Joined: May 2008
I am soo glad that the level and skill system is to widely ranged - and yey! the item/bonus system sounds like DD!! Is it possible to reload to get better stats on items like in DD? Thanks for all the dragon details - This is going to be a great gameing experience! 
Joined: Apr 2009
Joined: Apr 2009
And I like to throw in a couple of questions.
1. How many NPC's will we see in the city, Villages(I prefer crowded areas)??
2. DLC(This game is a perfect DLC material)??
3. At the beginning of the game, will we be able to create a character, if yes, how deep will the system be(Face, Upper Body, Lower Body, etc...)??
Last edited by The EvilAlex; 15/04/09 11:42 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Will there be more ... strange damage types like we've seen in  ? Something like Shadow, ethereal and bone ?
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Mar 2003
I've already found something in the FAQ I don't like.  But on the other hand you all know me already, don't you ?  Expect some rather harsh and theatralical remarks from me.  It's this: sometimes playing nice isn’t always the most profitable solution! Huh ? Being evil becomes more rewarded than being nice ? How that ? Is this a downfall towards the current fashion in gaming that "evil is so cool" ? Assuming that most players are driven by greed - biggest weapon, most cash, most amount of experience points - I do expect that the number of gamers following the "evil path" will be more than the number of "nice" players ... especially that "playing nice" is rather frowned upon as being some kind of weakness within the current fashion of "dark & gritty gaming", with playing evil = being cool ! I guess I'd have to found a club of low-end characters / players, then.  Smallest sword, smallest amount of cash, smallest amount of experienced points ... 
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Apr 2009
I have no prob with that, I like being Evil, it's rewording and cool.
Joined: May 2003
Alrik, I would hope that it would be balanced. I think it's a good thing that you might be able to still profit from making the "bad" choices, otherwise what's the point of even having choices? The standard in almost all RPG's is to give you the biggest profit and experience, etc. from making the most noble choice. Lo and behold we have other viable options now and it's the "downfall of games." No need to distort this quote to the extreme and assume your peace-loving virtuous ways will mean you fail at the game, or any game for that matter, including the "dark and gritty" games like The Witcher or Dragon Age. Plenty of people are going to roleplay and make most of the same choices they would in real life, that includes not lying and cheating and killing and screwing over NPC's that don't deserve it. I can't imagine that the Larians would punish people for taking this path. It doesn't say "playing dirty is the most profitable solution." It says sometimes playing nice isn't always the most profitable. Yes, this is more realistic and I like that. It doesn't mean the Larians are creating an amoral world where everyone knifes everyone in the back, steals their stuff and sleeps with their spouse.
Last edited by flixerflax; 22/04/09 11:46 PM.
Joined: Apr 2009
They defiantly can't go "We like Good/Evil more and that's why we will reword Good/Evil more". Fable is a great example here. The rewords need to be equal, but different, so it would fit for Evil/Good character.
Joined: Apr 2009
I just thought of another question. 1. How big is the sea(I'm asking this because I would like to fly as a Dragon over the sea).
And Ill post my previous questions here so it's easier to find them.
1. How many NPC's will we see in the city, Villages(I prefer crowded areas)??
2. DLC(This game is a perfect DLC material)??
3. At the beginning of the game, will we be able to create a character, if yes, how deep will the system be(Face, Upper Body, Lower Body, etc...)??
Joined: Apr 2008
Huh ? Being evil becomes more rewarded than being nice ? How that ?
Is this a downfall towards the current fashion in gaming that "evil is so cool" ? You shouldn't see it as just 'good vs. evil' decisions. Divinity 2 is not built up as a black-and-white game -- the choices you make during the game go a lot deeper than that. Our designers have done their very best to make each choice as valid or viable as the other, without you being able to say: "this choice is only for good characters, and this choice is only for evil characters." Besides, each choice has a different effect on the different characters in game. Take, for example, the well-known love-letter quest: if you deliver the letter without opening it, you may help the two lovers but hurt the husband at the same time. On the other hand, if you open the letter and confront the wife, you may have done the exact opposite (or even something completely different -- who knows?) And the other choices in this quest have even different outcomes, some beneficial and others not. Just remember, there is no absolute evil and no absolute good. Everybody in the game has his or her own reasons for doing what they do. All this reflects in the central theme of the game: a Dragon Slayer turning Dragon Knight. Who is good and who is evil? Finish the game, and then let me know your answer 
"The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away" - Tom Waits
Joined: Feb 2003
Finish the game, and then let me know your answer Now, that's what I call evil!
