Joined: May 2008
Hi, I just signed up for this forum, since the screen of the new game looks amazing..and I really loved playing Divine Divinity. Which leads me to my first questions.. Will the music in the new game be similar to the music in DD? I hope so, because it was beautiful! Second: Will there be health regeneration? I remember that it wasn't in DD.. which made it quite hard.. since you always had to sleep, eat or drink potions..
Most important question: Is there, or will there be, some sort of beta of this game, so we that we can sign up and test?
Developers, I wish you lots of good luck on creating this game,
Tottel (from belgium as well ^^)
The best games are made in Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't know if the music will be similar, but the same composer for DD and BD ( Kirill Pokrovsky) will be doing the music for the next gen game. DD had health regeneration with the Survivor's Instinct passive skill, and BD had health and mana regeneration (with the rate determined by your stats). Unless DD2's combat, skill, stat and potion systems are changed dramatically, there is at least a fair chance that some form of health and/or mana regeneration will be available. Near the end of development for BD, forum members who could make it to Larian's office could arrange a time to show up and playtest the game (for a few hours, IIRC). They may or may not do something similar (or completely different) for DD2. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: May 2008
Thank you for welcoming me to the forum  So .. with 'forum members who could make their way to the studios', do you really mean.. physically meet the developers in order to participate in the beta-testing?
The best games are made in Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
The playtesting was done at Larian's offices, on their computers. Given the relatively limited time available to play compared to the length of the game, I don't think it really qualified as a beta test. They were probably more interested in feedback on the interface and play style, or wanted to do something special for DD fans, even if security or other concerns limited it to those within reasonable traveling distance.
Joined: May 2008
Omg,luckely I live in Belgium.. Even better.. half an hour with the train, and I'm at their office  I will definately have to go there! thank you for letting me know!
Last edited by Tottel; 17/05/08 09:36 PM.
The best games are made in Belgium
Joined: Dec 2006
I really hope they will do that again. 2 hours on the train for me but I would love to go there and give it a shot...
There is no spoon !
Joined: Apr 2008
An hour and a half for me. Twice. Each day! But at least I get to 'play' it (*ahem*) every day
"The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away" - Tom Waits
Joined: Dec 2006
I wish I was that lucky, are you hiring students during the summermonths by any chance  ?
There is no spoon !
Joined: Apr 2008
To be honest, I don't know. I don't handle the resource management around here.  But you can always send your resume, a cover letter, and some example art/code/story you've created. See the Larian jobs page for more info. However, this page is for fulltime job applicants, so I don't know what the requirements are for interns. Lynn might tell you more, when she reads this thread. Oh, and by the way, luck has nothing to do with it. Self-confidence, perseverance, and passion are the key-words here.
"The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away" - Tom Waits
Joined: Dec 2006
Well if I got a position at Larian I would consider myself lucky. Even if i got it with my Self-confidence, persevarence and passion.  But I know what you mean. Too bad I'm not skilled enough (Yet  ) to really be of any assistance, other than too much imagination I have little to offer.
There is no spoon !
Joined: May 2008
Same here lepel :), I'm doing some 3D modelling in my free time, but I can't really make much yet.. can't they use some people from the fan community? I wouldn't mind making (free) models.. if I fail to make it.. it didn't cost you guys a thing. I'm trying to learn as much, and as fast possible, since I don't know if I'm good enough to become a modeller-student. This means that I don't expect to be paid  not even if I make models that you guys want to use.. and last question, can I become a beta-tester in the summer holidays? :), I'm having quite a lot of work for school now, but then I will be free + my home is only half an hour away from your studios ^^
Last edited by Tottel; 19/05/08 07:56 PM.
The best games are made in Belgium
Joined: Feb 2003
Unfortunately we don't have the time and resources to give a training. When you practise enough and you really have the passion in you, you'll manage. Motivation and the will to learn are more vital for a successful career in the games industry. But we are going Of course you can go on with your questions/suggestions 