plz. Killerzzz Mea gets her very Favourite Warhammer < the one made out of Latex> takes Killerzzz , puts her over her knee and Bashes Killerzzz repeatedly on his derriere until he yells "Uncle" <another one of those strange english expressions> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/XmasEek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/XmasEek.gif" alt="" /> ...again? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Well, the fly could flee. A flea, however, cannot fly. But it can jump real far though. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stupid.gif" alt="" /> Well, I'll just consider these as positive reviews. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" /> The real deal will still take a while, especially considering a new problem that I've run into... you know, that whole lung thing. It put me behind in real work, so the fun work will be even further delayed. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> Oh well, I'll bring this back when its time. Killerzzz
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: May 2005
Hi guys.  I don't know if anyone remembers me (it's been years...) but I promised a while back that I would make comics based on a discussion we had a while back on this board (linked above). Well, I'm finally starting to live up to that promise! I have certain ones that I'm going to make that are dedicated to you folks here at Larian Forums and to Divine Divinity itself, as both were my inspiration for making them.  I've only completed one so far, but I'm planning on making more soon. I'll let you know when I do. For now, here's the first. I hope you enjoy and can relate, Divinity fans. "When you set up a home base on your front lawn where you leave your extra stuff, expecting that no one will steal it." See you guys again soon! I've missed all of you that I haven't seen since I left! Killerzzz
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Apr 2005
Heheh ... nice one
Joined: Mar 2003
Killerzzz... Killerzzz... Nah, rings no bells at all...  Seriously - love it, Kaz! Brings back some good memories of my various 'ammo dumps' in DD 
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old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
Three year thread resurrection FTW!!
I feel like the odd one out now. Looking at my join date and then at all of yours...I'm just going to go stand over there now.
Last edited by Demonic; 22/08/11 03:25 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
It's never like that, Demonic. More the merrier at any party, right?  Join date is just a number 
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Joined: May 2005
Thanks guys! Glad you like it so far! Three year thread resurrection FTW!! Hehe, yup! That's my style: disappear without a word for a long time and come back with something.  When I first made this thread, I thought I'd be making the comics within months. But... life did it's thang and I decided to wait until I was ready to do them right. Which is now! Speaking of which, here are two more comics.  " When you then try to get a quest from anyone you can find on the street, or you just talk to them for information. Then you wonder why they run from you, thinking your a crazy person. " "When you eat your neibour's cat, and then all the other cats in the world attack you when you come near them." And bonus ending to the above comic.I have two more Divinity-specific comics to make as soon as I have the opportunity. I actually have one more on top of that, but it probably won't be made for a long time and it's only semi-related, so that's ok. As for any after that, who knows? If I find the inspiration, I might do some.  Please enjoy. These are made for you! Killerzzz
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Mar 2003
Think it'd work better for the last one if he'd tripped over the cat then got mobbed by a hostile swarm of them. Very BD, that! Lost count of the times I clicked to move to a location only to have an animal scoot under my mouse at hyper-speed at the last instant... Love the first one, though! 
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Joined: May 2005
Hmmm... I like! Maybe I'll make a two-panel bonus bonus ending of that.  Killerzzz
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Mar 2003
Works for me! 
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Joined: May 2005
There, I made the last of them. And to think it only took my 5 months instead of a few years this time. :P To start, we have the second bonus to the Kitty comic based off of Elliot's comment.  Turned out to be more than two panels after all.  Next, the two other comics. 'When your boss gets angry at you when you let customers buy whatever they want with anything they have on them.
When you desperatly poke a pyrimid shaped stone hoping to teleport away from your angry boss. ' And a bonus image. The second one only had a script, not a sentence, so I'll just let it be a surprise. I said earlier that there was a sort-of Divinity-related comic, but looking it over, it was just silly, so it's not getting a remake.  Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoyed this. It was fun to stop back in for a little bit. See you all around! Killerzzz
Those penguins will take over the world!
Joined: Mar 2003
Awesome stuff, Kaz!  How you come up with all this, I will never know! - but I'm glad you do! 
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