Joined: Mar 2003
Okay, I see your intentions ... I have no prob with that, I like being Evil, it's rewording and cool. But this is the style of thought I think which is catered nowadays in too many games ! Fewer games include things like diplomacy, because it is seen as "weak". Too many people believe that no-so-evil-choices are made by losers. Everyone wants to be a GTA millionaire ! I received a newsletter of Atari Germany some days ago. It read: "Be Riddick, the most brutal criminal of the Universe !" Now, I wonder, what kind of people are those who feel like wanting to play a game where they can be the most brutal of all criminals ? I cannot understand this. I think that  will be a rather unique experience, but I can't close my eyes before developments in gaming I saw/see over the last years ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Mar 2003
Fewer games include things like diplomacy, because it is seen as "weak".More likely it is just too much text, which is counted as a negative with many casual and/or illiterate gamers (and increases localization costs). Also, if diplomacy isn't one of the main focuses of the game, then adding that option is a lot of extra work and game complexity for a path that probably a relatively small minority of players are going to choose. I recently came across a reference to a freeware adventure game called Cult... Using negotiation and trade, one must resolve a situation involving barricaded cultists in a villa two kilometers away from town.
As you play, you wander around the villa, meeting some of the brainwashed cult members (and some reasonable people). You talk to them, find out what they want, and trade items with them for information. You learn a little about the social structure of the cult and even get to save some lives. Advancing from room to room, you find keys to locked doors and operate switches to remove barriers.
Joined: Mar 2003
Apart from the mind reading : Are there non-combat skills and/or spells as well ?
Is there something in the game that supports (and rewards) social interaction ? Social role-play ?
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jan 2009
Does mind reading give you hints to things you could find out through exploration, or is it the only way to get certain outcomes?
For example, the letter quest you can mind-read the wife to learn about a key hidden on the roof. Is the key there even if you don't mind read her, and the second time through the game, you can get it without mind-reading (and losing XP), or does mind-reading trigger the key to appear?
Joined: Mar 2003
At the Games Convention Lar mentioned that the key was there always and that you would be able to find it even without mindreading. You just wouldn't know what the key was for though.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Quick 5 cents from another realm: Sometimes you can find it without mindreading, other times you can't. The example with the farmer and his wife is one where you don't need to mindread to find the key, but there are situations where something just isn't there if you don't mindread.
Joined: Aug 2008
To clarify, two examples:
Farmer and his wife: Mindread tells you the location of the key. The key is always there whether you mindread or not.
Someone's password protected magic coffer: Mindreading the owner gives you the password. The password only appears as a dialog option after the mindread.
In the case of the key, we want to reward people who adventure out into the world or look in every square meter of a house to find the secrets. So you can either get the key by mindreading or you can spend time to look everywhere and get the reward that way.
In the case of the password, since a dialog has a limited set of replies when the password is asked, it would be too easy to get lucky. That's why in those cases it was decided to leave out the password until after the mindread.
Joined: Mar 2009
Hope we do get a demo, hopefully before the release? That has yet to be decided.
any news on that ? i would really like to see a demo. but not 2 days before release! a month would be a nice gap between demo and release to get some attention.
Joined: May 2004
Having a demo would, of course, imply a "finished" version of the game. They wouldn't want to put out a demo that has bugs or other issues that may detract from the experience. After all, the demo is supposed to highlight the good to get people to buy; putting out an unfinished demo (i.e. the game's not polished yet) wouldn't be a good idea.