Hey everyone I'm new to this forum and I'm a big fan of the Divine Divinity game, it was the game that made RPG my favourite genre. However when I read the D2:Ego Draconis press release I became most dissapointed that it wouldn't be released to the PS3, as an owner of the PS3 I have become used to that many games are becoming 360 exclusives. But when I read about the sequal to one of my all-time favorite games also would I felt that I needed to get my voice heard...
So here I am begging you Larian Studios to make a PS3 version or just convert it to the PS3.
Sorry if my spelling is bad, Best wishes from Sweden.
Welcome to the forum!

...I think that a version for PS3 is not in the plan of the developers...
but it' s only my poor opinion...
only the devs sure can give you the exact answer