Joined: Jun 2004
fair enough guys and girls, I didn't mean to cause a heated discussion, and so if I offended anyone, "Sorry" I enjoy this forum and the people in it, you have all been helpful with DB and Morrowind.
Joined: Nov 2007
Quest for Glory: simple combat but complex story and "greyish" characters. Awesome for its' time and it also had time-restricted quests which made it a bit more realistic as opposed to a world where you can wander around for years.
And it had a lot of player freedom. Plus, it also had puzzles which were a load of fun as they were quite practical. I also enjoyed being able to flee from a battle instead of being locked into it. My most fav. characters were Katrina, Erana, Tanya and also Tommy. QFG4 was absolutely brilliant in setting a grim and "sublimal" but believable world.
'Cos this was likely the first ever RPG series to have a huge impact on me, I started to measure many RPG games against the traits I enjoyed. I do think there were likely a few other RPG games I'd encountered before this but meh... they likely didn't interest me enough.
Fallout 1: okay, never completed this but these are my opinions. The characterisation wasn't a lot but it was well-done via dialogue and graphics and voice-acting. The battles were absolutely buggy though a load of fun. Also, I typically enjoyed that at least 1 or a number of the quests were a bit time-restricted. And the player freedom! And the turn battles were great. Plus, the "atmosphere" was very believable and everything was written and implemented with care. Oh and I loved Tandi.
Divine Divinity. I enjoyed the puzzles as very few RPG games I've encountered ever implemented them and they were fun. Plus, in DD, you could "retreat" from an area or battle whereas in many games, you're somehow forced to wade through tons of battles in an area or locked into a battle.
Besides, this was one of the few games which somehow also had an old-school "adventure game" feel as I felt like I was really experiencing an adventure as opposed to some epic but very boring game. Oh and I enjoyed the vibrant graphics 'cos I get bored by over-realistic 3d graphics easily. In fact, I felt that it employed colours to great use as opposed to very flashy or realistic colour schemes.
Ooh and the books! Somehow, I really loved them. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> And oh, the humour and dialogues too. ^_^ They didn't feel contrived but instead, natural like everyone was really going on about their own business as opposed to "acting out" a role.
Joined: Mar 2008
Ultima 7 / The Black Gate:
my first CRPG and first real computer game, and a complete winner. If you weren't exposed to the Ultima world before, this one just hit you (thinking it was the early nineties). I still replay it now and then for nostalgia's sake
Eye of the Beholder 1:
another one that, for its time, was fantastic. Addicting point-and-click fun that was still more atmospheric than some of today's 'twitch' action RPGs
Baldur's Gate 2:
another winner. I wasn't impressed by Baldur's Gate 1, maybe because I had played a lot of RPGs up to that point and it didn't offer much innovation (considering that party member interaction was flat out BROKEN in the German version). But #2 did it all right, and offers some crazy action with all those high level abilities + spells, plus it's designed very well. And it does not take away anything if you haven't finished BG before (I hadn't gotten very far in BG before because it got boring quickly)
Might and Magic 7:
easily the pinnacle of the MM series. It has all that's to love about the series, is very polished (with all patches) and has some fun innovations like the built-in card game. It may be a tie between this and MM2, just for the uber cheesiness and gigantic battles of the latter (I don't think any other MM game had as many enemies as MM2? I might be wrong because I've only played MM3-9 myself)
My favorite RPG world is probably that of Dark Sun, and I hugely enjoyed these two games just for the setting. Also, there are so many great RPGs, a lot of them from the Dos era... the Realms of Arkania games, the Magic Candle games (including Bloodstone), the Megatraveller games, GoldBox etc. or newer ones like the Fallouts, Icewind Dales, DivDiv... there are lots of 'good' RPGs but it's very rare in this genre that games are absolutely outstanding. Of course, over the last few (8?) years the MMORPG craze has taken time and resources away from the development of single player RPGs, which is a shame because MMOs don't even come near in terms of depth and gameplay. But I do hope that this market will soon be saturated enough that developers will turn toward the single player market again
Joined: Feb 2008
Did you play Might and Magic 4: Clouds of Xeen and Might and Magic 5: Darkside of Xeen? I played them, thought they were AWESOME! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> But I couldn't connect the two into "World of Xeen", did you manage to connect the two? If you did, what happens when you travel to the shrine in the clouds above Darkstone Tower? Please tell me, that was always one of my biggest RPG mysteries! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
"Oh Lord, how long will the search go on?"
