Joined: Feb 2003
Hi there! When you create a character in  , you can choose to make your hero male or female. Which sex do you prefer and why? Many thanks  Lynn
Joined: Nov 2007
Male 'cos mmm... nothing like some eyecandy.
Joined: Mar 2003
You need a third option, there, Lynn. I honestly don't care. I'll happily play either as the mood strikes me. Unless there's an obvious advantage to one or the other, it's totally set by my mood on the day. I usually prefer male warriors and female mages, if that counts as a preference. Not sure it helps in this poll, though 
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I usually don't care but I tend to choose female since I like to kick butt too.
Joined: Feb 2009
Male, if I can choose I always play male.
Joined: Feb 2003
You need a third option, there, Lynn. True, I didn't expect that people don't care about the gender  However I am afraid I can't adapt the poll.
Joined: Nov 2007
Wait... actually, revise my post to include either "male" or "female" too. :p Should've had 2 more options: 3) I tend to enjoy playing both. 4) I could care less. Oh well, since ya can't add more, Lynn, ah well?
Last edited by Raito; 15/04/09 02:08 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
You need a third option, there, Lynn. True, I didn't expect that people don't care about the gender  However I am afraid I can't adapt the poll. Well, I expect to be a tiny minority, anyway. I doubt it'll skew your poll by much  I guess it's probably because I've played so many games where the character's gender is set at one or other that I just don't give it much significance. I no more hesitated to play Tomb Raider because Lara is female than I would hesitate to play The Witcher because Geralt is male. I finished DD with both male and female characters, if you're curious - male warrior and female mage, in fact 
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I picked male, but it's by a hair. I will probably pick male first time through DD2.
Joined: Feb 2004
i'd play both ... (2 runthroughs :))
old hand
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Joined: Jul 2005
I always play a male character first, but the second time I play the game, I try a female character.
Joined: Mar 2003
Before BD was released there was a discussion here (chat forum) about female characters in RPGs. I didn't really care if the main character was female, but given a choice I had pretty much always gone with a male warrior / paladin / etc (healers in a party would usually be female, though; one of the first RPGs I played, on the original Nintendo, had a town only female characters could enter, which contained the shop where you could buy the best armour in the game, or something like that). Anyway, for BD I went with a female hero, playing a warrior at first and then archer.
If there are no non-cosmetic differences between genders in D2:ED, then I'll have to see what models are available, but I'd lean towards a female character just to be different. I've got a few adventure games sitting on a shelf to get through, at least a few of which have female main characters, so if I finish them off before D2:ED is released, maybe I'll have to go with a male character to be different...
Joined: May 2004
I chose male but in reality I alternate equally between male and female characters, without a preference, in games that I replay.
Joined: Dec 2006
I prefer female, but I guess that's because I prefer about any kind of magic caster/ranger/stealthy character over the normal warrior. When I go trough games again and pick the warrior I usually go for a male character too.
But it also depends on what the differences between male and female are. If the males are stronger and less agile then females I'd prefer a female warrior again. And if there are other races involved, it changes my opinion too as I don't like female orcs or dwarves, but love female elves.
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old hand
Joined: Jun 2003
Either. Don't really care which. If the difference between the genders is other than just cosmetic (e.g. skills, attributes), it might influence my choice, but all things being equal I tend go with whatever character model strikes my fancy when I start the game.
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Um... new poll, maybe? 
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female... i like playing with women 
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Hehe  Um... new poll, maybe? Well, not really, the thread on its own is becoming very interesting. Next time I will try taking care of more possibilities, promised 
Joined: Aug 2003
female... i like playing with women ˛ *found memories of woman warrior in  *
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