Check if you enabled Caps Lock (or Scroll Lock / Num Lock). In Divine Divinity enabling Caps Lock (or holding down the shift key) allowed you to move the screen focus away from the character (to see further or to toss stuff farther away), which resulted in the screen focus not following the character when using stairs, etc. Perhaps something similar was used in LED Wars.
Do you have the radar or a menu bar or something at the bottom of the screen?
There should be a manual.doc file on the CD (at least). I have the DVD case, 2 CD version of LED Wars bundled with Mortyr (a first person shooter), but have not gotten around to trying it yet.
· 'c': Localize your construction vehicle
· 'x': Make current selection active
· 's': Make current selection sentry
· SHIFT+'q': Quit game
· 'r': Toggle radar
· 'h': Jump to last spot where you were attacked
· 'o': Toggle options screen
· CTRL+'1'..'9': Create bookmark
· '1'..'9': Jump to bookmark
· CTRL+F1..CTRL+F10: Record current selection
· F1..F10: Jump to and select recorded selection
· SHIFT+F1..SHIFT+F10: Do not jump to but select recorded selection
· 'a': Make friends with unit side you are pointing at with your mouse
· ENTER: Send messages in multiplayer mode
If nothing else helps, you should be able to move or copy any saved game files/folders to another location, and then just delete the LED Wars folder and re-install it and the patches (the version I have has the 2 patches on the CD as a separate install).
Welcome to the forum.