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How is combat going to be in Divinity 2? Fromt he video the controlling of the character looked like it would be by using the WASD keys which I like much more than just clicking.
Is it going to be like Dark messiah or never winter nights(practically Beyond divinity)? I'm asking because I find 3d games with the NWN combat to be pretty boring.
Joined: Oct 2007
I cant stand PC RPG that you dont have the mouse pointer to control, i am just not used to it. I, personaly, like to use the mouse rather than WASD..
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Well there are games that give you the choice. Guild Wars for example allowed you to move with the mouse and with the WASD buttons. Personally I prefer the WASD buttons too. But I guess they have most of this sorted out already.
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I don't like WASD at all; I have always been playing with the arrow keys.
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I much prefer moving around with the mouse, but if moving by keys is utterly needed then, like Alrik, I prefer the arrow keys.
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Well that's all the same I guess. Technically I wouldn't like WASD either since I'm using an azerty keyboard (so zqsd for me). The point just is that we want to push a button to move and not click the mouse. But again I think they have the basic stuff like this sorted out already.
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old hand
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What about a Witcher-like system? having three different perspectives(High Isometric, Low Isometric and Over-The-Shoulder) is quite useful. People who prefer using the mouse to move around could play the game in either high or low isometric view. Others, who prefer using WASD(or the arrow keys) could use the OTS-look. I prefer the OTS look, but the isometric view comes in handy when you're fighting multiple enemies. If the game has real-time combat, IE aiming and shooting arrows, I'd prefer an Oblivion like system, where you're able to switch between 1st and 3rd person views.
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I like the witcher type system, and I preffer to press arrow wads etc to move instead of clicking.
Also on the video we saw the character jumping from a small fence or a stairs, can't remember which makes me think its going to use WASD, since it sounds awkward to having to click to move and then jump. And I got the witcher(borrowed it) are the load times still as long?
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The Witcher allows jumping with a double click. Also, the load times are vastly reduced with the new patch 
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I'd prefer an Oblivion like system, where you're able to switch between 1st and 3rd person views. That idea would be good if it was done well. Third person view in oblivion was just useless. So if you choose to implement different perspectives, work them out properly so we are not forced to use one. It has been a long time so I'm not 100% sure anymore but I thought it was impossible to aim your bow in the 3rd person view in oblivion.
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You don't have the crosshair in 3rd person, but there are a few mods out there who fix that, haven't used any of them myself, but it seems quite akward to aim with a crosshair in 3rd person, like doesn't your character block the view? I play combat in 1st person and when strolling around in towns and such, I use 3rd person view.
Wow, you can actually jump in the Witcher, didn't know that o_O, thought double clicking made you roll. I play mainly in OTS and switch to high isometric when fighting multiple enemies or when I want a good look of my surroundings.
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You don't have the crosshair in 3rd person, but there are a few mods out there who fix that, haven't used any of them myself, but it seems quite akward to aim with a crosshair in 3rd person, like doesn't your character block the view? I play combat in 1st person and when strolling around in towns and such, I use 3rd person view.
Wow, you can actually jump in the Witcher, didn't know that o_O, thought double clicking made you roll. I play mainly in OTS and switch to high isometric when fighting multiple enemies or when I want a good look of my surroundings. Well, you can't jump over people, but you can jump over low obstacles, such as wolves  It's another evade-type combat move. Geralt will jump, roll or spin depending on what works best.
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You don't have the crosshair in 3rd person, but there are a few mods out there who fix that, haven't used any of them myself, but it seems quite akward to aim with a crosshair in 3rd person, like doesn't your character block the view? I play combat in 1st person and when strolling around in towns and such, I use 3rd person view.
I know it is akward at first, but I prefer it that way now. I prefer akward over impossible. I think there was some quest where you found a bow and had to shoot a bucket or something. Even that was impossible in 3d person. And well I prefer it if a game doesn't need mods to become better. Imo the mods should be considered an extra and they should not be needed to fix flaws from the original game.
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yeah I'm curious on why there has not been a over the shoulder camera mod for Oblivion, theres a mod that improves the steering of the character in 3rd person like morrowind, but the camera is positioned on a weird way that you can't seem the opponent you're fighting very well. And the third person crossair isn't bad but you have to get a new crossair, the + one is better than the standard one.
And was there anyway to uncensor the witcher? Last I heard my version did not have gore or blood.
Joined: Mar 2003
There's no way to uncensor The Witcher AFAIK. you just have to be careful not to get the American version, which I believe is the censored one (Though I think the German is, too...).
With the enhanced version of The Witcher coming out soon, though, it may be worth hanging on to get that if you either don't have it or want to replace the censored version.
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