Joined: Mar 2008
I played MM4 when it came out, then tried World of Xeen much later, but it already came preinstalled so I didn't have to merge them myself. I only completed MM4 though so I can't really answer much questions about MM5 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> good games though, yes. Though they basically only did what MM3 had already done before
Joined: Feb 2008
Oh. BTW, did you find the bug in MM4 that enables you to end up with an infinite supply of money, highest stats on everything except luck and all items on all characters the best possible? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> Too bad you didn't play MM5, I found it funner than MM4, because it was more of a challenge, also you get to see what happens to Sheltem. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
"Oh Lord, how long will the search go on?"
Joined: Mar 2008
no i didnt encounter that bug, I did find the cheat that gives you the Xeen Sword by myself though (by having nothing to do and playing around with the mirror, lol) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Feb 2008
So you played World of Xeen, but never went to the Darkside of Xeen? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
"Oh Lord, how long will the search go on?"
Joined: Oct 2007
+Divine divinity +Diablo II +Neverwinter Nights +Star wars , KotOr
+I come to cleanse this land+
Joined: Nov 2008
*content deleted*
Last edited by Macbeth; 14/11/08 08:06 AM.
Joined: Aug 2004
I wonder what he said...
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Oct 2003
I wonder what he said...
Übereil Just spam: a link to some webstore.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Aug 2004
I wonder what he said...
Übereil Just spam: a link to some webstore. Oh... How disappointing.  (How can you code that smilie as disagree, by the way? That's a sad face, not the kind of face associated with disagreeing.) Übereil
Last edited by Ubereil; 15/11/08 09:41 PM.
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Oct 2003
There's only so much emotion one can force into a smilie I guess.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jan 2009
I cant wait to Divinity 2 get released!
Joined: Jan 2009
Baldur's Gate 2 Neverwinter Nights 1 Gothic 2 TES 3: Morrowind Divine Divinity The Witcher (definitely the best RPG to come out since 2k2) Evil Islands (simple but great gameplay)
and for the future, I'm putting my cents on Divinity 2: Ego Draconis and Dragon Age: Origins at the moment.
It's kind of hard to still say what an RPG really is though. If System Shock is an RPG... what isn't an RPG? The Thief games are definitely more RPG-like than System Shock, but they aren't, because there isn't really much character development, and there isn't really a different path, or different role you can play. If you play a game and you have to spend it shooting (or robbing) pretty much everyone; then it's not an RPG . I consider it Action Adventure/FPS. If you want to see an Action Adventure with a great story and the best dialogue and voice-acting ever, check out Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance. They are incredible games.
Joined: Mar 2003
I usually run with: anything that allows you to develop a personality for your character and allows you to make decisions that affect the plot is an RPG. If nothing you do affects the plot in any way and you have no way of developing any kind of personality for your character, it's not an RPG. And yeah, I know there are a few that are borderline 
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Joined: Jan 2009
fallout 1+2+3 (i know 3 is different but stil love, replaying it for the third time :p) deus ex 1 morrowind
Joined: Jan 2009
wizardry 8 for its skill/lvl system
baldurs gate 1 for youth sentiment
Joined: Apr 2009
well Ive only played a few rpgs but here are some of my favorites Mass effect oblivion and Fallout 3
Haven't played any really old rpgs though like diablo or any of the divinity games im sorta new to the rpg genre.
They say because I'm a gamer i don't have a life....Well, RIGHT DOWN LEFT LEFT RIGHT UP! Now I have thirty.